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All those in favour of presidential system in Pakistan!!

All those in favour of presidential system in Pakistan!!

  • YES

    Votes: 36 76.6%
  • NO

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • Dont Know

    Votes: 2 4.3%

  • Total voters
Let the people of Pakistan select the most competent person to run this country.

Adding new flavors of things and exciting new "stuff"?? If the Pakistani people will elect the President, who else have they been electing the current members for decades ??? :omghaha: :rofl: :angel:

What you've failed to realize is that media drama that IK wil win if this was a presidential system is a drunken dream or a pipe dream. When a party wins, their nominated person for the presidency will win too. Common sense.

So instead of changing the entire system and "toying" with the country with experiments, let's IK and his buddies focus on doing REAL work for the people, so they can get more votes. Pakistan doesn't have time to stay stuck in 1990's bad politics being repeated, or for political R&D because some came up with the conspiracy theory that IF IK's party lost majority of the seats, he can still become a "President". That's such a dream that I am having difficulty writing about it.:hitwall:
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Parliamentary democracy is the worst form of democracy. As no party will ever clean sweep the elections and win every seat there would always be coalitions and stuff which allow blackmailing to take place. Take the uk for example where every party knows that the nhs needs reforms badly. Now no party is willing to talk about it because the opposition parties would use it against them. No system currently is perfect but the best among all today is the french system.
Adding new flavors of things and exciting new "stuff"?? If the Pakistani people will elect the President, who else have they been electing the current members for decades ??? :omghaha: :rofl: :angel:

What you've failed to realize is that media drama that IK wil win if this was a presidential system is a drunken dream or a pipe dream. When a party wins, their nominated person for the presidency will win too. Common sense.

So instead of changing the entire system and "toying" with the country with experiments, let's IK and his buddies focus on doing REAL work for the people, so they can get more votes. Pakistan doesn't have time to stay stuck in 1990's bad politics being repeated, or for political R&D because some came up with the conspiracy theory that IF IK's party lost majority of the seat, he can still become a "President". That's such a dream that I am having difficulty writing about it.:hitwall:
I dont want to cast my vote to someone who will sell himself to the highest bidder in National assembly
For democracy to survive in Pakistan, it needs a strong opposition to bring the reform. Currently all the status quo is running the show and there is no opposition. Both Imran Khan and Tahir ul Qadri can't bring the change in Pakistan. Army will have to come in and hang these ba$ta3d5 to protect the reyasat. Create new system and no more provinces, 2nd tier government will be on the division level and 3rd will be on district level.
Parliamentary systems are horrible.

It is the absolute slowest and most divided system you can concoct.

In America the system favours less parties, yes, but at least power is clear and centralized. A president is elected to RUN the country, not sit there and convince a corrupt bunch of local goonda parties to form a coalition and support them.
Our dilemma is that we are forced to ask that who are wanna be Presidents? We simply can neither afford likes of Mr Zodari or Mr Mamnoon Hussain.Both are opposite extremes. So U better add a new option to this poll of I Dont Know too.
I have been a very strong advocate of direct elections for prime minister and president. These two beings run the entire country and they mist be selected by the will of the people and not by the party in majority who will chose their leader... The election should be that each party will give their president and prime minister and 90 days after the general elections these elections will be held which will have these candidates campaigning all over pakostan, reaching the people so won't have national parties focusing only on their own province.. The candidates will have to move around... This will bring the elected prime minister and president closer to the people and won't create the mess that is a coalition.

The candidate that wins will get the seat. Hated this parliamentary form where the parliament decides every important position. The prime minister and president need to come from.the people.
Till independence, circumstances of both the neighboring countries Pakistan and India were the same -- in India parliamentary form of government has not been rejected by the people and is working and as such why not in Pakistan. Major reason for the apparent failure of the Parliamentary form of government has been the imposition of martial law four time in Pakistan. When given a chance the people of Pakistan voted for Parliamentary system and rejected one man domination (ie the President). However direct election of the senate is desirable and recommended. Changing the political system after every decade is simply waste of funds and human energy. Truth is that there is nothing wrong with the system there is something wrong with us.
That is treason.
No its not. If there is no reyasat, there is no democracy.
What are you going to do of a democracy if country goes bankrupt? and in order to take the country out of bankruptcy you will have close our nuclear program?
Pakistan is going toward bankruptcy....
Army will never allow this.... We are willing to lose the democracy in order to protect the country.
Also leader sud be able to brought to justice even if he is on the highest level in Government... Presidential system is closer to islamic system... sudnt have PM at all.
Mamnoon H is enough
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