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Perfect coup de tat in progress for Pakistan

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That may be the case, but as of today, the acts of the deputy speaker on behalf of the government were unconstitutional. These things can't be employed based on pre-emptive guesswork and extremely flimsy application of Art. 5.

How are these moves unconstitutional? Constitution is applied based on its interpretation and the interpretations here fits correctly. The ruling of the NSC trumps anything else. To prove this was unconstitutional would require them to prove all of this is a hoax and NSC has been lying.

Secondly, if you so openly rely on courts, perhaps look at the history of courts and judges in our country and you'll realise how murderers walk free and corruption is rampant.

The correct step was taken to ensure foreign agencies cannot interfere in Pakistan. This is the biggest threat Pakistan has faced and she will respond once the dust settles after the coming elections.
It is not fantasy. The Chinese have started demanding payment in Yuan what does that tell you and the Russian rubles. The USD has been chellenged openly unless you have been living under a rock.

Once you see World currency chellenged that means a direct hegemony chellenge.. This was what happening in the last 2 months. Pakistan is not even a player in all of this they are just focussed on national security interests not player on the hegemony round-table
That's about right.
Family Ltd mafias which are manipulated by external and internal power houses.
Parliamentary democracy which is a facade and again a tool in the hands of external and internal actors.
Estaishment can easily puppeteer family Ltd mafias.

When IK says that army knows where they stash their ill gotten money he points on both sides of this. That ....THEM.... but I can't be manipulated by Army.

Again, it seems one person has exposed a lot. This earthquake has shifted many layers and power brokers have been exposed naked.

The opportunity shall be availed because the person on the otherside is a different kind entirely.
How though? Is there a court case? Has there been a court ordered investigation linked to that case? Was there any convictions on the basis of which that article was employed?

CJP Bandial said pretty clearly today that the deputy speaker's use of article 5 was not linked to any ongoing or submitted case, let alone on the basis of any ruling or conviction.
All thse questions and many more shall come during SC hearing starting from Monday.
You’re wrong, unlike the rest of you guys here, I’m just not into lull safari.

Saving grace of Imran is that he’s not a thief. PTI on the other hand is a shit show.
If PTI is shit show
Then what should we call JUI PPPP PMLN show

I mean honestly if health insurance, educational reforms, 5+ growth rate and up exports with same inflation as bwfore is shit show (depsitw global inflation and deglobalization/war covid)
Then what should we call the show of 1990s?
What is an Islamic presidential system?
President should be the Head of Government and remove the Post of Prime Minister and be directly elected. Objectives Resolution should be implemented by removing Interest from Banking and converting loans to partnership/investment based Islamic models. Gambling should be removed from the Stock Exchange. Rest of the system can be adopted from Turkey/USA.
PTI should launch a 2nd strike by arresting those involved in the conspiracy to prevent a counter strike.

What is an Islamic presidential system?
There are many other things like changing the Constitution with the Islamic Constitution but Interest is the main curse these days. We can start with removing interest first.
Yazeed was also a Caliph and people took oath, so would you say that Hussain RA rebellion was illegitimat

Renegade governor muawyiah was given power under an agreement. Although it got violated severely with net beneficiaries of caliph Usman's murder end up getting rewarded -------

What lead Hussain to finally react after a period of 20 or so years was the violation of the provision that muwaihay will not appoint a successor/follow in the footsteps of Romans and Persians- ------- rest is history .
If PTI is shit show
Then what should we call JUI PPPP PMLN show

I mean honestly if health insurance, educational reforms, 5+ growth rate and up exports with same inflation as bwfore is shit show (depsitw global inflation and deglobalization/war covid)
Then what should we call the show of 1990s?
Tariq Aziz Show!
even Hussain RA rebellion can be questioned.

Hussain was invited by one of the companions of Prophet saww to take charge of kufa after the violation of power sharing agreement. What kind of a man would take his whole family to the battle ground instead of a militia to initiate an armed conflict?

Anyways The authentic Prophetic traditions declare Ali and his sons to be The masters of the youth of Paradise not yazeed or anyone else leading the military expeditions first against The Prophet Saww and then against a rightly guided Caliph -------.
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In what way could they have cleansed the state, past 20 yrs were the most unstable we've ever had in Pak with hot Western border and urban insurgency and crippled economy with the likes of NS and Zardari in power....

If you don't get it, nothing I can do to explain will help. Let's agree to disagree.
If you don't get it, nothing I can do to explain will help. Let's agree to disagree.
Its not that I don't "get it" but I think it's more complex and not as black and white as your trying to portray. Khair let's agree to disagree
Its not that I don't "get it" but I think it's more complex and not as black and white as your trying to portray. Khair let's agree to disagree

My post could have been worded better. Thank you for your level-headed response :)
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