@thesolar65 Nice one mate!!
Arnab to me is the manifestation of everything that ToI is right now as a media house. These guys can stoop to any level to get TRP ratings on the favorable side and this desperation is quite evident with content they serve (be it indiatimes.com, Timesnow or the newspaper itself). These days with 24 hr. blabbering required on news channels and content running thin, quality news is a hard thing to expect from media, but yet even by that low level, these guys take the cake.
Timesnow: One look at channel 606 (on Dishtv DTH) and you would feel being bombarded with stuff by repeated display of small footage, graphics and meaningless panel discussions. Probably gone are the days for oldtimers like us, when news used to be something to be absorbed and analyzed by the viewer.
One of the biggest principle in news business is to maintain a neutral stand that is serve the news without taking sides or forcing viewer/listener/reader to get a biased content. Unfortunately it is very hard to find a source these days that haven't taken sides or don't have affiliations with Political/business entities. I sometimes find DD news as perhaps the best source of news, atleast all they do fishy is never to criticize government.
coming back to Loudspeaker Goswami, to be honest i don't think he has much of an understanding of any of the issues (atleast the ones i have watched) that he discusses (or so they claim) on his primetime show. Inviting dozen speakers on the show only to force feed his perceived views, not allowing anyone to speak even for a reasonable short duration, isn't what is called discussion in my dictionary. But he has an audience that has taste for such shenanigans, i just ain't one of them.
But as they say every once in a while you meet your match and probably thats what happened with General Singh too. I also recall (probably 3 years back), an interview with Sachin Tendulkar. Arnab started in his typical fashion only to be met with smile or yes/no response for a while, after which Tendulkar showed he is a master of handling fast bowlers and motor mouths equally.
Arnab, as i said, isn't any better (or worse) than what Times group stands for now and the kind of news and manner it brings to its viewers. Little is going to change unless viewers mature (They often keep showing graphs in ToI indicating TimesNow is leader of Indian English News channel segment). But yes once every blue moon Arnab will get a person, who'll teach that like all other body parts, Mouth too needs a rest sometimes.
And did you guys notice who he catches for his debates? Not normal people with rational mature minds. He gets the usual shouting brigade because he thinks that the cacophony created by these feather-brains outshouting each other will get him eyeballs and TRPs.
Thats what it thrives on. & sometimes i believe that political parties send their fastest tongues and dumbest minds to the discussion (if there is one!) with Arnab. A class of nursery students has lower decibel levels than what the show produces on a quiet day.
hope journos in India don't turn into canons of journalism!!
Isn't that has already happened?