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America's outcast Muslims


Apr 2, 2008
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US election road trip: America's outcast Muslims
Once Bush backers, Muslims today are staunch Democrats. But both Obama and McCain shun them

James Ridgeway Monday November 3 2008

American Muslims have been called the "outcasts" of this presidential election. Muslims themselves have told the media that Islam is being treated as "political leprosy", a "scarlet letter", or the "kiss of death". In Pittsburgh, a city with a large Muslim population, the Guardian team heard sentiments like these when we attended a lecture by the writer and political analyst Raeed Tayeh titled Are Americans Obsessed with Islam?, followed by a panel discussion involving local community leaders and advocates.

One of the few comprehensive surveys (pdf) of Muslim voters in the United States was produced two years ago by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). While they are a diverse community, American Muslims overall tend to be young, well educated, professional, middle-class, and family-oriented, and differ in their degree of religious observance. Muslims are also somewhat more likely than Americans in general to vote regularly, fly the US flag and do volunteer work.

Most importantly for this election, CAIR's demographic research found that American Muslims were concentrated in 12 states, including the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Virginia, and Michigan, where they ran from about 3 to 7% of the population. In the survey, 42% of respondents said they were Democrats and just 17% identified themselves as Republicans, while 28% said they did not belong to a political party. This reflects a dramatic turnaround in the past decade: in 2000, George Bush won an astonishing 72% of the Muslim vote, based on some combination of his social and fiscal conservatism, perceived openness on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and deliberate outreach to the Muslim community. By 2004, with the "war on terror" and the war in Iraq under way and civil liberties in a shambles, the numbers were more than reversed, with some 90% of Muslim voters choosing Kerry.

This year, it appears that Barack Obama can count on a substantial majority of Muslim votes. To begin with, many Muslims in the United States are African American. Those who trace their roots to the Middle East, Asia, and elsewhere like Obama's record of opposition to the Iraq war and believe he can be better trusted on civil liberties and immigration issues. While some will vote for him enthusiastically, others will do so despite feeling alienated and betrayed by what they see as Obama's eagerness to escape being "branded" a Muslim (which 12% of Americans apparently still believe he is).

The accusations have been both vicious and absurd: emails and robocalls have declared that Obama attended a fundamentalist madrassah, that he will take the oath of office on the Qur'an, that he is a Manchurian candidate for a worldwide terrorist jihad. In his responses, Obama has often failed to denounce the underlying racism inherent in these attacks, and has done little to dispel the overarching sense that Islam itself is a stigma from which he must distance himself. "I'm not and never have been of the Muslim faith," he said in one interview, as if he were answering to some sort of unChristian activities committee.

Imam Mahdi Bray expressed this feeling of betrayal at the Pittsburgh forum. "No Muslim wants to be sacrificed at the alter of political expediency. I think Barack Obama has practiced that. I think that for his own candidacy that Obama has kind of thrown us under the bus."

On the other side, however, is John McCain, whose campaign, as one
Muslim writer put it, has from the start "conflated the terms 'Islamic' with 'terrorism' and 'radical extremism'." He points to the DVD distributed to tens of thousands of voters in swing states, called "Obsession: Radical Islam's War on the West," with scenes of Muslims "flying planes into buildings, bombing people, burning American flags and screaming with homicidal rage. Although the video dutifully offered a disclaimer that most Muslims are not fanatics, its horrific images and sinister music conveyed an emotional message about Muslims that was unmistakable."

Video: Alienating American Muslims | World news | guardian.co.uk
this story was hatched by a few unharnessed staffers in the mccain campaign. just another premonition of how a mccain administration would mimick bush even in its mismanagement and crisis of authority. outside of texas, americans know this election has nothing to do with religion at all, and that's why obama's been silent. the mccain campaign is the best thing to ever happen to obama's campaign.
this story was hatched by a few unharnessed staffers in the mccain campaign. just another premonition of how a mccain administration would mimick bush even in its mismanagement and crisis of authority. outside of texas, americans know this election has nothing to do with religion at all, and that's why obama's been silent. the mccain campaign is the best thing to ever happen to obama's campaign.

I disagree. About three months ago Obama was making a speach and there was a muslim girl behind him, Obama's aid removed her from the background. What do you think the purpose of Obama was then? Of course Obama apoligized to the little girl and the muslim community, but one has to be suspicous of Obama motives.
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Really ?

could you provide Video evidence to see the Woman accepting the apology sincerely and not being forced by his goons to do so. Because anyone can write and posts things on the web. Its called conspiracy. A lot of Muslim in the west are imtimidated to give politicians a good appearance even though they have negative views on Islam.

Both Macain and Obama i don't trust, my opinion.

I wonder why Obama wants more troop in Afghanistan, Iraq and want to carpet bomb a sovereign nation called Pakistan after the help it has given to the US.
Its nice to see that both Politians continie to soo Muslim as terrorist sigh
You havet come a long way even if Obama becaome president !
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Really ?

could you provide Video evidence to see the Woman accepting the apology sincerely and not being forced by his goons to do so. Because anyone can write and posts things on the web. Its called conspiracy. A lot of Muslim in the west are imtimidated to give politicians a good appearance even though they have negative views on Islam.

An Obama Surge in Republican Heartland
Roger Cohen

4 November 2008

Fazal Fazlin has an American story. Raised in Karachi, Pakistan, he came to the United States in 1969 with an engineering degree and little else. Now he lives on a five-acre estate in the waterfront mansion that once belonged to Nelson Poynter, luminary of the newspaper business.

Poynter, who died in 1978, was the owner of the St. Petersburg Times, a bastion of journalistic excellence and liberal tradition.

Liberalism was never Fazlin’s thing. For most of his rags-to-riches American life, he was a Nixon Republican.

“I felt Nixon was a great president,” Fazlin, a dapper 58, told me. “He opened relations with China, and that’s what kept inflation down. He had a really good command of the world.”

So perhaps it’s surprising to see “Obama for President” signs outside the Poynter-Fazlin mansion and l
earn that Fazlin, joining long lines 
of early-voting Florida residents, 
has already cast his ballot for the Democratic candidate after twice voting Bush.

But I’m not surprised. Lifelong Republicans turning to Obama has been one of the themes I’ve picked up in this campaign, ever since, back in January, I ran into Bryant Jones, an Idaho-raised Republican who’d volunteered for Obama in South Carolina.

For Jones, it was disenchantment with “my-way-or-the-highway politics and the same old faces.” For Fazlin, the Republican Party has “forgotten itself

That phrase resonated. This election has also been about the ideological exhaustion of a party. What was John McCain’s vice-presidential pick but a Hail Sarah pass reflecting the desperation of a Republican trying to succeed Bush?

Fazlin’s Republican Party, he told me over lunch, “was for less government and it was fiscally conservative. But look at the spending under Bush. We are trillions in debt. My grand-daughter will pay for that.”

His Republican party believed in a link between work and reward rather than a culture of flipping toxic mortgage loans to earn tens of millions of dollars a year. His Republican Party believed in transactions based on reality. “I had to jump through hoops for my first mortgage,” Fazlin said.

The party’s cultural shift also troubles him. In the party he joined, the Christian right was insignificant. He sees a link between its rise and “an attitude towards Muslims that I really don’t like. Muslim cannot mean terrorist, but some of the e-mails I get suggest Republicans don’t see the difference.”

A Muslim himself, Fazlin was pleased to hear another Republican-to-Obama convert, General Colin Powell, say: “Is there something wrong with some 7-year-old Muslim-American kid believing he or she could be president?”

American openness allowed Fazlin to make his way

He worked for Zenith in Chicago, then Control Data in Minneapolis, where he came up with “a process to change the surface energy of Teflon.” I associate Teflon with easy-to-flip eggs, but apparently I missed something, which is probably why I’m a hack and he’s rich.

Fazlin’s breakthrough was important for circuit boards of high-speed computers.

He then moved on to plasma technology, founding Advanced Plasma in St. Petersburg in 1980.

Nineteen years later, he sold the company “for a few bucks,” enough to buy the Poynter estate with its view of glittering Boca Ciega Bay. It was here that his far-flung family (from Pakistan, Canada and Australia) gathered for his birthday in June - and gave him the decisive prod into the Obama camp.

They asked: What’s happened to America? Why is it so heavy-handed? Why won’t it sit down, eyeball to eyeball, with its enemies and try to work things out? Fazlin considered those good questions.

He switched allegiance, helping to organise a fundraiser for Obama in Orlando. There, he met Obama and liked “the way he looked me in the eye, the way he wasn’t on a pedestal, but one of us.” He also liked Obama’s efficiency. They talked politics and Pakistani cuisine.

I think the Fazlin conversion is significant. Among Republicans flipping to Obama I’ve detected three core feelings: We have to do something different; we cannot be the party of fiscal irresponsibility; we cannot be the party of anger and fear and “America-first” jingoism.

There’s something more, something unspoken. Reagan’s line was, “It’s morning again in America.” Bush has been about American dusk. Republicans are hard-headed but not to the point they want hope banished 
from the national vocabulary. Enter Obama.

In Miami, I ran into Andy Gomez, an assistant professor at the University of Miami. A Cuban-American, he told me his immediate family is made up of five registered Republicans and one Democrat.

Of that heavily Republican band, five, including Gomez himself, are voting Obama.

“Cuba’s not the issue,” he said. “It’s education, health care, the economy.”

Florida’s still a toss-up, but something is shifting. There’s Obama movement.

As Fazlin swept his Mercedes up the drive, I suggested the colonnaded mansion with its cascading bougainvillea was Spanish colonial.

“I just think of it as Fazal style,” he said.

This is a great country. Hispano-Pakistani is fine. The past is prelude. Only the future counts. It looms tomorrow.

Roger Cohen is an editor-at-large for The International Herald Tribune

asinine ? :rofl::rofl::rofl: (really immature of you )
Why don't you go to all of the Iraqi children whos parents have been killed by US bombings and tell them that they are asinine for blaming America or tell all the Palestinian families whos lost their love ones due to Mossad and IDF involvement who are backed by US. I bet you do like killing others who don't correspond to you way of life or who don't look like you ? Yes I know your type going on to forums and waving the American flag on your false but dangerous believes. A real travesty for the western people and especially for the citizen of the US that have to put up such crap like this. You degrade them with such nonsense and ignorant thinking. And when they think freely to disagree with you bully them to shut up. I guess acting like Starlin once for a while keeps this American Capitalist Empire running.

Look I know with all the brain dead, brain-washed propaganda rubbish seen on NTSC US television but you have to understand is reality is reality. Whats really utterly foolish is your idea that the US can't do anything wrong or has never done so You have to take in the real facts about US of its ugly involvement around the world. Its so obvious that the western media are controlled by their state, just like every leader and country on Americas hit list control theirs ( or dictators emulate the west is more accurately put) Its reallyAmazing. Half of the time portraying Muslim as terrorist or showing Muslims apologising and agreeing what the the US is doing, killing innocent people for the sake of WAR ON TERROR on Muslim lands is just laughable. If theres any apologies, agreeing or accepting an apologies that is against Islam its been forced upon. Just to let you know.

Further more to educate you about Islam: Islam is the religion of peace and most Muslim do not abid to the hatred that is created by extremists. Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) was the best human ever lived and taught us how to be a great humanitarian which your lunatic neo-conservative people vilify him for absolutely no reason. ALso did you know that extremist are not really Muslims as the Holy Quran does state its a major sin to kill or harm innocent people whoever they are ! ANd that most extremist were created by the west to control and cause havoc around the world. Read about Israel creation of Hamas.
Islam has a great democracy system, far more superior than the US version
Why havent we seen it you say ? Well thats because your country keeps sending agents to assassinate deserved leaders or to manipulate people to stop the rise of Islam. I know considering the fact that Islam gives power to the people and not control people to get power like your democracy does.
Fundamentalist started out in your back yard with the Christians fundamentalist , evangelical Christans, far-right wingers

" Fundamentalists have a loathing of democracy when it applies equally to others. One bitter fundamentalist had this to say, "democracy is the cause of all world problems...humans are under the law of God, and thus they CANNOT do anything they want or speak anything they wish to speak...democracy ultimately started with Satan"

Christian Fundamentalism Exposed

Christian cult - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Atheists ideas did more damage to human kind than most religious extremists. Take a look at Starlin, Paul-pot, Hitler, Kim from North Korea and Chairman Mao

Muslims were the first to visit America not the Vikings or EVEN MARCO POLO

Muslims discovery in Astronomy helped NASA advancement !

And so on,

and what does you country had to offer the world ? Just destruction.
All that achievement made were stolen technology from other countries so all in all you as a citizen of the US contribute nothing but destruction.
Its SOOOOOOOOOO Great to be a Muslim. Allah-hu-akbar.

AS for the the women being barred I think they were too scared to let her to have her say. All I'm saying is there should be something on her story, her account not something cooked up by western journalist, but there is nothing so there is something to distrust AMerica's Politics and its media.

I know you can't stand people who tell the truth about America buts its call Freedom of speech baby.

So really, come down to reality before getting into illusions of AMERICA can't do wrong and Muslims abide blindly following anything that's against them. Get things into prospective mate before going on your crackpot, islamaphobe, Drama-queen camp Crusade . And lighten up :) but thanks for the belly laugh btw.
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