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Americans are good people. So they do not encourage Ukrainians to attack internationally recognized Russian land.

The last supposedly Ukranian drone attack against Moscow and the previous one did only cause some material damage. But it had some symbolic significance from Ukraine side which is why they might have decided to go for it.

Now there are two options for Russia. Russia can use cruise missiles on Kyiv and also use its aviation from Belarus to strike Kyiv by improved fab 250 or fab 100 long range glide bombs from within Belarus border safe distance from Ukraine sams. Massive bombardment and civilian casualties however would postphone the negotiations option for many months later. Maybe this is what is wanted from the main supporter countries of Ukraine to prolong the war. The Ukr officials are probably now far from the border possibly in Lviv or even Poland awaiting for Russian airstrikes. Mass bombardment would also give public excuse for Ukr leadership to relocate to Lviv.

Another much better option is calling France and Germany and saying that while having all means to strike back Ukr at the right time fortunately no one was hurt this time and convince these leaders to put pressure on Ukraine to reconsider the Chinese peace initiative. If Ukraine sits on negotiations table then Russia wont escalate this time. This issue can be used as leverage to make less aligned western countries like France and Germany to push Ukraine for negotiations. If this does not work Russia can consider escalation options. In that case instead of massive bombardment of Kyiv, point long range strikes against certain targets would cause less collateral damage and higher impact although would require more preperation, intel gathering and stealth. Possibly stealth drones(S 70 or similar) and mini glide bombs can be used from within Belarus border for this type of operation.

Stealth drone can also be bought from China. In that case it should not get close to Ukraine border more than 10kms and have self destruct mode taking out its own wings when it is hit. So even if it is downed by sams inside Belarus border wreckege wont fall inside Ukraine and Chinese involvement cant be proven by Ukraine.
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The USkrainians are bold enough to try to kill Putin in Moscow. I’m surprised that the Russians haven’t managed to terminate Zelensky till now.
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