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America Lauds India,s decision to Ban 59 Apps

deployment of over 250,000 troops hundreds of combat planes and helos tanks artillay in HIMLAYERS

Cancelling of Chinease goods orders

banning apps.

india is not sitting like a chicken

its telling china back off .............

We cant invade Tibet

BUT we can defend our borders and our interests
lie with USA and Europe and se Asia
Can we have an age verification check on this kid? Even I don't spell HIMALAYAS as HIMLAYERS. :lol:
In the middle East MERS is called MERS... I traveled to Saudi and had to address the risk ... Even at the airport it was called MERS.

I wasn't around during the Spanish Flue... But there is no documented cases of attacks against Spanish speaking people during the Spanish Flue because of the name.

Truth is Chinese people have this issue with face saving as part of their culture... They like to deny any sort of reality that blames them.for anything.... That is the root cause. Its not taking personal responsibility by China for the Coronavirus
There are many people in the US who opposed Trump in calling it the Chinese virus. Not just China people. And for the last time, and I have said this repeatedly if MERS became a worldwide breakout like the coronavirus people would be blaming Middle Eastern people for the virus due to its name.
I wasn't around during the Spanish Flue... But there is no documented cases of attacks against Spanish speaking people during the Spanish Flue because of the name.
Truth is Chinese people have this issue with face saving as part of their culture... They like to deny any sort of reality that blames them.for anything.... That is the root cause. Its not taking personal responsibility by China for the Coronavirus
Maybe but I have heard of racially inspired attacks of Chinese people because of the virus. Calling it a Chinese virus would only increase such attacks. For example in the US, Asian Americans in general do not like the term "Chinese virus". Do you think they are representatives of the CCP?
. . .
Besides TikTok, people in US don't use Chine social media apps even though it's available.
There is no Chinese virus. In Indian imagination there might be a Chinese virus.
Abe Kitna chatoge be... Has any Pakistanis said any negative thing about china in this forum....??? Ever...??
LOL Hate China, but import anti-China hats made in China. Fantastic.

We will see man. You already failed your first test when you lost 20+ of your soldiers in a stick fight.

Time will tell, it's too difficult to predict. Issue are not settled based on social media and fan boy's mood.

Contrary to your belief India had guts to admit that they lost soldiers and respected their martyrdom. It's sad to say, but that give use barging right, we are not like China who's solders lost lives in line of duty and now they MIA, Families will never be able to see their remains. After all China is learning form expert in this field, an all weather friend "Pakistan" who has reputation to disown soldiers and let them to rot in high mountains.
Your wrong buddy

China relys on exports

damage yiour image and reputation and your growth slows and you go into decline

usa will win the global image war and china will be mistrusted and lose hundreds of billions dollars in trade

i think china has peaked already

huge diplomatic mistakes lately




The Chinese are running scared in CCP Headquarters right now!!

Ab tera kya hoga re kalia?

Tiananmen square happened when china was a poor developing country with no massive export market
it was uneffected by global events a closed communist state.

Today its a massive export orientated business hub of the world

its needs the world on its side to maintain their growth OR they go into reverse

We all see the looming trade war .
The 3 biggst markets in the world are USA Europe & India and china will lose them all
only in your imagination.

No one is stopping trade. Did you see vietnam indonesia or any ASEAN stop trade? NOPE. Or what about japan? member of QUAD? Japan china two way trade is 600 billion dollar yearly that is more then indian trade with entire world!

What will happen is india will be left out from manufacturing. most business that suppose to come to india will now go to vietnam indonesia and other asean countries as they all want good trade with china. and be part of global value chain. ASEAN and china have free trade deal as well. they can manufacture in vietnam and sent to india tariff free.

EU and USA or canada all will maintain business as usual. other then some targeted sanction by USA to some CCP offcial nothing will change. why should they? China will over took usa as largest consumer market this year. and for global companines china is a gold mine. just look how much german japan or american MNCs business interest on china.

India made a huge mistake to pick fight with china. I say good luck.
. .
IF you listen to the eport

China is using apps to SPY on countries

INDIA is SAFEGUARDING its security & hurting CHINEASE image ( which is battered globally already) and hurting them financially

INDIA acting like this its a LOUD message

we will not be messed around by any chinease Govt

AND the good news is the WESTERN FREE WORLD is with INDIA

Every search engine, browsers, MobilE OS and apps, all are spying, not just chinese apps.
. .
Love is in the Air, every sight, every sound... Love is in the air...

SuperPowerIndia did a DigitalAirShitrike by banning apps...ON Paper!!!

Next Indian ShurgicalShitrike will be doing Naval exercises in AfroPak/AfroAsianOcean...

IndiaPhraand DoLaan Trum with his Phraand CheeWala!!!

OH Sweeties lol:smitten::smitten:

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