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'American coronavirus': China pushes propaganda casting doubt on virus origin - The Guardian


May 9, 2019
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United States
Diplomats, state media and officials in China encourage idea that Covid-19 came from the US

A vague answer from Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at a US congressional hearing is fuelling the conspiracy theory. Photograph: Patrick Semansky/AP
One of the most popular topics on the Chinese microblog Weibo on Thursday was a one-minute clip of a US congressional hearing this week on how the country was dealing with the coronavirus.

In the video posted by the People’s Daily, Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is asked whether there may have been deaths attributed to influenza that could actually have been the result of Covid-19. Redfield responds in the affirmative: “Some cases have been actually diagnosed that way in the United States today.”

Redfield’s vague answer was enough to add fuel to a conspiracy theory that has been gaining traction over the past two weeks in China – that the coronavirus did not originate in China but may have come from the US instead.

“The US has finally acknowledged that among those who had died of the influenza previously were cases of the coronavirus. The true source of the virus was the US!” one commentator said. “The US owes the world, especially China, an apology,” another said. “American coronavirus,” one wrote.

The theory has gained traction over the past few weeks, after a respected epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan, said in a passing remark at a press conference on 27 February that although the virus first appeared in China “it may not have originated in China”.

Zhong later clarified his statement, saying that the first place where a disease is discovered does not “equate to it being the source”. He told reporters: “But neither can we conclude that the virus came from abroad. Only through investigation and tracing can we answer that question.”

Yet only Zhong’s first comment has stuck, repeated by Chinese diplomats, state media and officials who have subtly encouraged the idea.

On Thursday, a foreign ministry spokesman suggested without evidence the US military might have brought the virus to the Wuhan, the centre of the outbreak. Zhao Lijian accused the US of lacking transparency, saying on Twitter: “When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!”

China’s ambassador to South Africa said last week on Twitter that the virus was not necessarily “made in China”.

Although the epidemic first broke out in China, it did not necessarily mean that the virus is originated from China, let alone "made in China".

An editorial in Xinhua last week also echoed Zhong: “The epidemic was first reported in China but that does not mean it necessarily originated in China … The WHO has said many times that Covid-19 is a global phenomenon with its source still undetermined.”

Officials have framed the campaign as a protest against the “politicisation” of the outbreak by countries such as the US, where some officials have continued to use the terms “Chinese coronavirus” or “Wuhan virus,” despite the World Health Organization’s discouragement. But analysts say China may be looking to deflect blame as the coronavirus spreads around the world.

“We might be heading into first global recession caused by Chinese Communist party mismanagement,” wrote Bill Bishop, author of the China newsletter Sinocism. “Previous manmade disasters in China since 1949 never really spread outside the People’s Republic of China’s borders in meaningful ways.”

“This time looks to be different … And that is likely one of the reasons the propaganda apparatus and PRC officials are pushing so hard the idea that virus may not have originated in China,” he wrote.
For weeks, Chinese state media pointed to a seafood market in Wuhan as the likely origin for the virus while researchers said the source had not yet been determined, but few have floated the idea that it came from outside of China. Another respected Chinese researcher, Zhang Wenhong, said in an interview with the China Daily that he did not believe the virus had been imported into China.

“If that was the case, we should have seen patients emerging from different regions in the country around the same time rather than their concentration in Wuhan,” he said, in comments that later appeared to have been removed from the interview.

“I think the consensus is still clearly that the virus did originate in China,” said Jane Duckett, professor at the Scottish Centre for China Research, University of Glasgow, focusing on Chinese policy and health.

“This would appear to be a nationalist narrative aimed at countering criticism of the Chinese government for not better managing the outbreak in its early stages,” she said.

Shifting the narrative may also be important as China tries to move forward, now that new infections appear to have levelled off. This week, the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, visited Wuhan for the first time since the outbreak began as state media pronounced “victory is near”. State media showed elaborate celebrations marking the closure of the last of the temporary hospitals in Wuhan.

“This is a propaganda effort aimed at the domestic audience. Among the Chinese public, there is a general awareness that delays in notifying the public led to many more infections in Wuhan,” said Victor Shih, a politics professor at the University of California, San Diego.

He said: “This campaign is aimed at distracting the public from the party’s delayed response.”

It's sad that the world has come to a stage where there is no longer trust among nations, where suspicions reign and the gun is more vociferous then the pen. The US , the most militaristic country in the history of mankind, stands accused of one of the most heinous crimes in human history, that they knowingly spread a deadly virus in to center of the Chinese civilisation with the intent of causing huge number of deaths and spreading terror on millions of people. If true this will be a more sophisticated crime than 9/11 and one with even a greater reach and impact changing the face of warfare to a level mankind has never seen before and having a far more reaching effect on humanity than any weapons and wars in history including nuclear weapons. This would also be a reflection of the state of mind of military planners to a level never seen: that there are no more rules and no more lines between civilians and soldiers and that the only rule is "no rules". The decades of UN charters, plebiscites and resolutions are now destined to be in the garbage can of history.

The accusation that the US unleashed the COVID-19 is quite a serious charge, and so far, China has failed to provide any concrete evidence other than conspiracy editorials and statements. The fact that China has reacted in such a way shows the depth of distrust simmering underneath the diplomacy and the underlying animosity towards the US and the precariousness of the US-China relations. If this Chinese accusation is truly to be believed the new world order will re-orientate into a new alignment with countries suffering highest casualties realigning into the China/Russia nexus.

If it is to be believed China was a target of this biological weapons attack then the city/region of choice is interesting. Why Wuhan?-Because it would have caused the greatest spread of the virus internal to China and a relatively slower global rate of infection. Had Beijing or Shanghai been chosen then the virus spread may have been far quicker and more devastatingly uncontrollable internationally. With the world woefully unprepared the casualties could have exceeded that of the Spanish flu in 1918. Wuhan was chosen because it had the potential to cause the greatest number of internal casualties within China compared to the more industrialised areas which could inflict greater and faster international contamination.

Whilst the fingers are being pointed at the US there are numerous groups/countries who maybe holding the smoking gun and whose purpose was to make the two giants fight. There could be the billionaire club within the US (with possibly international tone) who have their their own agendas and who have the resources to fund controversial research. Then there are other nations such Israel, Taiwan, UK, India and Japan who have historical tussles with China and who have advance research facilities and collaboration in virus research. These are mostly in the fields of civilian research but there is a fine line and difficult delineation between the two.

It is understandably a painful time for China but the Chinese should focus on learning from this pandemic and focus on building a protocol and clean up it's animal markets and other potential sources of infection nationally.
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Diplomats, state media and officials in China encourage idea that Covid-19 came from the US

A vague answer from Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at a US congressional hearing is fuelling the conspiracy theory. Photograph: Patrick Semansky/AP
One of the most popular topics on the Chinese microblog Weibo on Thursday was a one-minute clip of a US congressional hearing this week on how the country was dealing with the coronavirus.

In the video posted by the People’s Daily, Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is asked whether there may have been deaths attributed to influenza that could actually have been the result of Covid-19. Redfield responds in the affirmative: “Some cases have been actually diagnosed that way in the United States today.”

Redfield’s vague answer was enough to add fuel to a conspiracy theory that has been gaining traction over the past two weeks in China – that the coronavirus did not originate in China but may have come from the US instead.
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“The US has finally acknowledged that among those who had died of the influenza previously were cases of the coronavirus. The true source of the virus was the US!” one commentator said. “The US owes the world, especially China, an apology,” another said. “American coronavirus,” one wrote.

The theory has gained traction over the past few weeks, after a respected epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan, said in a passing remark at a press conference on 27 February that although the virus first appeared in China “it may not have originated in China”.

Zhong later clarified his statement, saying that the first place where a disease is discovered does not “equate to it being the source”. He told reporters: “But neither can we conclude that the virus came from abroad. Only through investigation and tracing can we answer that question.”

Yet only Zhong’s first comment has stuck, repeated by Chinese diplomats, state media and officials who have subtly encouraged the idea.

On Thursday, a foreign ministry spokesman suggested without evidence the US military might have brought the virus to the Wuhan, the centre of the outbreak. Zhao Lijian accused the US of lacking transparency, saying on Twitter: “When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!”

China’s ambassador to South Africa said last week on Twitter that the virus was not necessarily “made in China”.

Although the epidemic first broke out in China, it did not necessarily mean that the virus is originated from China, let alone "made in China".

An editorial in Xinhua last week also echoed Zhong: “The epidemic was first reported in China but that does not mean it necessarily originated in China … The WHO has said many times that Covid-19 is a global phenomenon with its source still undetermined.”

Officials have framed the campaign as a protest against the “politicisation” of the outbreak by countries such as the US, where some officials have continued to use the terms “Chinese coronavirus” or “Wuhan virus,” despite the World Health Organization’s discouragement. But analysts say China may be looking to deflect blame as the coronavirus spreads around the world.

“We might be heading into first global recession caused by Chinese Communist party mismanagement,” wrote Bill Bishop, author of the China newsletter Sinocism. “Previous manmade disasters in China since 1949 never really spread outside the People’s Republic of China’s borders in meaningful ways.”

“This time looks to be different … And that is likely one of the reasons the propaganda apparatus and PRC officials are pushing so hard the idea that virus may not have originated in China,” he wrote.
For weeks, Chinese state media pointed to a seafood market in Wuhan as the likely origin for the virus while researchers said the source had not yet been determined, but few have floated the idea that it came from outside of China. Another respected Chinese researcher, Zhang Wenhong, said in an interview with the China Daily that he did not believe the virus had been imported into China.

“If that was the case, we should have seen patients emerging from different regions in the country around the same time rather than their concentration in Wuhan,” he said, in comments that later appeared to have been removed from the interview.

“I think the consensus is still clearly that the virus did originate in China,” said Jane Duckett, professor at the Scottish Centre for China Research, University of Glasgow, focusing on Chinese policy and health.

“This would appear to be a nationalist narrative aimed at countering criticism of the Chinese government for not better managing the outbreak in its early stages,” she said.

Shifting the narrative may also be important as China tries to move forward, now that new infections appear to have levelled off. This week, the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, visited Wuhan for the first time since the outbreak began as state media pronounced “victory is near”. State media showed elaborate celebrations marking the closure of the last of the temporary hospitals in Wuhan.

“This is a propaganda effort aimed at the domestic audience. Among the Chinese public, there is a general awareness that delays in notifying the public led to many more infections in Wuhan,” said Victor Shih, a politics professor at the University of California, San Diego.

He said: “This campaign is aimed at distracting the public from the party’s delayed response.”



"In the statement, the C.D.C. cited “national security reasons” as the rationale for not releasing information about its decision."

"The suspended research involves certain toxins, along with germs called select agents, which the government has determined have “the potential to pose a severe threat to public, animal or plant health or to animal or plant products.” There are 67 select agents and toxins; examples include the organisms that cause Ebola, smallpox, anthrax and plague, and the poison ricin."


"As readers will recall from the earlier article (above), Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharmacologists have determined that the new coronavirus almost certainly originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended. Wuhan in China has only one of those types, rendering it in analogy as a kind of “branch” which cannot exist by itself but must have grown from a “tree”.

"We also had the Japanese citizens infected in September of 2019, in Hawaii, people who had never been to China, these infections occurring on US soil long before the outbreak in Wuhan but only shortly after the locking down of Fort Detrick."

US is hiding a lot of story from the rest of the world. When we ask them, they will give the same excuse of national security and refuse to answer any of them.

Do remember the hotel where the US military team stay at wuhan during the military game in October 2019 is only a street away from the wuhan wildlife market. The evil american passed the virus to local Chinese and the virus start to spray during the early november and december 2019 and slowly cause cluster in the wuhan wildlife market and then they smear Chinese dirty eating habit. The timing matches exactly.
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