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American leaders are ‘fundamentally stupid’ – US Democrat


Jan 22, 2021
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In their rush to fight Russia and punish Europe, Washington elites have brought humanity to the brink of nuclear war, Geoffrey Young.

Motivated by a desire to sever Germany’s economic ties to Russia, the US’ “intellectually bankrupt” politicians have made nuclear war a realistic possibility, Kentucky gubernatorial candidate Geoffrey Young told RT on Saturday.
Young said that the electorate he has spoken to in Kentucky are “sick of” seeing their tax dollars go to Ukraine, and think that the US should cut off the supply of arms to Kiev.
In Washington, however, politicians are “separated from reality,” he said. “I think most of them are severely deluded about reality by decades of anti-Russian propaganda in our mainstream media,” he claimed, pointing to the fact that Congress is currently holding hearings on climate change, which he called “totally irrelevant..at this moment when humanity is threatened by a possible nuclear war.”
Aside from using Ukraine to fight a proxy war against Russia, Young claimed that the Biden administration’s overarching goal has been to “strengthen Washington’s hold over our European so-called allies.”

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Biden team has ‘deeply rooted hatred for Russia’ – US congressman
“The Nord Stream bombing was a part of that strategy, designed to make Germany, the largest economy in Europe, totally dependent on the US,” he explained. “For decades, Washington’s biggest nightmare has been that Germany and Russia would ally, have their economies complement each other… and make the United States irrelevant.”
American journalist Seymour Hersh recently published reports blaming the bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines on the CIA and the Norwegian navy, who he claimed acted on the instruction of President Joe Biden. Hersh said that the attack was largely intended to remove Berlin’s ability to lift sanctions on Russia and resume buying Russian gas – which is significantly cheaper than American liquefied natural gas.
These sanctions have been ineffective. According to the most recent figures from the International Monetary Fund, Russia’s economy is set to grow faster than that of the UK and Germany this year, and faster than all of the G7 nations in 2024.
Yet the West continues to prepare more sanctions on Moscow out of “incompetence,” Young told RT. “Our leaders are intellectually bankrupt. They don’t know what they can accomplish and what they can not accomplish. Fundamentally they’re stupid, and they don’t have any other ideas.”

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Biden praises Scholz for ‘diversifying away’ from Russian energy
The US and its allies should therefore “back off” before the conflict in Ukraine spreads any further, he recommended.
Young’s position on Ukraine puts him at odds with the rest of the Democratic Party, who have voted in lockstep to continue the US’ military support for Ukraine. Only a minority of Republicans in Congress have opposed this support, with 11 GOP representatives sponsoring legislation last month that would cut off the flow of weapons to Kiev.
Young is challenging incumbent Governor Steve Beshear in the Kentucky Democratic primary this May. He ran for the House of Representatives as a self-described “Peace Democrat” last November, but lost to Republican Andy Barr.

source https://www.rt.com/news/572464-washington-stupid-ukraine-democrat/
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In their rush to fight Russia and punish Europe, Washington elites have brought humanity to the brink of nuclear war, Geoffrey Young.

Motivated by a desire to sever Germany’s economic ties to Russia, the US’ “intellectually bankrupt” politicians have made nuclear war a realistic possibility, Kentucky gubernatorial candidate Geoffrey Young told RT on Saturday.
Young said that the electorate he has spoken to in Kentucky are “sick of” seeing their tax dollars go to Ukraine, and think that the US should cut off the supply of arms to Kiev.
In Washington, however, politicians are “separated from reality,” he said. “I think most of them are severely deluded about reality by decades of anti-Russian propaganda in our mainstream media,” he claimed, pointing to the fact that Congress is currently holding hearings on climate change, which he called “totally irrelevant..at this moment when humanity is threatened by a possible nuclear war.”
Aside from using Ukraine to fight a proxy war against Russia, Young claimed that the Biden administration’s overarching goal has been to “strengthen Washington’s hold over our European so-called allies.”

Read more
Biden team has ‘deeply rooted hatred for Russia’ – US congressman
“The Nord Stream bombing was a part of that strategy, designed to make Germany, the largest economy in Europe, totally dependent on the US,” he explained. “For decades, Washington’s biggest nightmare has been that Germany and Russia would ally, have their economies complement each other… and make the United States irrelevant.”
American journalist Seymour Hersh recently published reports blaming the bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines on the CIA and the Norwegian navy, who he claimed acted on the instruction of President Joe Biden. Hersh said that the attack was largely intended to remove Berlin’s ability to lift sanctions on Russia and resume buying Russian gas – which is significantly cheaper than American liquefied natural gas.
These sanctions have been ineffective. According to the most recent figures from the International Monetary Fund, Russia’s economy is set to grow faster than that of the UK and Germany this year, and faster than all of the G7 nations in 2024.
Yet the West continues to prepare more sanctions on Moscow out of “incompetence,” Young told RT. “Our leaders are intellectually bankrupt. They don’t know what they can accomplish and what they can not accomplish. Fundamentally they’re stupid, and they don’t have any other ideas.”

Read more
Biden praises Scholz for ‘diversifying away’ from Russian energy
The US and its allies should therefore “back off” before the conflict in Ukraine spreads any further, he recommended.
Young’s position on Ukraine puts him at odds with the rest of the Democratic Party, who have voted in lockstep to continue the US’ military support for Ukraine. Only a minority of Republicans in Congress have opposed this support, with 11 GOP representatives sponsoring legislation last month that would cut off the flow of weapons to Kiev.
Young is challenging incumbent Governor Steve Beshear in the Kentucky Democratic primary this May. He ran for the House of Representatives as a self-described “Peace Democrat” last November, but lost to Republican Andy Barr.

source https://www.rt.com/news/572464-washington-stupid-ukraine-democrat/
Dangerous to be America’s enemy, fatal to be America’s ally.

Sacrificing Ukrainian pawns to destabilize Russia and break relations between Europe and Russia is one of the peaks of the cruelty of the ruling class in London and Washington and their puppets in Berlin.

A complete disregard for human life.


20-30 million lives it cost to reach Berlin and defeat Adolf's madness. And the troops withdrew to allow the reunification of Germany.

And in return London and Washington:

(1) invite Georgia and Ukraine (and of the three Ukrainias we are talking about the Bolshevik-Ukraine-1954) to join NATO, which is a declaration of war against Russia.

(2) They overthrow a government and place their man in Kiev. Just as they put their man (Pinochet) in Chile after killing General Schneider, so they put their man in Kiev.

(3) They encourage, arm and finance a kamikaze regime formed by an alliance between a television production company, a bunch of oligarchs and the nostalgics of the 14th Waffen SS.

(4) The Kiev regime is engaged in killing Ukrainians

(5) Washington installs missile launch systems in Poland and Romania while telling the Russians: -We assure you that the Kiev regime will not allow us to install launch systems in Ukraine.

The bloody imperial Comedy. A complete disregard for the life of the plebs.
We have reached the final contradiction:

a Ukrainian has permission from London, Washington and Berlin to be an enthusiast of the 14th Waffen SS, and a German is not even allowed to care about his country.
Sacrificing Ukrainian pawns to destabilize Russia and break relations between Europe and Russia is one of the peaks of the cruelty of the ruling class in London and Washington and their puppets in Berlin.

A complete disregard for human life.

Did Ukraine attack Russia? Or did Russia attack Ukraine?

If there is any disregard for life here, it is clearly is being shown by the belligerent country: Russia.
Tell me, if you would be so kind, which part of the Ukrainian Gambit (sacrificing Ukraine to destabilize Russia) you do not understand:

20-30 million lives it cost to reach Berlin and defeat Adolf's madness. And the troops withdrew to allow the reunification of Germany.

And in return London and Washington:

(1) invite Georgia and Ukraine (and of the three Ukrainias we are talking about the Bolshevik-Ukraine-1954) to join NATO, which is a declaration of war against Russia.

(2) They overthrow a government and place their man in Kiev. Just as they put their man (Pinochet) in Chile after killing General Schneider, so they put their man in Kiev.

(3) They encourage, arm and finance a kamikaze regime formed by an alliance between a television production company, a bunch of oligarchs and the nostalgics of the 14th Waffen SS.

(4) The Kiev regime is engaged in killing Ukrainians

(5) Washington installs missile launch systems in Poland and Romania while telling the Russians: -We assure you that the Kiev regime will not allow us to install launch systems in Ukraine.
Tell me, if you would be so kind, which part of the Ukrainian Gambit (sacrificing Ukraine to destabilize Russia) you do not understand

Tell me, if you would be so kind, why did Russia fall into such a trap if it exists? The simple truth is because it attacked Ukraine as an act of naked aggression, not because it was stupid enough to fall for a non-existent trap. What part of this do you not understand?


We know that the Russians are very very angry

and you tell me that no one knows why they are angry or that some travelers from the planet Mars have made them angry.

No, VCheng

London and Washington (with the complicit silence of the puppets in Berlin, Paris, Rome and Madrid) have not stopped adding fuel to the fire until they saw this dreadful tragedy.


We know that the Russians are very very angry

and you tell me that no one knows why they are angry or that some travelers from the planet Mars have made them angry.

No, VChen

London and Washington (with the complicit silence of the puppets in Berlin, Paris, Rome and Madrid) have not stopped adding fuel to the fire until they saw this dreadful tragedy.

Russia attacked Ukraine. Ukraine's friends are helping it defend itself, as they should. Russia will be defeated however long it takes.

"Ukraine's friends (!?) are helping it defend itself"

I've been on this beautiful and painful world for too many years to believe in children's stories.

The guy is still bitter after trying to get elected and failing. After failing 7 times in the past to get his name on a ballot he finally got it on his 8th try...but ended up losing to the incumbent Republican.


Now he's ranting to RT.
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The Question, Big question, is ... "Are stupid" (?)

The answer to the question is No.

It was quite rational: Sacrifice Ukraine to destabilize Russia, regime change, back to 'the good old days' of the drunken Yeltsin, huge natural resources, and the icing on this bloody cake: corner China.

And, on top of that, the prize: to keep the European vassals.
A different matter is that they don't give a damn about the lives of the plebs.

Again and again the question arises about the "stupidity" of American leaders.

Were the leaders of the Roman or Assyrian empires "stupid"?


American leaders simply live inside their Narcissistic Mental Bubble and impose their will and their fantasies.

Perhaps the best way to describe them would be as capricious children and irresponsible youth.

What is striking for example about this tragedy, dreadful tragedy, is the quantity and quality of prominent people who warned about it and announced it in 2008 and 2014 and we can even go back to George Kennan in 1997.
Ret. Gen. Keith Kellogg, ex-advisor to Mike Pence:

It's the "acme of professionalism" to use Ukraine to fight Russia because that "takes a strategic adversary off the table" without "using any US troops."


9 years of war
this year marks 9 years of war on "the border"

"Ukraine's friends (!?) are helping it defend itself"

I've been on this beautiful and painful world for too many years to believe in children's stories.

That's okay by me. What you choose to believe or not is not my problem. It does not change reality at all.

The Question, Big question, is ... "Are stupid" (?)

The answer to the question is No.

It was quite rational: Sacrifice Ukraine to destabilize Russia, regime change, back to 'the good old days' of the drunken Yeltsin, huge natural resources, and the icing on this bloody cake: corner China.

And, on top of that, the prize: to keep the European vassals.

The real big question is this: Why would Russia make all that possible by initiating the aggression against Ukraine?
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