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America will Collapse

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@ Superkaif - ease up with the dancing devil banana. Are you a Satanist or something? :chilli:

The roman empire also thought it was forever. Do you not understand the simple concept that you can not live beyond your means.

Now when did I ever say the USA would live forever? I didn't. I did say we will weather this particular crisis. The "imminent collapse" is fantasy.

Economics is not a race.

No, but it is an important indicator. Everyone in this thread keeps emphasizing excess consumption. The reality is that the U.S. produces as well as consumes, and the production spans a wide range, from raw materials, to food, to technology. China likewise does this; they are not a one-trick pony sitting on vast pools of oil or minerals. A nation that can turn resources into desirable consumables is powerful.

There is no prize for passing the US. Not sure why the US in decline will mean that China would be in the ascent. This applies to geopolitics as well. There is no indication that China wants America's job of global control.

I never implied this, and don't necessarily believe in it, but the numbers indicate it to a degree. You have to run with the data that is available.

But how much of the US economy is dependent on your foreign policy muscle?

Far less than people want to believe. We do not cram blue jeans and iPods down peoples' throats. U.S. products and intellectual creations are in demand around the world.

I know you understand this, but so many people chant the "U.S. went to war for oil/resources" mantra, that it becomes believed... completely ignoring basic economics 101 - it's really, really stupid to spend 1 trillion $$ in a war to "steal" oil that could be purchased on the open market for $50 billion. Thus, we didn't go to war for oil, nor are we ravaging Muslim nations based on Bible prophecies. We certainly didn't pound Japan, Germany, Italy, Korea, Vietnam, over religion, did we? And what happened in the Yugoslav Wars? Who did we support?

The debt is a concern. Not a fatal disease.
2 yr. US Treasury yield drops to a record 0.25%! People are buying it like crazy. Yep, end is nigh.
The best part is, every other country exports its low wage, uneducated to the US. Only India is stupid enough to export their high earning, high IQ class to the US to help the US instead of helping India.

Congrats to the IITians - the best of India - and the future best of America, with no relationship to Indians!

Remember 40% of nasa is Indians, haha!

Ha..So all the Chinese students in various US universities were just a "illusion" or you are jealous because you were not good enough of US universities? Sounds like sour grapes!

I just read this article about brain drain and top ten most affected nations include China/UK/Nigeria...but not India. Seriously dude, are you that much of fanatic or you have a really miserable life in China and you are just lashing out?
And this is coming from a Russian news agency? :lol:

I am sure they are like:
"Hey, since our USSR collapsed with piling debt along with a host of other factors, why not the Americans?! Yay, we are so happy :yahoo:"

America, unlike probably Russia and definitely China; America is a robust Democracy, with world-class higher education. Couple that with a world-class field of science and technology research. America's technology is still the cutting edge of technology.

America's economy is extremely advanced - it's no longer a manufacturing based economy, but a knowledge based one.

Sure, the debt crises is a problem, along with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but they are certainly not enough for America to collapse. After the fall of the USSR, America has become extremely powerful - probably the most out of any power in history now. Given the commitments of America's axis of leadership, it won't fall that easily.

Uncle Sam has certainly been eating his spinach!
people said this in 2008, and it didn't happen. Japan has debt 225% of gdp and look at it, its still there.
people said this in 2008, and it didn't happen. Japan has debt 225% of gdp and look at it, its still there.

Most of Japanese debt is local. Half of American debt is local. People tend to gloss over trivia like that.
America is certainly sinking ship but it won't collapse without a major world war.I suspect a new world power will emerge after third world war which will be new Super Power and America's reign as sole super power will end.Don't think it is possible for America to collapse without a major war but saying that America will loose due to Iraq or Afghanistan war is fantasy.America is too strong and I think American People are very very smart and intelligent (They get the best of the best people from other countries via immigration).

But not anymore......Insha-Allah!..................:woot:
2 yr. US Treasury yield drops to a record 0.25%! People are buying it like crazy. Yep, end is nigh.

Learn what a 'flight to safety' is ya twit. I swear you're like the 50 cent party for the USA. Talk about model immigrant syndrome.
Good thing I took the time to read what you wrote. You should quote the actual posts when you responded.

No, but it is an important indicator. Everyone in this thread keeps emphasizing excess consumption. The reality is that the U.S. produces as well as consumes, and the production spans a wide range, from raw materials, to food, to technology. China likewise does this; they are not a one-trick pony sitting on vast pools of oil or minerals. A nation that can turn resources into desirable consumables is powerful.

Consumption is well and good. It's what the American market does very effectively, with marketing promoting consumption, and the average family encouraged to take on debt. What I think most people in the thread wanted to get across is that this isn't a sustainable model, especially when US companies embarking on a campaign of de-industrialization and wage repression. Production is falling, the numbers represent this, and it also shows that wages for the lower quartiles are stagnant or declining.

Far less than people want to believe. We do not cram blue jeans and iPods down peoples' throats. U.S. products and intellectual creations are in demand around the world.

I didn't mean oil and the like, though that is not some kind of conspiracy theory as you are implying.

No no one is shoving iPods down people's throats (they're great products), but the ability to negotiate international economy policies is very much dependent on the leverage you have over the other parties. The IMF being a famous example. Russia, Indoneisa, South Korea, and I can't even remember them all. They had economic policies formulated in the US by US officials shoved down their throat when the US had them over a barrel. This is usually a suite of trade liberalization and banking privatization that allowed US corporation to reap windfall profits in those countries.

I know you understand this, but so many people chant the "U.S. went to war for oil/resources" mantra, that it becomes believed... completely ignoring basic economics 101 - it's really, really stupid to spend 1 trillion $$ in a war to "steal" oil that could be purchased on the open market for $50 billion.

Just because it didn't end up being profitable, it doesn't mean that it wasn't one of the considerations at the start. Remember Rumsfield wanted to get out after less than a year. If he had be able to, and left a stable situation in Iraq (with permanent bases), it would have been profitable.

Thus, we didn't go to war for oil, nor are we ravaging Muslim nations based on Bible prophecies. We certainly didn't pound Japan, Germany, Italy, Korea, Vietnam, over religion, did we? And what happened in the Yugoslav Wars? Who did we support?

A bit of straw man, some people do think this, I don't because I think the reasons why the US went into each of those conflicts merit a discussion of their own without being painted with a broad brush.

(doesn't mean I think those reasons were good)

The debt is a concern. Not a fatal disease.

Of course not, but can you honestly say that the US is having the right debate in government today?
The Florida keys even staged a mock secession .... Conch Republic


People talk of an American economic collapse without understanding its financial ramifications... Currently America is at the centre of our financial world.. Its all interconnected.. If America collapse, soon Europe, china, south east asia, india will follow.. We will be looking at worst kind of recession the world is yet to see... As far as an aid dependent nation like pakistan is concerned, it will be a catastrophy..


How will it be a catastrophy for a Pakistan?
Im sick and tired of explaining this to people like you so read this really s l o w l y

Pakistan (and even India) have most of their nations starving and most live below the poverty line. We have extreme poverty and live from day to day wondering what their next meal will be. If the USA go bust how will it affect them? The ramifications for Americans will be far more severe. Most people in the USA (and most of the western world) will not be used to the hardship they will have to cope with. You insinuate Pakistan is aid dependant on USA. In fact it would be interesting to see how many people actually see the benefit of their so called "aid". We have leaders that like to line their own pockets first and think of their country second. BTW you have the same issues if you hadnt noticed.
How much foreign money flows into Karachi Stock exchange?
How much foreign money flows into Karachi Stock exchange?

Why do you keep going off at a tangent. If you wanna talk about karachi start another thread on karachi. This thread is about America crashing. Oh and that will happen question of when and not if.
Tangent? You mean it is not relevant to what superkaif just said and you faved his post? Is that what you guys do, fav each others post without reading them?

Let me say again to you this thread is about america crashing. I say when not if.
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