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All about Afghan Presidential Election-2014


Sep 24, 2010
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Opening this thread for all news and discussion or analysis related to Afghan Presidential Elections-2014. Hope this will help in understanding of Afghan political system.
Regulations and Procedures Explaining Elections

Afghanistan ascribes to the presidential political system, whereby the head of state is a president directly elected by the people of the state. Under this system, the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is mandated to implement the 2004 Constitution and act in the interests of the people.

The President is responsible for, inter alia, acting as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, convening the loya jirga, appointing ministers and other high-level officials in conjunction with the Parliament, endorsing laws and judicial decrees, establishing commissions, proclaiming and terminating states of emergency and calling referendums.

Two vice presidents, the first and second, succeed the President in the case of absence, resignation, or death.
On 9 October 2004, more than eight million registered voters directly elected Hamid Karzai as the President of Afghanistan by an absolute majority. Approximately 4,900 polling centers with 22,000 polling stations were operational in all districts of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces. Out-of-country voting took place with 2,800 polling stations in Iran and Pakistan. Counting centers were located in Kabul, Mazar-i-Sharif, Kandahar, Jalalabad, Kunduz, Bamyan, Herat, and Gardez.

After receiving over 50% of votes in free, general, and secret balloting, the office of the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is held for five years. Presidential candidates must meet a number of minimum criteria, including being a citizen of Afghanistan, being over the age of 40 years, and not having been convicted of war crimes, or criminal acts.

If no candidate receives over 50% of votes after the first round of elections completed and results announced, a second round of elections must be held within two weeks. Only the two candidates who receive the most votes are allowed to stand in the second round.
According to the 2004 Constitution, the Presidential term expires on the 22 May of the fifth year after elections, with new elections being held between thirty and sixty days prior to the end of the term.

Should the President resign or be deemed unfit to carry out the duties of the office, the First Vice President acts as Interim President until an election can be held. According to the Constitution, an election must be held within three months.

During that time, the First Vice President cannot amend the Constitution, dismiss ministers, or call a referendum. Additionally, Vice Presidents are required to nominate themselves as presidential candidates in the election.

According to Article Sixty-Two, Chapter-3 of Constitution of Afghanistan

The individual who becomes a presidential candidate shall have the following qualifications:

1. Shall be a citizen of Afghanistan, Muslim, born of Afghan parents and shall not be a citizen of another country;

2. Shall not be less than forty years old the day of candidacy;

3. Shall not have been convicted of crimes against humanity, a criminal act or deprivation of civil rights by court.

No individual shall be elected for more than two terms as President. The provision of this article shall also apply to Vice-Presidents.

Link to the Constitution of Afghanistan from the website of Afghanistan Embassy in Warsa: http://www.afghanembassy.com.pl/afg/images/pliki/TheConstitution.pdf
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Presidential Candidates List:

Candidate Name, Election Symbol

1- Dr. Abdullah Abdullah,

2- Daud Sultanzoy,

3- Abdul Rahim Wardak

4- Abdul Qayum Karzai

5- Dr Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai

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Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan: http://www.iec.org.af/pdf/finallist13/presidential.pdf
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Brief Profile of Presidential Candidates:

1- Dr. Abdullah Abdullah


Born September 5, 1960 in Kabul, Graduate from Kabul University with a degree in Ophthalmology, His farther Ghullam Muhayuddin Khan was a Pashtun (Mother was Tajik) and appointed senator by Afghan King Zahir Shah. During his stay in Pakistan he worked in Syed Jamal Uddin Afghani Eye Hospital in Peshawar in Pakistan.

In 1985, he worked as the Head of Health Department in Panjshir Resistance Front, became a close associate of Ahmed Shah Masood. He served as the spoke person and than Foreign Minister of Ahmed Shah Masood's Government.

In 2001 served as Foreign Minister of Interm government of Afghanistan after the fall of Taliban regime, he also served as Foreign Minister during the period of 2002-2006.

Dr. Abdullah Abdullah - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency
Abdullah Abdullah

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Profile: Abdullah Abdullah
Brief Biography of Dr. Abdullah Abdullah

2- Daoud Sultanzoy

Mohammad Daoud Sultanzoi, is a Pashtoon and belongs to Malakhil Tribe. He was born September 13, 1952 in Ghazni Province, earned his Bachelors degree from Kabul University in Engenieering, and received scholarship from US government for further studies of avation, and served as Civil pilot in diffrent foreign Airlines.

After Soviet Invasion of Afghanisatn he defected to Germany and than setteled in Southern California USA, after fall of Taliban returend to Afghanistan and contested for lower hosue and headed the Economic Affairs Committee of lower house of Afghanistan.

In 2005, he was the presidential candidate. He emerged as the leader of Group e- Mustaqel ( a bloc of pro-democracy moderates).

His wife Zohra Daoud (first and only Miss Afghanistan pageant) and his daughter Sarah are still living in California.

Sultanzoy speaks Pashtu, Dari and English

HSPI | Events: Afghanistan: Prospects and Perspectives, featuring Daoud Sultanzoy, Afghan MP and Chairman, Economic Committee

3- Abdul Rahim Wardak

Is a Pushtun born in 1940, graduate from Hibibia High Scholl than joined National Military Academy of Afghanistan further trained in US and Egypt.

Previously has served in different roles suchas Lecturer at the National Military Academy of Afghanistan, Assistant of Protocol at the Afghan Ministry of Defense, Military Assistant at the National Islamic Front of Afghanistan and Tri-lateral Unity, Commander of the Jihadi Fronts, Member of the Security Committee of Kabul City, Chief of the Army Staff, Director of Military Officers Society, Director of Education Committee, Commission Member of National Army Rehabilitation Commission, Director of Disarmament Program, Director of National Army Reform, Deputy Minister of Defense at the Ministry of Defense and then Minister of Defense.

Hamid Wardak s/o Abdurrahim Wardak, posse USA Passport, Mr. Wardak is fluent in English, Pashtu and Dari.

Abdul Rahim Wardak | .:: Elections 2014 ::.
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4- Abdul Qayum Karzai

Abdul Qayum Karzai was born in Karz 1957, Kandahar Province. He has an M.A. from USC and is President Hamid Karzai's older brother (one of six brothers and one sister), a businessman and a former member of the National Assembly (parliament). After growing up in Kandahar, the elder Karzai left his home country at the age of 23 in 1969 to train as a pilot of the Afghan air force in the United States. Motion sickness cut short that career. He is married to Patricia, a lady who is a US citizen. They have two grown up children.

He has been accused by his rivals of being involved in drugs trafficking. In Wolesi Jirga 2005 he was a member of the Narcotics Committee

Qayum Karzai (Pashtun) stood as a candidate for presidential election 2014 with his First vice president, Wahidullah Shahrani (Uzbek) and Second vice president, Ibrahim Qasmi (Hazara) Mohammad Ebrahim Qasimi, was disqualified for 2014 presidential election because of his dual nationality (Afghan and Canadian nationality). Karzai`s election team on 20131021introduced Mohammad Noor Akbari as his replacement to the Independent Election Commission

Afghanistan Online: Biography (Abdul Qayum Karzai)
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