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America's interventions in the Indo-Pak Region.


Mar 28, 2009
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United States
United States
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@Oscar; a very sobering video to be viewed. The recent book by Bruce Reidel "Return from Armageddon" deals with this issue as well as specifically this episode of 1999. Though I've not yet read the book; I've read many papers both by Bruce Reidel as well as others.
Here is a link to a video where Bruce Reidel is being interviewed about the book:

Full Event - The United States, India and Pakistan: To the Brink and Back - YouTube

The threat of misuse of Nukes is real. One way out of that danger (though it may not be either the best or the only way) is to ensure that control over that "Red Button" remains in Civilian hands. An apt illustration of that point is Gen. MacArthur's fervent desire to use Nukes in Korea. Which was vetoed by Truman who subsequently cashiered MacArthur.
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The real culprit is US. If US were to abdicate nukes, all nuke powers will be forced to give up their respective nukes.
The real culprit is US. If US were to abdicate nukes, all nuke powers will be forced to give up their respective nukes.

The situation is too far gone for such a simplistic proposition that you have made. Even if USA gives up Nukes today; you will not find anybody following suit and doing the same. Think practically.
The situation is too far gone for such a simplistic proposition that you have made. Even if USA gives up Nukes today; you will not find anybody following suit and doing the same. Think practically.

It should be a collective decision, however US has to take the leadership role here. Everyone acknowledges that nukes are the biggest threat to human race on this planet.
It should be a collective decision, however US has to take the leadership role here. Everyone acknowledges that nukes are the biggest threat to human race on this planet.

Every Nuke on the face of this planet, regardless of ownership; is a threat to the Human Race. Without any exceptions.
Now the question is; even if the US junks all its Nukes, will all the other owners junk theirs? Or the aspiring ones give up their ambitions? All that can happen is a continuation of SALT and START type negotiations. Whose results are predictable only wrt USA and Russia. Not any of the rest. That is the reality.
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