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Alarming' secret document details Iran's nuclear goals


Jul 22, 2009
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Source: 'Alarming' secret document details Iran's nuclear goals
December 14, 2009 3:14 p.m. EST


London, England (CNN) -- A secret document that appears to show that Iran was working on building nuclear weapons as recently as 2007 is "alarming" and "part of a body of evidence backing up deep concerns over Iran's nuclear program," a Western diplomatic source with knowledge of the papers told CNN on Monday.

The International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations nuclear watchdog, has a copy of the secret papers, which were also obtained by the Times of London, the source said. IAEA officials confirm they are investigating the document, but said they have not formally asked Iran for more information about it. A top international nuclear expert said it seemed to point to Iranian efforts to build a bomb. "The only realistic use of this is in a nuclear weapon," said David Albright, the president of the Institute for Science and International Security.

It shows that either Iran is developing the capability to build nuclear weapons or it is moving to implement a bomb program and either one is bad, said Albright, who reviewed the document for the Times before the newspaper published its report Sunday.

But Albright warned that the document is edited and has no date on it. The source who gave it to the Times said it was from 2007, but neither the Times nor the ISIS was able to date it definitively, Albright said.

United States intelligence concluded in 2007 that Iran had suspended work on its nuclear weapons program in 2003. In the National Intelligence Estimate released in December 2007, the U.S. intelligence community dramatically reversed course from its 2005 evaluation. It expressed "high confidence" in 2005 that the Islamic Republic was working toward nuclear weapons, then two years later said -- also with "high confidence" -- that Iran had stopped its weapons program in 2003.

Iran denies seeking to build nuclear weapons, saying its nuclear program is to produce civilian energy and medical research. But it is under intense pressure from the international community, with Britain and France saying last week they would push for stronger U.N. sanctions on Tehran.

The revelation means, essentially that the Iranians have been lying to everybody when they said they were not seeking to build nuclear weapons, said Mehrdad Khonsari, a former Iranian diplomat.
The fact that the document comes out at this time makes it very difficult for Russia and China not to go along with more sanctions.
--Mehrdad Khonsari, former Iranian diplomat

Khonsari said it was no accident that this document appeared when it did. The fact that the document comes out at this time makes it very difficult for Russia and China not to go along with more sanctions, he said. It would also make it easier for Israel to go ahead with a unilateral strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, he added.
The agenda will change as a result of the publication of this document unless the document is proven to be false by the Iranian authorities, said Khonsari, who is now a senior research consultant at the Center for Arab and Iranian Studies.

Khonsari -- who left Iran after the Islamic Revolution in 1979 -- has not seen the original document, but said the material published by the Times is what an authentic document would look like.
It places pressure on the Iranian government to try to use what time remains to get out of this situation, he said.
According to a report dated Monday on the Web site of Albright's group, a neutron initiator is a critical component of a nuclear weapon. The ISIS report said the device would most likely be placed at the center of a fission bomb made from weapon-grade uranium and works by the high explosives compressing the nuclear core and the initiator to produce a "spurt of neutrons" as a result of fusion.
The neutrons flood the core of weapon-grade uranium and initiate the chain reaction," the ISIS report said.

Albright said the document described efforts to research and test a neutron initiator, a nuclear component for which he could not see any civil use. They appear to be doing the right things, he said. But you don't know how it fits into a nuclear weapons program.

He also said the public had failed to understand a key part of the debate about Iran's nuclear program. It's not whether there is something or nothing, but whether there is a capabilities focus or an actual decision to build nuclear weapons, he said. "It's not like an on-off switch, it's like a dimmer control.
See Yankees sell $hit to the world yet again, the weapons of Mass Deceptions are getting active yet again.. and even though majority wont buy it, they will still make such accusations base of their legitimacy to attack and destroy Iran's Nuclear Installations.
See Yankees sell $hit to the world yet again, the weapons of Mass Deceptions are getting active yet again.. and even though majority wont buy it, they will still make such accusations base of their legitimacy to attack and destroy Iran's Nuclear Installations.

sorry but it wasn't the yanks that provided it.
If US can take down sadam on suspisions than what is holding it back to take on iran whith all the available facts?
If US can take down sadam on suspisions than what is holding it back to take on iran whith all the available facts?

What makes you think it still won't?
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See Yankees sell $hit to the world yet again, the weapons of Mass Deceptions are getting active yet again.. and even though majority wont buy it, they will still make such accusations base of their legitimacy to attack and destroy Iran's Nuclear Installations.

The majority are starting to believe. I have seen some here go from Iran's program is peaceful to they deserve to have the bomb.
What make you think it still won't?
I will not loose any love if US and Iran go to war.
Non of my bussiness, i'm fed up of this show which iran and US had been putting up to fool the world from long time.
If US consider iran a threat and have proofs and believe in preemptive strike than to over run iran, as we know is walk in the park.....so honestly i'm getting sick of this daily fuss.
iran is making bomb or not..... will US let it build the bomb or not... is iran democracy or not will US not support regime change as it do all around the world?
Well we are still waiting for Yankeez to provide us the evidence of Iraq's Nuclear weapons , that was supported by your"SECRET" reports too:cheesy:

Now it is Iran , cool you guys need an excuse to attack Iran isn't it ?:lol:

Keep destroying the world and one day would be your turn cheerz:usflag:
Well we are still waiting for Yankeez to provide us the evidence of Iraq's Nuclear weapons , that was supported by your"SECRET" reports too:cheesy:

Now it is Iran , cool you guys need an excuse to attack Iran isn't it ?:lol:

Keep destroying the world and one day would be your turn cheerz:usflag:

Some how I think if it was a mushroom cloud over tel Aviv you would be cheering Iran.

there is a sad point that Iran doesn't want much cooperation.

you should understand that nuclear policy is an inside tool . I mean that they use it for the nationalist faith in any Iranian: Moussavi wanted even smartly to make a trap for the government saying Ahmadinejad was weak to speak to USA. He knew that government needed to convince its support in Iran: bassidjis, pasdarans who didn't tend to be much pro dialogue.

I believe in the words of Montazeri , i appreciate very much. Nuclear bomb is forbidden for us muslims and we have to speak to the world that the world should take the nuclear weapons out.

Anyway here is my comment about the video since the person who is speaking having very low knowledge of my country:
- the modjahidin of people are a terrorist organization which is very unpopular in Iran for the mass killing and sectarian ideas. they provided many times fake proofs fake documents already. strangely these documents were not enough to convince AIEA. Part of the news from them is that Iran is lauching neutron initiator.
- right now there is a prominent scientist from Qom who is said to give important informations. this should be clear what he said. remember this story of kidnap in KSA.
- all nuclear sites in Iran for security reason are inside the army camps, pasdarans camps. so what she says is very stupid that military signature is a proof of military program.
It is Israel that has nuclear weapons. Iran has a right to defend itself.

Iran wants a nuclear weapon free middle-east, the US doesn't. The US wants Israel to have nuclear monopoly and hold the muslim world to nuclear blackmail.

Thank god the Iranians aren't as spineless as the Arabs.:angry:
It is Israel that has nuclear weapons. Iran has a right to defend itself.

Iran wants a nuclear weapon free middle-east, the US doesn't. The US wants Israel to have nuclear monopoly and hold the muslim world to nuclear blackmail.

Thank god the Iranians aren't as spineless as the Arabs.:angry:

please show me were Israel has threatened to use them on Iran. you do not see the world concerned with Israel or Pakistan bombs becuase they are not openly belligerent countries. Israel only attacks when its enemies attack or mass for attack. It could have used it's nukes many times since the 60's and have not. Pakistan has also refrained from using nukes in it's confrontations with India. Iran on the other hand openly talks about wiping Israel from the earth. It's leaders believe they can hasten the appearance of the 12th imam by creating chaos and confrontation.
please show me were Israel has threatened to use them on Iran. you do not see the world concerned with Israel or Pakistan bombs becuase they are not openly belligerent countries. Israel only attacks when its enemies attack or mass for attack. It could have used it's nukes many times since the 60's and have not. Pakistan has also refrained from using nukes in it's confrontations with India. Iran on the other hand openly talks about wiping Israel from the earth. It's leaders believe they can hasten the appearance of the 12th imam by creating chaos and confrontation.

If I am holding a loaded gun while talking to you, I don't have to say anything, it affects the ambience. After the initial syrian succes in the '73 war, Dayan called for the preperation of Israels nuclear weapons.

Iran has not threatened any country with nuclear weapons.

The US has deliberately applied the NPT in a discriminatory manner, one rule for Israel and another for the Islamic world.

What is this talk about 'It's leaders believe they can hasten the appearance of the 12th imam by creating chaos and confrontation.' Taking words out of context?

And as for 'wiping Israel out' :tell me, how does the muslim world recover the land lost in 1947?

No more talk about Iran's nuclear weapons, only about Israel's.
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