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Analyses of 15 Conditions of Taliban and Detailed Reply


Jan 25, 2014
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There are 3 important issues and all 15 conditions revolve around them (1st) Drones and War on Terror (2nd) Removal of Army from FATA (3rd) The imposition of Talibani Sharia

1st: Drones & War

In fact it is the responsibility of Taliban to stop the Drones. Taliban were boasting about their bravery, and wanted to go for war with US. But when US attacked then Taliban left their women, children and citizens at the mercy of US fighter Jets and they themselves ran away and they were hiding in the mountains and came to Pakistan. But if US attacks Pakistan, then question is where Pakistani State is going to run like Taliban?

The decision of Pakistani State was absolutely correct that in present situation we should not wage a war against US. Pakistan gave this advice to Afghani Taliban to hand over Usama to US for investigations. Prophet Muhammad (saw), under unsuitable conditions also made such an agreement with the Kuffar at the place of “Hudaybiyyah”, according to which if any Muslim escapes from Mecca, then he should be returned back to them. Hadhrat Abu Jandal (a companion) was returned to Kuffar of Mecca according to this agreement.

It was not only the Musharraf Government, but also the later coming 2 governments of PPP and Nawaz Sharif who also decided that they could not wage a war against US for Taliban.

This is plain stupidity by Imran Khan to say that he will kill the US Drones by using the US given F-16. On one side Mr. Khan says that Pakistani State could not defeat small illiterate group of Taliban, then how are you going to face the US might in an open war? Mr. Khan, where will you then be hiding like Taliban were hiding in Pakistan and mountains?

Please also remember that KP government of Imran Khan is taking the biggest amount of money from foreign NGOs.

Therefore, Talibani leaders should stop using Pakistani citizens as human shields and go to Afghanistan and do Jihad against US and save Pakistani citizens from the Drones attacks. Only Taliban are responsible for the blood of innocent citizens killed during Drone attacks, and not the Pakistani State.

Pakistani State offered the running Taliban, who came to Pakistan, to register themselves and to promise that they will not use Pakistani soil for their terrorist activities. But the Jihadies denied it and they captured Pakistani soil by force, opened their terrorist camps. After that Pakistani State has no “Wilayat” and responsibility regarding these Jihadies.

Our Conditions
1) Only Taliban are themselves responsible for the arrival of US and of Drone attacks. Pakistani State didn't start this war, but Taliban started it and only they are responsible for getting rid of Drones attacks.

2) Pakistani State is not responsible for th blood money of the Talibans who have been killed in the drone attacks. Pakistani State will give the blood money to only those common (non-Taliban) citizens of Pakistan, and that blood money will be equal to that of those who have been killed by Taliban during the suicide bombings. And if relatives of one is going to get the jobs, then the relatives of those should also get the jobs who have been killed by Taliban.

3) In case of negotiations, only this concession could be given to Taliban if they stop their Fitna and lay down their weapons and promise to obey the Pakistani law, then all cases against them could be removed and they could be released from prisons.

The Condition of Removal of Army from FATA

Pak army itself not fond of staying in these areas. Pak Army was not present before the arrival of Talibani Fitna and it could go back to original positions. But matter of fact is Taliban are in no position of putting any such condition that Pak Army should be removed from any part of Pakistani soil.

Pak Army will ONLY be taken out of tribal belt when Taliban have already put down their weapons and will not make any armed gangs and will not do any arm activity. When Pakistani State believes that there is no danger has been left from Taliban, only then gradually the check posts could be removed, but Army will still stay there. Only after that, in next step it could be thought of pulling army out of that area.

Before Swat peace deal, Pak Army successfully dispersed Taliban from the area. But then our Foolish Leaders made the Swat Peace Deal and pulled whole Army out of Swat Area.

What was the result of pulling out Pak Army from Swat?

The results was this that Taliban once again re-organized and within a weak they captured whole Swat Area on gun point and established their bloody Talibani system and slaughtered the throats of innocent people in the Swat Market place. And it was not the end, but then Taliban started marching towards Bonair and Islamabad and killing many innocents there.

At the end, our foolish leaders were compelled to ask Pak Army to start full Operation against Taliban and get rid of them. So the operation started, but this time Pakistani State and Pak army had to sacrifice a lot more than before. There were 1 million IDPs this time due to that wrong decision by our politicians of pulling Army out of Swat.

Why Taliban want the removal of Pak Army? Reason is this whenever Taliban gets a chance, it starts the suicide attacks and kills all those tribesmen who are loyal to Pakistani State. The removal of Pak Army means only this that Taliban are going to slaughter all those Pakistani Tribesmen who made AMN lashkars against Taliban in order to support Pakistani State.

Therefore, in no way Pak Army could be pulled back till the time we are 100% sure that none of Talibani Fitna exists. The check posts could be removed, but Pak Army is going to stay there and if Taliban does any killings, then they could be punished at the spot.

The Issue of Imposition of Talibani bloody and Khariji Sharia
The Taliban bloody Sharia has nothing to do with Quran or Sunnah, but this is a Khariji Sharia. As compared to this Pakistani Constitution is totally based upon Quran and Sunnah.

All Pakistani courts are already ruling according to Quran and Sunnah.

Regarding interest system, then again Pakistani Constitution is totally clear that it is against Islam. Both Sharia court and Supreme court declared it Haram (illegal). Supreme court gave time to central government to gradually remove this interest based system and to introduce the Islamic Banking system. Mufti Taqi Uthmani is working with Banks from government side in order to remove interest system gradually.

Taliban supporters tell a lie that it is not Allah, but the Parliament is supreme legislator in Pakistani Constitution. This is false propaganda and according to Pakistani Constitution, Allah is the supreme authority and no parliament could make any law against Quran & Sunnah. Any such law by parliament which is against Quran and Sunnah, that could be challenged in the Sharia Court and then in the the Supreme Court.

And none of such group like Lal Masjid (red mosque) could be given authority to take weapons in their hands in the name of reforms.

And if you have any objections upon the co-education, then the path is open for them to go to the Sharia Court and Supreme Court and prove it to be anti Islam. For this Taliban need not to bomb the schools and colleges of girls. (In fact, the real face of Taliban will come in light after some time where they put an Absolute restriction upon girl's education).

And some other bad things, which are seen in the society, they are not due to the Constitution, but due to our corrupt leaders. You are free to criticize them and to put your case in front of the Muslim People of Pakistan. But what is this that you still killing 50 thousand innocent Pakistani Muslims for this?

Taliban and like minded religious parties should do Tableegh and change the minds of the Muslim people of Pakistan and make their government with the help of people and then remove all these bad things. Why is it so that Taliban get pain in their stomachs at the name of People's support, and instead of people, they want to do all the thing with the support of gun point?

And Taliban are absolutely wrong that democratic system is Kafir system. Prophet (saw) died and didn't stipulated any particular system, but left it upon the Muslims to decide the system of government according to the need of time and situation. All 4 Rashid Caliphs were elected in different ways. After that “Malookiat” (i.e. Kingship) started in name of Caliphate which was nothing different that other hereditary kingdoms in other world.

If Taliban are true that their system is Islamic and democracy is kufr, then why don't they get the Muslim people to support their claim? Taliban has full liberty to do Tableegh (i.e. preaching), tell the Muslim masses about the good thing of their system (if it has any), and make them ready to vote for their system. Reality is, Taliban are afraid of Tableegh and Taliban are also afraid of Muslim Masses.

Conclusion: Taliban's bloody Khariji system is absolutely not accepted where they want to usurp the government at gun point instead of with support of Muslim masses. There is only one way to change the system, i.e. Taliban and their supporter religious organizations show that masses of Muslim support them by getting their votes. After that they are free to change the system. This is the way already described in Pakistani Constitution.

Prophetic Traditions, which destroy Talibani Fitna completely

At the end 2 Prophet Traditions which will completely eradicate the Talibani Fitna.

Sahih Muslim Hadith

Hadith 4573 Narrated by Awf ibn Malik

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: The best of your rulers are those whom you love and who love you, who invoke God's blessings upon you and you invoke His blessings upon them. And the worst of your rulers are those whom you hate and who hate you and whom you curse and who curse you. It was asked (by those present): Shouldn't we overthrow them with the help of the sword? He said: No, as long as they establish prayer among you. If you then find anything detestable in them, you should hate their administration, but do not withdraw yourselves from their obedience.

Sahih Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Fatan:

'Abadah bin Thabit narrated that Prophet (saw) said: The person must obey the rulers in whatever he loves, and in whatever he hates, in ease and in hardship, in willingness and un-willingness except if you were to see clear disbelief (kufran bawaahan) about which you have a proof from Allaah.

The majority of Muslim people of Pakistan believe that Pakistani Constitution is totally according to Quran and Sunnah, while Talibani System is a blood thirsty Khariji system, which is closer to Kufr and against Quran and Sunnah.

May Allah save the Pakistani Nation from the “Shar” of Taliban. Amin.
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