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Alien's to attack earth in november this year?

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China's moon orbiter caught a alien base on dark side of moon....

What is on the dark side of the moon? NASA says theres a alien base with a biggest machine that humans never saw before.... That machine sucking minerals out of moon.... Only NASA knows what aliens going to do with the material they stealing from moon.... Must read....
Alien Moon Base Secrets Revealed, NASA secrets
YouTube - NASA Confirms Moon Structures Exist 2012
Why America kept provoking Aliens? When america found out Aliens has base on moon then America launched an Nuclear Missile towards it.... But Aliens shot that Missile within no Time.... Aliens Dont fear Nuclear weapons but they want to destroy it because whatever Aliens want on earth might be targeted by America by Nuclear warheads.... Aliens indeed coming on earth for something they want.... If they want earth materials than they might target humans because we might create problems.... (in that case we all dead).... If Aliens wants to make us Slave then there is a ray of hope we might live (as a slave forever).... If Aliens coming here to make humans friends then we are safe (i doubt this one as Aliens targeted our military around world and also humans and animals).... Aliens coming on earth since 1000s of years. Humans never provoked them but now America did its Best to make them red hot angry.... Sometime i feel that what america did to world might happened to America itself.... America has no right to make Aliens angry. By making them angry America put humans at risk.... Must watch....
YouTube - UFO shot down a missile in Taiwan 2011
YouTube - ufo DISABLES US missile
Aliens 'hit our nukes': They even landed at a Suffolk base, claim airmen | Mail Online
YouTube - THEY ARRIVED?- Huge UFOs caught on Telescope 2011
I mean if we win a war against aliens then humans will return to fighting themselves.

If they want a sample of my DNA they can have it. What are they going to do with anyway? I don't mind as long as they are just running some simple experiments.

By the way I really doubt aliens would ever come to earth to enslave mankind. Beings advanced enough to travel to earth & yet they still want to enslave humans, can't they develop some mechanical servants!? :woot: Yeah.........lol.

Universe is infinite, so we can safely assume there will be no end to alien threat we may just want to keep conquering infinity? that would give peace for few billion human generations
Universe is infinite, so we can safely assume there will be no end to alien threat we may just want to keep conquering infinity? that would give peace for few billion human generations

Up till now there has never been a real alien threat. As for infinity, I doubt infinity exists in real life. Lets assume that an event took place at a particular point in time. However if time as an example was infinite than that event could never really take place since there would be an infinite number of events preceding it.

Anyway, I could be wrong, but that's my view about infinity.
This makes me even more confused.... A italian lady claimed she had abducted by 2 types of Aliens since she was a girl.... She was choosen to be producer of Hybrids (human + Alien).... She had a metal chip in her brain inserted by Aliens. Scientists proved its real and indeed Aliens abducting her.... When she was 2 months pregnant then doctors proved that what they removed is indeed a alien baby.... She claimed there r 2 types of aliens she knew. One is humanoid who are alot same like humans.... Other is grey alien who dont have any feelings. They same like robots (not real robots but similar to them who dont have good or bad or feelings. they created by scientists from other planet). She claimed that grey aliens created for long journey and grey aliens lacks any sexual organs.... They want to creat hybrids to make sure they dont extint forever (as they cant reproduce).... They dont do any sexual harm. They do it by science way by test tube (as they lack sexual organs). But the humanoids are the one who do sex with humans as are genes match them more then any animal on planet earth (male humanoid sex with human female and vice o versa).... The grey aliens told her that humanoids are enemy of greys and humans. They told her within 2 to 3 years Earth would get attacked (3yrs exactly 2012).... The greys wants a new breeds of human + alien so they can shift it to other planet where life can grow safely. Must read and watch
YouTube - Italia 8 J 2009 Alien Fetus aftermath.flv
YouTube - UFO ABDUCTION - Italian Woman Impregnated by Aliens 100% Real Footage
UFOs 2012|UFO Sightings|Alien UFO Pictures|What Are UFOs|2012 Solar Strom|Mexico UFO: Italian alien abducted woman interviewed about her fetus autopsy
India was super power in ancient times due to Aliens Help.... Slowly as thousands of years pass by, the weapons and UFO technology lost behind.... Our scientists still searching it and so does chinese, americans and brits scients.... Mahabharat war was more deadly then world war I and II.... Here is a brief info of iron Thunderbolt weapon given to indians by Aliens....
Oppenheimer’s Iron Thunderbolt: Evidence of Ancient Super-Weapons? | Mysterious Universe
Today i will give you all the Biggest findings that we all looking for.... But first before giving that findings i want you all to look at this creature found alive by farmer in mexico who drowned this baby Humanoid in water (it took an hour to kill it) and then he gave it to the scientists who then declared it as alien humanoid after doing tests.... By the way the farmer who killed baby humanoid found burned alive in his car.... it seem that Aliens took revenge.... The car found to be highly radioactive.... Take a look at this link and then i tell u about something we all want to know....
blogsters guild: A 'REAL' Mexican Alien Found in Mexico: Unknown Creature Baffles Scientist
Alien baby found in mexico. - Socialphy
This is it.... This is what i was looking for to clear my confusion.... I always wonder why the hell i see so many different types of Aliens.... Atlast i got the Answer. Below is the link which explains by pin point accurasy whats going on.... It explains how many types of Aliens are their.... This findings came by stuying Aliens since 1000s of years.... It seems NASA SETI AMERICA knew it all because i have seen the american scientist interview in which he told exactly same thing.... This link below explains it in Details. MUST READ to understand whats going on.... This is very important link....
Alien Types, UFO Casebook Files
Alright! We will have something to kill for fur, meat and skin. I don't know what should I think about this news.
where is batman superman and that idiot spiderman :undecided:
To aliens [who are monitoring this website].

Just Bring it, Bit%h
Earth is under attack!!!:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: OMG!!!

No need to panic.USA will lead a counter attack using the f22 modified with friendly alien tech.

We might also get help from Superman,Batman,Spiderman,Fantastic four,Captain America etc...

India might sent its indigenous superhero the mighty Shakthiman.

So no need to worry, evil aliens dont stand a chance against Earth's forces.
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