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American non Hispanic whites are racist and look down on others because

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Sep 16, 2015
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United States
United States
all science and technology achievements are made by them and they think they are God's chosen people. From ancient Greece to the present day, every physical unit is named after them.


Yeah "all" achievements are made by "whites"

all science and technology achievements are made by them and they think they are God's chosen people. From ancient Greece to the present day, every physical unit is named after them.

Mexico has 3 1950s era F-5 jets. The US has 184 F-22 jets. Is race to blames? Racists think so.
Sir God is white too!!


White gods

For the 2014 film, see White God.
White gods is the belief that ancient cultures around the world were visited by Caucasian races in ancient times, and that they were known as "White gods".

Based on 16th-century accounts of the Spanish conquistadors being "greeted as gods" by the peoples of the New World, certain modern authors have expanded the concept beyond what is historically verifiable, spreading it to the genre of pseudoarchaeological literature and fringe theorists, such as writers on ancient astronauts or Atlantis, in some instances (such as Christian Identity) even acquiring quasi-religious or racialist (white supremacist) connotations.

Most people (including Christians) living today have been misled into believing that ‘chosen race’ refers to ‘Jews’, living primarily in the modern state of Israeli, but also predominantly in America. Because of this, there is confusion, over who is who in scripture. We will attempt to clarify just who are Jews, and who is Israel.

God chose a servant race to be His servants: (Scriptures from King James Version Bible) “let the same be she that thou has appointed for thy servant Isaac;” Genesis 24:14 “And the Lord appeared unto him that same night, and said, I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham’s sake.”Genesis 26:24 “Now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass, that the Lord spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ minister saying, (2) Moses my servant is dead…” Joshua 1:1,2; “And the Lord said unto Satan, hast thou considered my servant Job…” Job 2:3; Jesus said, “If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honor.” John 12:26; And in John 10:30, Jesus said, “I and my Father are one.”

all African American Christians, take note of this bible scholar as he rightly divides the word of truth. Per the bible, Anglo-Saxons are God’s elect. This confirms what was taught VIA the Dake’s Annotated Bible.

How do you all feel, seeing that he presents these Godly truths chapter and verse, precept upon precept, line upon line?

Below, is the anointed teaching as inspired by the Holy GHOST

Are you ignorant?? there is no chosen race-there is chosen people/nation-the nation of israel.
We jews were not a race even 3000+ years ago,and we are not now.
Are you ignorant?? there is no chosen race-there is chosen people/nation-the nation of israel.
We jews were not a race even 3000+ years ago,and we are not now.

Blue eyed people created science and technology. Blue eyed people have the best psychological and mental well being because having blue eyes makes people happy and bright mentally and consequently do science and technology.

Blue eyed people created science and technology. Blue eyed people have the best psychological and mental well being because having blue eyes makes people happy and bright mentally and consequently do science and technology.

We can argue about that,but how is it connect to what i wrote
Are you ignorant?? there is no chosen race-there is chosen people/nation-the nation of israel.
We jews were not a race even 3000+ years ago,and we are not now.
Um do these white nationalist who follow Christianity know that Jesus wasnt white?

Mexico has 3 1950s era F-5 jets. The US has 184 F-22 jets. Is race to blames? Racists think so.
First you were talking about race now you are talking about countries first decide what who you wish to speak against non whites or Mexicans?
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