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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Santro if you went to zurich you will see a UBS bank every 100 meters and when the article says that the maps are inaccurate upto 5 miles you will understand the problem.

Lastly you are spreading a falsehood as not one iota of proof has been rendered by anybody to show NATO and PA met at this post.

What kind of proof do you want?

pictures, footages?

BTW, a footage has been released on Express news showing the soldiers right after the attack, they are carrying their ammo and 'charapyees' . The injured lay on them and the medics are tending to them, bandaging them. Helis flying above, people on radios. Just shows how fast they evacuated the post.
NATO is running out of money to run this war on terror. We should stay calm but yet again be some what a little aggressive to pressure them on this issue. i.e banning supplies, kicking them out of shamsi air base. The way we are controlling and reacting to this currently is fine. If there is too much trouble then we can always go to U.N, but now i;m thinking that our own military solution in Afghanistan is not the realistic solution.

:rofl:, U.S. just purchased 1967... retired harrier aircrafts from U.K. What can they possibly do with that junk in the future?... The western countries are in deep $hit now economically and socially. No worries, their forces will return back home soon.
What kind of proof do you want?

pictures, footages?

BTW, a footage has been released on Express news showing the soldiers right after the attack, they are carrying their ammo and 'charapyees' . The injured lay on them and the medics are tending to them, bandaging them. Helis flying above, people on radios. Just shows how fast they evacuated the post.

The photos / minutes of the meeting held by the PA and NATO at that post.
all and every cooperation with ISAF/NATO should be thoroughly "re-considered"

the border should remain sealed shut; not even ants should be allowed to go over.

28 families are effected by this callous and very stupid act by NATO forces --- they will pay for this

IMO.. Karzai's home shall be demolished with missile strike and this would be the best revenge.
all and every cooperation with ISAF/NATO should be thoroughly "re-considered"

the border should remain sealed shut; not even ants should be allowed to go over.

28 families are effected by this callous and very stupid act by NATO forces --- they will pay for this

The defence committee has proposed this. And blockade of supplies, and and review of intelligence sharing understanding.
cut that solid bullcrap

you cowards eat away 40% of our economy to sleep

How is it your Economy, False flagger. You dont make a dime and live in the Azizabad slum of Altaf Hussain.

What have you ever done for Pakistani Economy, Indian Impostor.
NATO is running out of money to run this war on terror. We should stay calm but yet again be some what a little aggressive to pressure them on this issue. i.e banning supplies, kicking them out of shamsi air base. The way we are controlling and reacting to this currently is fine. lol, U.S. just purchased 1967... retired harrier aircrafts from U.K. What can they possibly do with that junk in the future?... The western countries are in deep $hit now economically and socially. No worries, their forces will return back home soon.

Good since you are winning the war it would be pointless retaliating against a looser like NATO.
IMO.. Karzai's home shall be demolished with missile strike and this would be the best revenge.

Then it will be called "Mia ka gussa, murgi par utara".

what karzai haveto do with it, if you have rage take on NATO/USA.
Lets analyze what could be pakistan's reaction.

- Stop supply route - Done already. (pakistan will loose whatever money and jobe it gets)
- Support taliban openly to fight.

I don't see any other thing pakistan can do.
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