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'All Systems Go' for India's very own Stealth Jet - MoD to seek Cabinet nod


May 9, 2019
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United States
  • The defence establishment plans to seek the Cabinet Committee on Security’s approval for the detailed design and prototype development of the advanced medium combat aircraft (AMCA) by early next year
  • The twin-engine AMCA will basically combine advanced stealth, supercruise, super-manoeuvrability, data fusion and multi-sensor integration with AESA (active electronically scanned array) radars
With the IAF now fully backing the indigenous development of a fifth-generation fighter aircraft (FGFA), it’s all systems go for the desi stealth jet. The defence establishment plans to seek the Cabinet Committee on Security’s approval for the detailed design and prototype development of the advanced medium combat aircraft (AMCA) by early next year.

The twin-engine AMCA will basically combine advanced stealth, supercruise (the capability to achieve supersonic cruise speeds without the use of afterburners), super-manoeuverability, data fusion and multi-sensor integration with AESA (active electronically scanned array) radars.

Development of a FGFA is an extremely complex and costly affair, with the American F/A-22 Raptors and F-35 Lightning-II Joint Strike Fighters being the only fully-operational ones around the globe at present. “Both the Chinese J-20 and the Russian Sukhoi PAK-FA do not have the requisite super-cruise and stealth capabilities,” said a senior IAF officer.

DRDO, in turn, rejects widespread concern the developmental saga of the “swing-role” AMCA may go the same way as the long-delayed Tejas light combat aircraft. “The design work on AMCA began in 2009. By 2014-2015, the fighter’s configuration, in tune with IAF requirements, had been worked out. But the problem was that there was no engine,” said a scientist.

Consequently, the decision has now been taken to go in for two squadrons of AMCA Mark-I with the “available” General Electric-414 afterburning turbofan engine in the 98 Kilonewton thrust class.

“The next five to six squadrons of AMCA Mark-II will have a more powerful 110 Kilonewton engine, which will be developed indigenously with foreign collaboration parallelly. The supercruise of Mark-I will be slightly limited due to the older engine but it will be upgraded in Mark-II,” said a source.

After the Rs 400 crore design sanction for AMCA in December 2018, it will now take “another seven to eight months” for the nod for the prototype development phase at a cost of around Rs 7,000-8,000 crore, which will be required over a decade, said sources.

As per existing plans, the 25-tonne AMCA’s “roll-out from the hangar to the runway” will take place by 2024-2025, with the first test-flight a year after that. “By 2029, the clearance to begin production of AMCA Mark-I should come. Mark-II production, in turn, should begin by 2035,” said the source.

DRDO says the advanced technologies to make AMCA a stealth fighter range from “serpentine air-intake” and an internal weapon bay (internal carriage of smart weapons) to radar absorbing materials and conformal antennae. “Most of the designing for stealth shaping of AMCA has already been done,” he said.

The plan is to produce the single-engine Tejas in greater numbers, with the IAF already committed to acquiring 123 of them. Another 200 Tejas Mark-II, with more powerful engines and advanced avionics, will be inducted at a later stage.

“The first test-flight of Tejas Mark-II or the MWF (medium weight fighter) should take place by 2023. The specialised AMCA, which will cost double the Tejas Mark-II, will be inducted in smaller numbers ... stealth aircraft are expensive,” said the source
Two squadrons of IOC AMCAs with F414 engines from 2029 onwards.

Rest from 2034 with 110 kn new engines.
Two squadrons of IOC AMCAs with F414 engines from 2029 onwards.

Rest from 2034 with 110 kn new engines.
We might as well plant the AMCA similar to the Korean KF-X which is going to happen in three stages. In the first stage, the aircraft will be a shaped Typhoon, without IWBs. In the second stage, they will introduce IWBs and target a small amount of RCS reduction, much smaller than Rafale/Typhoon etc, but not as much as the F-35. In the third stage, it will be an F-35 competitor with high levels of stealth. They may club stages 2 and 3

DRDO suggested FGFA is not necessary since they can develop one on their own. That's why AMCA's specs are high. IAF had initially planned a less ambitious AMCA program, without supercruise. Given that we developed a decent aeronautical ecosystem in India both in terms of research orgs & manufacturing with the Tejas project, I hope AMCA's development is relatively quicker and home to achieve first flight by 2027-29 for IOC config
Oh boy, another 25 years plan to engineer an "IndiGenious" product is unveiled by India.
Wait for 25 years to find out that it is already out of date, Yesterday's technology, rejected by IAF and IA. :rofl::rofl::big_boss:
Oh boy, another 25 years plan to engineer an "IndiGenious" product is unveiled by India.
Wait for 25 years to find out that it is already out of date, Yesterday's technology, rejected by IAF and IA. :rofl::rofl::big_boss:
As far as Pak is concerned, it's a like cake teeming with icings...

Can't help but love these products...
As far as Pak is concerned, it's a like cake teeming with icings...

Can't help but love these products...

I am quite "excited" to see the Indians on this forum harping about it, like it is going to materialise tomorrow.
I bet my bottom dollar, before this plane rolled out of production line, if it ever does, Pakistan's fifth generation's aircraft would be flying for anywhere 5 to 10 years.

I usually don't make fun of India's achievements, but this time I really want to....

Oh come on. Don't you have a day of pleasure in your life!!
Let it go mate, let it be, let it be a ball of a day on the expense of the Indians and their "grand designs".
I am quite "excited" to see the Indians on this forum harping about it, like it is going to materialise tomorrow.
I bet my bottom dollar, before this plane rolled out of production line, if it ever does, Pakistan's fifth generation's aircraft would be flying for anywhere 5 to 10 years.

Oh come on. Don't you have a day of pleasure in your life!!
Let it go mate, let it be, let it be a ball of a day on the expense of the Indians and their "grand designs".
Another project. I wonder how and why they excelled in space technology.
If Indians want that project to be successful then shift that project also to South. North Indians, and only talk.
I am quite "excited" to see the Indians on this forum harping about it, like it is going to materialise tomorrow.
I bet my bottom dollar, before this plane rolled out of production line, if it ever does, Pakistan's fifth generation's aircraft would be flying for anywhere 5 to 10 years.

Oh come on. Don't you have a day of pleasure in your life!!
Let it go mate, let it be, let it be a ball of a day on the expense of the Indians and their "grand designs".
Hindutva scums have no Bereket, Rahmet etc. in their efforts!!! Whatever they touch turns into poops and pees...
Another project. I wonder how and why they excelled in space technology.
If Indians want that project to be successful then shift that project also to South. North Indians, and only talk.
DRDO is infact headed by South Indians mostly with the current chief G. Satheesh Reddy being from Andhra Pradesh while the former chief was from Tamil Nadu. The issue is not with who's handling the org but DRDO has always had troubles with handling multiple research & development orgs under em biting off way more than they can chew. The funds of all these orgs are trickled down through DRDO where a chunk of it is lost in corruption. Coupled with DRDO's flawed recruitment policies and poor project management, many of their projects faced significant delays. IA & IAF are also to be blamed since they constantly changed requirements/specifications favoring foreign maal for kickbacks.

IN has been much better in this regard since almost all recent naval platforms have been designed by IN's Naval Design Bureau with assistance from DRDO's arms for certain armament/communications/electronics etc.

ISRO is significantly better in meeting project timelines due to their movement of funds, clear goals & objectives, no obligations to pay a heed to changes in end consumer requirements, better project management & recruitment policies.
DRDO is infact headed by South Indians mostly with the current chief G. Satheesh Reddy being from Andhra Pradesh while the former chief was from Tamil Nadu. The issue is not with who's handling the org but DRDO has always had troubles with handling multiple research & development orgs under em biting off way more than they can chew. The funds of all these orgs are trickled down through DRDO where a chunk of it is lost in corruption. Coupled with DRDO's flawed recruitment policies and poor project management, many of their projects faced significant delays. IA & IAF are also to be blamed since they constantly changed requirements/specifications favoring foreign maal for kickbacks.

IN has been much better in this regard since almost all recent naval platforms have been designed by IN's Naval Design Bureau with assistance from DRDO's arms for certain armament/communications/electronics etc.

ISRO is significantly better in meeting project timelines due to their movement of funds, clear goals & objectives, no obligations to pay a heed to changes in end consumer requirements, better project management & recruitment policies.

ISRO is gem of the crown. Tejas is mare insult, to be honest.
ISRO is gem of the crown. Tejas is mare insult, to be honest.
Tejas project even though a nightmare helped us in establishing an aeronautical ecosystem with several DRDO arms, educational institutions, research orgs & private firms in line which would quicken the pace of developing the MWF & AMCA. Unlike the previous Congress regimes & corrupt top brass of IAF, the current govt is fully supporting development & induction of indigenous systems and IAF's new chief also emphasized on the same.I am not expecting a miracle to churn out AMCAs in 5-10 years but achieving first flight in 10 years is a decent timeline

I hope AMCA's timelines would be closer to Korean KF-X
Tejas project even though a nightmare helped us in establishing an aeronautical ecosystem with several DRDO arms, educational institutions, research orgs & private firms in line which would quicken the pace of developing the MWF & AMCA. Unlike the previous Congress regimes & corrupt top brass of IAF, the current govt is fully supporting development & induction of indigenous systems and IAF's new chief also emphasized on the same.I am not expecting a miracle to churn out AMCAs in 5-10 years but achieving first flight in 10 years is a decent timeline

I hope AMCA's timelines would be closer to Korean KF-X

Better buy a design or technology, just a sincere suggestion.
Better buy a design or technology, just a sincere suggestion.
5th gen fighters are more about stealth coatings, airframe design, sensor fusion and triumphing in BVR combat which is the future. Except for the US, even the Chinese & Russian platforms are not mature enough and no one would be willing to sell next gen tech which is why US has been pitching for F-21 (aka F-16) with significant ToT but didn't even offer off the shelf F-35s

Tejas even though had a lot of foreign sub-systems initially was eventually replaced with indigenous ones. Uttam AESA Radar, Astra BVRAAM, BEL avionics have all been integrated and successfully tested on Tejas which will be incorporated into the AMCA/MWF. The GE-414 will still be used until we figure out an indigenous alternative (hopefully Safran will help us out) but even a manufacturing giant like China is yet to fully use indigenous engines

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