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America’s largest warship USS Nimitz to exercise with Indian Navy amid Chinese aggression

Vanguard One

Dec 20, 2019
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3 mins ago

US Navy’s USS Nimitz, the world’s largest warship, is likely to conduct a drill with Indian Navy’s off the coast of Andaman & Nicobar island. Nimitz is already present in the Indian ocean and came into the ocean via Malacca Strait.

The strait, a narrow stretch between Malaysia and Indonesia is a crucial global choke point from which considerable global oil flows to the rest of Asia including China.

The likely India-US drill could happen on the lines of exercise India had with the Japanese Naval forces at the end of June month. The India-Japan Naval exercise was termed “Passex” or passing exercise.

The development comes amidst India-China border standoff. Last month India and China were involved in a violent face-off after “Chinese side took a premeditated and planned action that was directly responsible for the resulting violence and casualties” according to Ministry of external affairs.

Nimitz aircraft carrier is coming from South China sea and was part of wargames along with USS Theodore Roosevelt.

3 mins ago

US Navy’s USS Nimitz, the world’s largest warship, is likely to conduct a drill with Indian Navy’s off the coast of Andaman & Nicobar island. Nimitz is already present in the Indian ocean and came into the ocean via Malacca Strait.

The strait, a narrow stretch between Malaysia and Indonesia is a crucial global choke point from which considerable global oil flows to the rest of Asia including China.

The likely India-US drill could happen on the lines of exercise India had with the Japanese Naval forces at the end of June month. The India-Japan Naval exercise was termed “Passex” or passing exercise.

The development comes amidst India-China border standoff. Last month India and China were involved in a violent face-off after “Chinese side took a premeditated and planned action that was directly responsible for the resulting violence and casualties” according to Ministry of external affairs.

Nimitz aircraft carrier is coming from South China sea and was part of wargames along with USS Theodore Roosevelt.

Wonder if we can land a Mig 29K on there, the French landed their Rafale M on a US carrier few years ago.
Wonder if we can land a Mig 29K on there, the French landed their Rafale M on a US carrier few years ago.

No, you can't, India buys cheap Russian stuff and expects to land a MIG on a US carrier? There is no integration, sorry to say this China will walk over India if there is a war.

India even lied to the world that they shot down a Pakistani F-16, maybe your illiterate and nationalistic audience will buy that shit.
War in LAC and Naval exercises near Nicrobar islands .US is constantly pushing India to Join her blockade of China .India should remember in 1971 we kept on waiting for Air craft carrier .You cant change your neighbors
Why not, US/NATO spec carrier-borne fixed wing aircraft both use arrestor cables to retrieve their planes.

Why needlessly troll when we can talk about some interesting stuff ?

America won't let India do that.

Sorry for the trolling, but I am sick of most Indian posters on here saying how great India is.

India is part of the QUAD but most of your equipment is Russian, you fighter jet can't talk to the Japanese, American or Aussie radars, etc.

Even after Russia sold the S-400, and the SU-30's and other equipment to China, India is still begging the Russians for military equipment.

Russian equipment is light years behind western equipment and if India is to be a partner to the west most of India's military equipment is useless.

Now if and I mean IF India and China go to war, the west can't help India as most of the equipment India already has is not compatible with the western stuff.

No western country will give you the access codes etc when you have Russian equipment.

As a neutral, I would much rather India over China any day, but India has massive issues and I don't see India as leading the world after the CCP Virus.

Been watching Indian news a lot lately and most Indian news channels are nationalist and liars, and keep talking about India as a power, without any understanding or knowledge.

There are a few good Indian news networks but that is only 10%, the rest have obviously been bought out by the current government, it is very obvious for anyone to see that.

So I guess India is stuck with buying Russian crap and that is unfortunate.
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War in LAC and Naval exercises near Nicrobar islands .US is constantly pushing India to Join her blockade of China .India should remember in 1971 we kept on waiting for Air craft carrier .You cant change your neighbors

In 1971 Nixon bailed out West Pakistan. East Pakistan was a lost cause. Everyone knew it.
War in LAC and Naval exercises near Nicrobar islands .US is constantly pushing India to Join her blockade of China .India should remember in 1971 we kept on waiting for Air craft carrier .You cant change your neighbors
there is no war on the LAC.

the naval exercises are an annual affair

"we kept on waiting for Air craft carrier"

"we", as in Pakistan waiting for task force 74 in the bay of Bengal ?

Stuff of legends, the Russian sub and admiral Kruglyakov back then. 8-)

India wont have to wait for Uncle Sam's carrier, we have our own. Malacca is a major choke point for virtually all their trade, waters fully controlled by hostile (or 'not friendly', at the very least) regional powers, a proper noose made of a 'string of pearls' as far at the Chinese are concerned.

The US could already do so easily, if they wanted to, and which they will in case serious hostilities break out (Indo-Chinese LAC problems or not).. choke Hormuz. The US has an overwhelming tactical, strategic, whatever you want to call it advantage on the PLA. The Chinese are already check mated, they understand better than anyone... and so are forced to bide their time.

Russia are not exactly "iron brothers" with the Chinese either after the gas deal. They'll play it smart, besides, those pipelines from the north are extremely vulnerable to attacks. That US can crush China is an indisputable fact, it won't even be a contest.. but let us all hope it never gets to that !
I don't see India as leading the world after the CCP Virus.
Neither do I

there's simply no appetite among the general populace for "world domination" or anything of the sort here.

stop watching mainstream "news" in general, not just spicy Indian ones.

and you're making a mistake clubbing all Russian equipment as "junk"

most military assets, doesn't matter where they came from, are a bitch to operate and maintain. I know tankers, and guys who worked on the harrier.. it's a mess. This is true for all forces. Russians do get a bad rap/rep for their fighters being "hangar queens" but they're very capable, once in the air and on mission. You dismiss that threat at your own peril, is all I'll say.
Even after Russia sold the S-400, and the SU-30's and other equipment to China, India is still begging the Russians for military equipment.

Russian equipment is light years behind western equipment and if India is to be a partner to the west most of India's military equipment is useless.

Conspiracy Mode On:

You can't fathom half of it!! It is actually the US who is encouraging and funding India to procure the S-400 system, so that we can jointly study it for the obvious purpose. Russia would never hesitate to supply the system to India. Same request was put forwarded to Turkey as well, but was refuted, hence the cancellation of the F-35 deal. Once India receives the system and study begins, US will supply the F-35s meant for Turkey and combined Patriot+Thaad system as well to India.. Not to mention the F-21s and F-15EXes...

Conspiracy Mode Off.
America won't let India do that.

Sorry for the trolling, but I am sick of most Indian posters on here saying how great India is.

India is part of the QUAD but most of your equipment is Russian, you fighter jet can't talk to the Japanese, American or Aussie radars, etc.

Even after Russia sold the S-400, and the SU-30's and other equipment to China, India is still begging the Russians for military equipment.

Russian equipment is light years behind western equipment and if India is to be a partner to the west most of India's military equipment is useless.

Now if and I mean IF India and China go to war, the west can't help India as most of the equipment India already has is not compatible with the western stuff.

No western country will give you the access codes etc when you have Russian equipment.

As a neutral, I would much rather India over China any day, but India has massive issues and I don't see India as leading the world after the CCP Virus.

Been watching Indian news a lot lately and most Indian news channels are nationalist and liars, and keep talking about India as a power, without any understanding or knowledge.

There are a few good Indian news networks but that is only 10%, the rest have obviously been bought out by the current government, it is very obvious for anyone to see that.

So I guess India is stuck with buying Russian crap and that is unfortunate.

1. India is still begging the Russians for military equipment.
-India is not begging, we are buying equipment.
2. Russian equipment is light years behind western equipment...
-Will request experts to shed some light on this claim.
3. Been watching Indian news...
-Please stop watching Indian news (TV). Even Indians watch them for entertainment purpose only.
there is no war on the LAC.

the naval exercises are an annual affair

"we kept on waiting for Air craft carrier"

"we", as in Pakistan waiting for task force 74 in the bay of Bengal ?

Stuff of legends, the Russian sub and admiral Kruglyakov back then. 8-)

India wont have to wait for Uncle Sam's carrier, we have our own. Malacca is a major choke point for virtually all their trade, waters fully controlled by hostile (or 'not friendly', at the very least) regional powers, a proper noose made of a 'string of pearls' as far at the Chinese are concerned.

The US could already do so easily, if they wanted to, and which they will in case serious hostilities break out (Indo-Chinese LAC problems or not).. choke Hormuz. The US has an overwhelming tactical, strategic, whatever you want to call it advantage on the PLA. The Chinese are already check mated, they understand better than anyone... and so are forced to bide their time.

Russia are not exactly "iron brothers" with the Chinese either after the gas deal. They'll play it smart, besides, those pipelines from the north are extremely vulnerable to attacks. That US can crush China is an indisputable fact, it won't even be a contest.. but let us all hope it never gets to that !
You are just like chess player who wants to move all the pieces on the board and believe that the opponent won’t make a single move. If you choke Malacca that would mean war. How long will China feel the pain? One month, one year? Probably by that time, PLA would walk in the streets in New Delhi.
You are just like chess player who wants to move all the pieces on the board and believe that the opponent won’t make a single move. If you choke Malacca that would mean war. How long will China feel the pain? One month, one year? Probably by that time, PLA would walk in the streets in New Delhi.
How ? By digging world's longest tunnel from tibet to Delhi ?
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