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Alpha 7 Delivers Combat Ladders to India

Its funny that some posters here trolling. Like do they really believe it viable to carry out a R&D and establish mfg plant just for a contract of $250,000.
Even the iron smith down the street could make this ladder in a few day. But then there'd be no way for your ministers and stuff to get kick backs now.
Ok....Somewhere a metallurgy engineer just started crying coz of ignorance.
Whoops :partay:
Bit still collapsable ladders are not that hard to make. The aluminum ones I used when I was painting my house was pretty sturdy, got the job done and probably cost a fraction of what these did.
Whoops :partay:
Bit still collapsable ladders are not that hard to make. The aluminum ones I used when I was painting my house was pretty sturdy, got the job done and probably cost a fraction of what these did.
U do realise there is a big difference right? Its not like military would walk into a hardware store and pick off the shelf.
They need it to be lighter, stronger and bigger than off the shelf counterparts. U cant do that with the off the shelf material, u need to develop alloy. A mechanic cant do that. Then whats to say that alloy can be treated and moulded at the same temperature as aluminium?
U do realise there is a big difference right? Its not like military would walk into a hardware store and pick off the shelf.
They need it to be lighter, stronger and bigger than off the shelf counterparts. U cant do that with the off the shelf material, u need to develop alloy. A mechanic cant do that. Then whats to say that alloy can be treated and moulded at the same temperature as aluminium?
Yeah but construction engineers use some heavy duty ladders too made of alloys and stuff. Militaries around the world have a habit of being suckered into expensive deals. Trust me I know. There was probably no need to import these ladders I am sure they could have easily found something that cost of fraction of the price tag in India too if they tried.
Its quarter to a million dollars, doesnt really matter, not like its gonna have implications for decades to come.
Also sometimes its beneficial to throw these small crumbs to gain bigger ones later.
Quarter million dollars can feed alot of slumdogs ya know.
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