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Totally false. Pukhtoons, Punjabis, Kashmiris, Sindhis, Seraikis, Baloch all preserved their culture.

The only thing is that we suffered from collective amnesia before Islam as we replaced so much of our culture and society. The fact that we were recently settled nomads pre-Islam also affected this.

It is a different point altogether that we were under pressure from Hindus, Sikhs, British during British rule.

Much of our culture lives on in Sufi poetry, folk tales, customs, and village life.

We are related by blood, culture, and martial heritage to Turks. The Ghaznavis and Mughal empire had a tremendous affect on us, similar to Ottomans and Seljuks, on Turks.

In Afghanistan, we are related to Pukhtoons and as for Iran, Eastern groups like Baloch.

Please stop using the term Islamist.

It still does not excuse their behavior. Plenty of healthy males are being created who do not degrade females, no matter how they dress.

We are not at war with females like alt right, but we aim to give respect to both genders and recreate society to prevent these issues. The reconstruction is already starting in Pakistan with PTI and will continue for the near future.

The change will come in stages.

If you look at what Quran and sunnah says, simply turn away from females and do not give them that attention. If you have to interact with females in the workplace or educational setting, keep it professional and respectful.

We are not responsible for the Non-Muslim society, but only for ourselves. The Western degeneracy must be excised from ourselves, if we choose the path of the Islamic lifestyle and give humanity another option.

Well personally we are under the Indian cultural imperialism as I call it and the problem since 1947 is the every government rather than creating a unified coherent identity cause we are a nation state for Pakistanis but instead of creating a unitary state or much more direct Federal rule we pushed for lose federation of provinces which I think was a mistake to do in the first place as for regional culture you are right among the peoples yes but the its promoted its lot less in the "cosmopolitan cities" of Lahore,Karachi, or Isb where you have Indian cultural imperialism up the necks and thats where bulk of the population is

We are related by blood, culture, and martial heritage to Turks. The Ghaznavis and Mughal empire had a tremendous affect on us, similar to Ottomans and Seljuks, on Turks.

In Afghanistan, we are related to Pukhtoons and as for Iran, Eastern groups like Baloch.


I am not denying some of Pakistan population has links to the Turks/Turkic tribes of CAS but you have to look at both ways like the Indo-Aryan invasion of thousands of years ago and the Mongol/Turkic invasions hundreds of years ago those two groups intermarried with the locals hence they lost much of the closeness same with the Turks in Anatolia like it or not the Turks are part of Europe in a way this is why a good chunk of them lean westward in society and in lifestyle its geography matters
Well personally we are under the Indian cultural imperialism as I call it

No, that’s not it brother. Pakistanis are afflicted with moral degeneracy due to various influences, mostly loose American and Bollywood media and entertainment, but also the return of indigenous forms of vulgarity like mujras, prostitution, and now liberals promote free mixing of sexes, homosexuality from the West, and our dramas are poisonous.

the problem since 1947 is the every government rather than creating a unified coherent identity cause we are a nation state for Pakistanis but instead of creating a unitary state or much more direct Federal rule we pushed for lose federation of provinces which I think was a mistake to do in the first place as for regional culture you are right among the peoples yes


However, in some ways it preserved our ancient cultures. Before 1971, we were trying to stay neutral to appease Bengalis. Now we were able to build a stronger grassroots nationalism which speaks to the culture and religion of all Pakistanis based on history.

but the its promoted its lot less in the "cosmopolitan cities" of Lahore,Karachi, or Isb where you have Indian cultural imperialism up the necks and thats where bulk of the population is

I think they suffer more from Western cultural onslaught than Indian, which is just a cheap low class imitation.
It still does not excuse their behavior. Plenty of healthy males are being created who do not degrade females, no matter how they dress.

We are not at war with females like alt right, but we aim to give respect to both genders and recreate society to prevent these issues. The reconstruction is already starting in Pakistan with PTI and will continue for the near future.

The change will come in stages.

If you look at what Quran and sunnah says, simply turn away from females and do not give them that attention. If you have to interact with females in the workplace or educational setting, keep it professional and respectful.

I am not war with Females or the opposite gender my point is both the Alt Right nationalists and traditionalists from all cultures have the same enemy the ((Kosher)) ran media,NGOs and politcial machinery that pushes things like this, the PTI is political party who have some great people but a lot of rats I seperate IK from his party's faults

No, that’s not it brother. Pakistanis are afflicted with moral degeneracy due to various influences, mostly loose American and Bollywood media and entertainment, but also the return of indigenous forms of vulgarity like mujras, prostitution, and now liberals promote free mixing of sexes, homosexuality from the West, and our dramas are poisonous.


However, in some ways it preserved our ancient cultures. Before 1971, we were trying to stay neutral to appease Bengalis. Now we were able to build a stronger grassroots nationalism which speaks to the culture and religion of all Pakistanis based on history.

I think they suffer more from Western cultural onslaught than Indian, which is just a cheap low class imitation.

Well its a mix of factors I agree on that but I think the stepping stone is Indian cultural onslaught because of lack of good entertainment options in Pakistani media sphere when it comes to media production we kinda suck all the channels are news format or 24/7 News very few entertainment options to watch but I again I cant undertstand the content when I dont speak Urdu so I cant understand the dialouges of the dramas
I am not denying some of Pakistan population has links to the Turks/Turkic tribes of CAS but you have to look at both ways like the Indo-Aryan invasion of thousands of years ago and the Mongol/Turkic invasions hundreds of years ago those two groups intermarried with the locals hence they lost much of the closeness same with the Turks in Anatolia like it or not the Turks are part of Europe in a way this is why a good chunk of them lean westward in society and in lifestyle its geography matters

We are closer to Turkics of Ferghana Valley, Timur Lang, Tarim Basin, and the Altay Mountains than Anatolians.

Turk and Mongol features are a large part of our genetic heritage and culture.

However, Anatolian Turks such as Seljuks and Ottomans, are a mirror image of our Ghaznavis and Mughals.

Our poetry, literature, cultural experience, fall to invaders, and current economic rise are very similar.
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However, in some ways it preserved our ancient cultures. Before 1971, we were trying to stay neutral to appease Bengalis. Now we were able to build a stronger grassroots nationalism which speaks to the culture and religion of all Pakistanis based on history.

I think they suffer more from Western cultural onslaught than Indian, which is just a cheap low class imitation.[/QUOTE]

You see this the problem we waited to long form coherent cultural policy it was easier 5 or 6 decades ago before the Internet and high speed communications damn the political leaders who did not saw this coming and appeasing the Bengalis in the East was a mistake

We are closer to Turkics of Ferghana Valley, Timur Lang, Tarik Basin, and the Altaf Mountains than Anatolians.

Turk and Mongol features are a large part of our genetic heritage and culture.

However, Anatolian Turks such as Seljuks and Ottomans, are a mirror image of our Ghaznavis and Mughals.

Our poetry, literature, cultural experience, fall to invaders, and current economic rise are very similar.

Like I said in the other thread the Mughals made a big mistake we should have rooted out the Brahmins but the Mughal ruler were too busy inter-marrying with these folks sigh, I say a compromise here Pakistan is mixture or Iranic and some Turkic cultures but then again it was Persian culture that gave the Turkics the culture that have today, if it were not for the Persians the Turkics would still be nomads today and the religion of Islam as well

I disagree. What you may think looks Pakistani may not necessarily be so to us.

We can even tell differences of Pakistanis based on province, ethnicity, and even religion just from physical appearances.

Are you Sylheti? They don’t look Pakistani, but definitely have a unique look.

I can concede some Bangladeshis May share Persian and Arab lineages, but please don’t bring Indians into this. The vast majority, 90%, share absolutely nothing in common racially with is with exception of some Sikhs and Rajastanis.[/QUOTE]

I thought Bengalis hate the Razakars and we were the bad guys cmon you like us internally tbh @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan I really think there somthing wrong with the Bengali mindset at times
I am not war with Females or the opposite gender my point is both the Alt Right nationalists and traditionalists from all cultures have the same enemy the ((Kosher)) ran media,NGOs and politcial machinery that pushes things like this, the PTI is political party who have some great people but a lot of rats I seperate IK from his party's faults

Alt right are fools and equally on the Zionist agenda. I don’t have much hope for these degenerate racists and gaming nerds without dates.

Definition of a real man is to respect others and be confident in yourself, not hate everything female or colored which walks on two legs.

PTI, and Pakistan as a whole, will need to go through the fire of rebirth. It is happening now as traitors are losing Nawaz and Zardari to corruption cases.

Well its a mix of factors I agree on that but I think the stepping stone is Indian cultural onslaught because of lack of good entertainment options in Pakistani media sphere when it comes to media production we kinda suck all the channels are news format or 24/7 News very few entertainment options to watch but I again I cant undertstand the content when I dont speak Urdu so I cant understand the dialouges of the dramas

Pakistanis love their news talk shows and political debates, mostly among males.

Drama serials are equally popular, but mostly with women or families watching together.

We also have great comedy shows.

All available on YouTube and other formats.

What we are missing are historical epics like Dirilis Ertugrul and Payitaht Abdul Hamid, and religious serials like Yunus Emre and KSA serial Omar ibn al Khattab.
Totally false. Pukhtoons, Punjabis, Kashmiris, Sindhis, Seraikis, Baloch all preserved their culture.

The only thing is that we suffered from collective amnesia before Islam as we replaced so much of our culture and society. The fact that we were recently settled nomads pre-Islam also affected this.

It is a different point altogether that we were under pressure from Hindus, Sikhs, British during British rule.

Much of our culture lives on in Sufi poetry, folk tales, customs, and village life.

We are related by blood, culture, and martial heritage to Turks. The Ghaznavis and Mughal empire had a tremendous affect on us, similar to Ottomans and Seljuks, on Turks.

In Afghanistan, we are related to Pukhtoons and as for Iran, Eastern groups like Baloch.

Please stop using the term Islamist.

It still does not excuse their behavior. Plenty of healthy males are being created who do not degrade females, no matter how they dress.

We are not at war with females like alt right, but we aim to give respect to both genders and recreate society to prevent these issues. The reconstruction is already starting in Pakistan with PTI and will continue for the near future.

The change will come in stages.

If you look at what Quran and sunnah says, simply turn away from females and do not give them that attention. If you have to interact with females in the workplace or educational setting, keep it professional and respectful.

We are not responsible for the Non-Muslim society, but only for ourselves. The Western degeneracy must be excised from ourselves, if we choose the path of the Islamic lifestyle and give humanity another option.

I disagree. What you may think looks Pakistani may not necessarily be so to us.

We can even tell differences of Pakistanis based on province, ethnicity, and even religion just from physical appearances.

Are you Sylheti? They don’t look Pakistani, but definitely have a unique look.

I can concede some Bangladeshis May share Persian and Arab lineages, but please don’t bring Indians into this. The vast majority, 90%, share absolutely nothing in common racially with is with exception of some Sikhs and Rajastanis.

Not true about Indians.

My brother in law is from Hyderabad.

If you told me he is from Afghanistan I would believe you.

Likely from his ancestral Pathan heritage.

Also, my wife is from Bangalore.

If you look at her you would think she’s Arab.

Her father is 6 foot tall and is fair skinned likely due to his Turkish background.

But that’s just my point.

There is mixing ALL over the subcontinent.

Even in relatively South India.

In various degrees.

There’s nothing unique about Pakistan vis a vis the rest of the subcontinent unless you think the Indus River forms some sort of magical barrier.

It’s only that the proportions are different in the various areas.
Not true about Indians.

My brother in law is from Hyderabad.

If you told me he is from Afghanistan I would believe you.

Likely from his ancestral Pathan heritage.

But that’s just my point.

There is mixing ALL over the subcontinent.

Even in relatively South India.

In various degrees.

There’s nothing unique about Pakistan vis a vis the rest of the subcontinent unless you think the Indus River forms some sort of magical barrier.

It’s only that the proportions are different in the various areas.

Who made you an Indian PR campaigner on this forum?

Obviously you don’t know about Pakistan much.

Hydros are totally different looking and their culture is very strange to us.

Also Pathan is the front part of a boat. Use the proper word. @Pakhtoon yum

We are done here.
Who made you an Indian PR campaigner on this forum?

Obviously you don’t know about Pakistan much.

Hydros are totally different looking and their culture is very strange to us.

Also Pathan is the front part of a boat. Use the proper word. @Pakhtoon yum

We are done here.

Yea we can be done.

But I stand by what I have stated.

Also watch how you talk to me.

I’m not campaigning for anything.

Just making points.
Who made you an Indian PR campaigner on this forum?

Obviously you don’t know about Pakistan much.

Hydros are totally different looking and their culture is very strange to us.

Also Pathan is the front part of a boat. Use the proper word. @Pakhtoon yum

We are done here.
He's delusional, Pakistan obsession does that to the Indians. They think they are like us, look like us, talk like us, cultured like us. It's very cute.
@OsmanAli98 You asked about how to exact change in society in an Islamic manner using Quran and Sunnah. Check this video brother.

Also watch how you talk to me.
It's very cute.

Yep, very cute. lol
He's delusional, Pakistan obsession does that to the Indians. They think they are like us, look like us, talk like us, cultured like us. It's very cute.


Ok then.

At least be factually correct before making stupid statements.

Anyways, in the interest of this thread I’m out.

Ok then.

At least be factually correct before making stupid statements.

Anyways, in the interest of this thread I’m out.
Cute, I believe I didnt quote u
Wow so many posts.

I’m @ work rn. I’ll catch up this afternoon.
Human beings are not numbers unless they choose to take part in a competition. Girls are more than a number based upon looks and that too labelled some other boys.
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