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America: Senate stalls bi-partisan debt ceiling deal to end government shut

Umair Nawaz

Sep 10, 2012
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With only five days left to a possible default, there is yet no unity in the US senate with Republicans and Democrats rejecting each other’s proposal to end the 12-day-old government shutdown.

On Saturday the focus of efforts to end the shutdown shifted to the Senate, where the two sides held negotiations in a bid to resolve the stalemate. However, the talks yielded no agreement.

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The US Senate Republicans rejected a Democratic plan to raise the debt ceiling through 2014 without making any cuts or changes to Obamacare. Voting 53 against and 45 in favor, Republicans, who want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts, blocked the bill, which needed at least 60 votes to overcome the objections.

The move was followed by Senate Democratic leaders’ opposition to Republican proposal to end the fiscal stalemate.

Rejecting an offer by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, to end the budget impasse, Democrats argued that her offer asks for too much in return for too little, the POLITICO cited senators and aides.

The so-called Collins plan, which has bipartisan support, offered a six-month extension of government funding and an increase in the government's borrowing limit through January. It was also calling for a two-year delay on Obamacare's medical device tax as well requiring income verification for Americans seeking subsidies for President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

Democrats say a new medical device tax that would raise $30 billion over 10 years for the President's healthcare law.

After discussing the plan with the President Friday, Collins said Obama called the proposal "constructive”, but she, at the same time, did not “want to give the impression that he endorsed it."

Speaking to reporters after the vote, US Senate Democrat leader Harry Reid said he would like negotiations with Republican leaders to result in a deal by Monday. He will meet with President Barack Obama later on Saturday, White House officials said.

The White House said the Senate rejection of the debt plan was unfortunate and urged Congress to find a solution to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling.

"Congress must do its job and raise the debt limit to pay the bills we have incurred and avoid default," said White House press secretary Jay Carney.

Without action by Congress, the United States could default on its bond payments by Thursday, for the first time in country’s history.

Well when America and world's economy danger as the Chief of World Bank said.

They seem to be dont concern abt it and still playing their interest game through politics.
US lawmakers close to deal to end 14-day-old shutdown

PTI | Oct 15, 2013, 05.22 PM IST

WASHINGTON: As the US inched closer to an unprecedented debt default, US lawmakers held a flurry of negotiations and expressed optimism over a potential deal that could end the government shutdown, raise the debt ceiling and avert a crisis that may trigger a global economic turmoil.

US senators say they are closing in on a deal that would reopen the government and push back a possible debt default for several months, though many hurdles remain.

Senate majority leader Harry Reid said he and his Republican counterpart, Mitch McConnell, have "made tremendous progress. We are not there yet".

"We hope that with good fortune ... that perhaps tomorrow will be a bright day," he said from the Senate floor.

Reid and McConnell are trying to reach an agreement that would end the 14-day-old shutdown and lift the debt limit before the US Treasury exhausts the nation's remaining borrowing capacity on October 17, raising the risk of default.

"We've had a good day, we had a good day yesterday," McConnell said.

"It's safe to say we've made substantial progress and we look forward to making more progress in the near future.

"I share [Reid's] optimism that we we're going to get a result that will be acceptable to both sides," he said on the Senate floor.

The new deal, if struck, would last until February 2014.

The plan under discussion would raise the $16.7 trillion debt ceiling by enough to cover the nation's borrowing needs at least through until mid-February 2014.

According to US media, the deal currently under discussion would fund the government until January 15 while raising the debt ceiling until early to mid-February.

Any deal would also have to win approval in the House of Representatives, where conservative Republicans have insisted any continued government funding must include measures to undercut president Barack Obama's signature health law - a nonstarter for Democrats.

The deal would not resolve the disagreements over long-term spending and health care that led to the crisis in the first place.

"If Republicans aren't willing to set aside their partisan concerns in order to do what's right for the country, we stand a good chance of defaulting, and defaulting could potentially have a devastating effect on our economy," Obama said earlier.

US lawmakers close to deal to end 14-day-old shutdown - The Times of India
The article says it self what yr claiming.

The deal has been rejected kiddo.
More on this topic.........

Senate chaplain shames Congress for shutdown

Government shutdowns are typically a time when the spotlight shines on lawmakers and presidents alike as they argue over the direction of the country. But Washington’s current impasse has also shed the light on an unlikely figure: the Senate chaplain.

Chaplain Barry Black may not be used to making headlines, but since deadlock in Washington caused the government to shut down, his prayers have taken on new meaning for Americans watching their leaders stumble from crisis to crisis.

"Deliver us from the hypocrisy of attempting to sound reasonable while being unreasonable," Black said during a recent morning prayer in the Senate. Other prayers have asked that lawmakers be “removed from their stubborn pride,” and to be forgiven for their wrongdoings.

While Black’s opening prayers have become surprisingly confrontational, they are decidedly non-partisan. His goal isn’t to take sides in the fight over the budget or the Affordable Care Act; rather, he sees himself as a necessary nuisance, one that challenges lawmakers to look beyond political squabbling and do the right thing.

“I'm not judging and I'm not scolding, actually,” Black said during a Yahoo “Power Players” segment. “My responsibility as a pastor is to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable. I need to be a gadfly of sorts. … I think that I should reflect the challenges of the environment that I'm working in.”

In the midst of politicians arguing and assigning blame, his words come like a breath of fresh air from Washington, but how do senators themselves feel about Black’s prayers? Doesn’t he ruffle their feathers at all?

“I've had senators say to me frequently, ‘Keep the prayer pressure on’,” Black said. “One senator came to me and said, ‘Chaplain, I hope our lawmakers are listening, because I've been following your prayers very, very closely … and they are really making a difference in my reflections’."

As the shutdown stretches beyond its second week, new reports indicate that Democrats and Republicans are moving closer towards reopening the government and raising the debt ceiling. Until they do, though, you can be sure that Black will continue reminding them of their duty, and urging them to do what’s best for the country.

Senate chaplain shames Congress for shutdown ? RT USA
they will be fine. they will simply raise the debt ceiling and print more dollars.
They got away with it. Again....

Such a careless people....for how long can they sustain this?
they will be fine. they will simply raise the debt ceiling and print more dollars.

Yup thats true. But i liked what Taliban said actually...... they just like to suck blood of their people.
You guys are really masturbating hard over this...:lol:
You guys are really masturbating hard over this...:lol:

This is an int. issue sir, dont forget what WB chief said last week that it will endanger developing countries and America herself.
This is an int. issue sir, dont forget what WB chief said last week that it will endanger developing countries and America herself.
Yeah...And it happened before. And did the world collapsed before?
Only 5 days till USA defaults... wow... USA politician need to gets act together
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