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Al Qaeda's new Indian branch laughing stock of the terror world after mistakenly attacking Pakistani

@JonAsad If you edit a post to tag a member, then the posters wont get the alert....


I dont know why
on the contrary this should send alarms all over the Indian security apparatus
a a war ready navy Frigate armed with whatever under the command of terrorists who have no regard for their own lives or lives of billions in sub continent?

by the way, I think AQ India is wrongly claiming the fame or mockery.. it was an inside job of PN radicalized traitors who are either dead or are now being grilled by naval intelligence personnel right now

Oh wow! So the Al Qaeda yahoos commandeer a Pakistani frigate, sail it all the way to Guam in the Pacific Ocean and pump metal into USS George Washington on patrol on the high seas!! Oh yeah!!

Next they'll want to hijack the International Space Station and take it to the Moon to establish a Caliphate out there!! Jeeez!
Under siege
Under Siege (1992) - IMDb

Steven Segal and Tommie Lee Johns

Wow, reliable source from Mail Online, new Indian branch in India is now confirmed, Pakistan already knew it.

Disappointing moment for AQ and Indians on PDF.

Yes we clearly see many Indians disappointed, many terrorists attacks were FAILED in numerous places and parks since 2007.
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Wow, reliable source from Mail Online, new Indian branch in India is now confirmed, Pakistan already knew it.

Yes we clearly see many Indians disappointed, many terrorists attacks were FAILED in numerous places and parks since 2007.

Why should any Indians be disappointed? we are quite pleased, because even if was a partial success then AQ would have become popular and would get more recruits from among the Pakistan youths, which means an increase in the danger for us. We are quite pleased that we would essentially be dealing with nincompoops and most of them will be taken care of while they cross the border.

I dont know why
on the contrary this should send alarms all over the Indian security apparatus
a a war ready navy Frigate armed with whatever under the command of terrorists who have no regard for their own lives or lives of billions in sub continent?

by the way, I think AQ India is wrongly claiming the fame or mockery.. it was an inside job of PN radicalized traitors who are either dead or are now being grilled by naval intelligence personnel right now

Yes, the threat perspective went up a few notches, not only for India but all around. PN personnel being radicalized and committing terror acts and planning on shipjacking a naval frigate (briefly) is surely a cause of worry.

Gives us an idea of the spread of radicalization.
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. .
Why should any Indians be disappointed? we are quite pleased, because even if was a partial success then AQ would have become popular and would get more recruits from among the Pakistan youths, which means an increase in the danger for us. We are quite pleased that we would essentially be dealing with nincompoops and most of them will be taken care of while they cross the border.

No, India and their consulates are well known funding terrorists and other Al Qaeda groups in Afghanistan while India continue to fund other terrorists from India, not only this but Pakistan has done enough experiences via War on Terrors (since 2007) that is linked to India connection.

India has over the years financed problems for Pakistan in Afghanistan
Defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel said in a 2011 speech at Cameron University that India has "for many years" sponsored terrorist activities against Pakistan in Afghanistan.

Keep deny yourself.
No, India and their consulates are well known funding terrorists and other Al Qaeda groups in Afghanistan while India continue to fund other terrorists from India, not only this but Pakistan has done enough experiences via War on Terrors (since 2007) that is linked to India connection.

India has over the years financed problems for Pakistan in Afghanistan
Defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel said in a 2011 speech at Cameron University that India has "for many years" sponsored terrorist activities against Pakistan in Afghanistan.

Keep deny yourself.

Don't go off topic -just discuss this specific incident,

I can bring hundreds of such links and videos calling Pakistan the epicenter of terror.

Zawahiri - supposedly living in Pakistan.

AQIS chief - A pakistani.

AQ - core is in Pakistan.

The terrorists - all Pakistani's

The first target -Pakistan's port.

Future recruits - all will be Pakistani's.

So, why deny that the center of operations of this new AQ wing is also Pakistan?.
I thought it was satire article by faking news or Onion. :mad:
. .
Oh wow! So the Al Qaeda yahoos commandeer a Pakistani frigate, sail it all the way to Guam in the Pacific Ocean and pump metal into USS George Washington on patrol on the high seas!! Oh yeah!!

Next they'll want to hijack the International Space Station and take it to the Moon to establish a Caliphate out there!! Jeeez!
:rofl: :rofl:
  • Ten militants stormed Pakistani naval ship after mistaking it for U.S. vessel
  • Armed group were easily overwhelmed, with three killed and seven arrested
  • Jihadists thought navy frigate in Karachi dockyard was U.S. aircraft carrier
  • USS George Washington believed to have been nearby on day of the attack
  • Al Qaeda in Indian Subcontinent was formally established just two weeks ago
  • Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri hoped to revive fortunes of his ailing terror group
  • Would-be jihadists are now more likely to join rival Islamic extremists ISIS
  • ISIS sympathisers took to Twitter to mock Al Qaeda's failed Karachi attack
The newly-formed branch of Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent has botched its first attempt at a terror attack after jihadists mistook a Pakistani naval ship for a U.S. aircraft carrier.

Ten heavily armed militants from the terror cell had planned to storm an American military vessel in Karachi's sea dock - but found a Pakistani naval frigate in it's place.

The men were easily overwhelmed before they could do any damage, investigators said, with three of the militants killed and the remaining seven arrested.

Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri formally announced the founding of a terror cell in the Indian subcontinent two weeks ago in the hope of reviving his ailing extremist group, which has suffered diminishing support since the unprecedented rise of rival Islamic extremist group ISIS.

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Target? The vessel Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent tried to attack may have been the USS George Washington, which is believed to have been stationed off the coast of west Pakistan on the day of the incident

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Location: Fishing boats are moored near a naval dockyard in Pakistan's port city of Karachi. On September 5, Al Qaeda militants attempted to storm a U.S. military vessel here, but found a Pakistani naval frigate in it's place

Despite the failure of the terror attack on September 6, Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent claimed responsibility - adding that the men involved were all former members of the Pakistani navy.

'The Naval officers who were martyred on Saturday in the attack on Karachi were Al Qaeda members. They were trying to attack American marines and their cronies,' the group said in a statement released last Thursday.

'The Pakistani military men who died defending enemies of the Muslim nation...are cursed with hell', they added, apparently still incorrectly under the belief that the vessel was a U.S.aircraft carrier.

It is thought the vessel the group tried to attack may have been the USS George Washington, which is believed to have been stationed off the coast of west Pakistan on the day of the incident, having left Japanese waters the previous day.

Investigators denied that the militants were all former members of the Pakistani navy, saying only one of the 10 men was from a naval background.

There were also suggestions that the attack may not even have been carried out by Al Qaeda at all, and that its increasingly desperate leadership is simply claiming credit for another group's botched work in the hope it makes them appear operational at a level beyond their real capabilities.

This line of inquiry appears to be reinforced by the delay of five days between the failed storming and Al Qaeda's statement claiming responsibility - with the terror group possibly waiting to see if the real culprits came forward to admit to their embarrassing failure before claiming it for themselves.

A senior investigator speaking to the Telegraph described the attack as a 'complete failure' and suggested there may be further arrests relating to the incident.

'They were well-equipped and came with the intention of taking a ship into their custody but they were caught in the initial stages,' the unnamed source was quoted as saying.

The formation of Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent was tailored to counter the flagging image of the group - which has suffered a reversal in fortunes since former leader Osama bin Laden died.

Al Qaeda previously carried out atrocities such as the simultaneous United States embassy truck bombings in East Africa in 1998, the September 11 airplane attacks in the United States in 2001, and the London Underground bombings on July 7, 2005.

But since its founder Osama Bin Laden was killed by a team of U.S Navy Seals in Pakistan in 2011, the group appears to have lost direction somewhat - not least after subsequent leader al-Zawahiri blacklisted former Al Qaeda loyalists ISIS last year for being too brutal.

ISIS has since gained vast swathes of territory in the Middle East and attracted thousands of Western extremists to fight unders its banner in Syria and Iraq - including at least 500 Britons.

Earlier this year ISIS' leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared the terror group a 'caliphate' and announced himself as the caliph - the spiritual leader of all Muslims worldwide.

The group has also carried out the sickening filmed murders of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and of the British aid worker David Haines.

News of Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent's failure to carry out the terror attack was met with mockery by ISIS sympathizers, who branded the group out of date and condemned its campaign of one-off terror attacks without ever attempting to seize territory.

Highly Unlikely.

The fact that all of them were naval officers/ratings ( thus they know difference between a Carrier and a frigate ) and carried large number of handcuffs ( to kidnap crew and commandeer the ship ), provide credence to original Al-qaida claim that they want to hijack PNS Frigate and attack US'S fifth fleet carrier using CM series missiles, rather than mistaking frigate as Carrier ( as stated in article )

And regarding source: LOL!!. Daily mail is a tabloid which does not give a flying fark regarding objectivity.
Oh wow! So the Al Qaeda yahoos commandeer a Pakistani frigate, sail it all the way to Guam in the Pacific Ocean and pump metal into USS George Washington on patrol on the high seas!! Oh yeah!!

Next they'll want to hijack the International Space Station and take it to the Moon to establish a Caliphate out there!! Jeeez!
Sound weird but that was their plan :lol:
I dont know why
on the contrary this should send alarms all over the Indian security apparatus
a a war ready navy Frigate armed with whatever under the command of terrorists who have no regard for their own lives or lives of billions in sub continent?

by the way, I think AQ India is wrongly claiming the fame or mockery.. it was an inside job of PN radicalized traitors who are either dead or are now being grilled by naval intelligence personnel right now

Well this was one of the most stupid plot by any outfit (AQ or insider)....... I dono how one can believe that a missile frigate can be hijacked ......

But i guess AQ is slowly loosing the importance, uncle sam and company are now busy tracking ISIS.... They want to stay relevant and keep uncle sam's apparatus busy, so this was a desperate attempt to gain the lost ground.....
Well this was one of the most stupid plot by any outfit (AQ or insider)....... I dono how one can believe that a missile frigate can be hijacked ......

But i guess AQ is slowly loosing the importance, uncle sam and company are now busy tracking ISIS.... They want to stay relevant and keep uncle sam's apparatus busy, so this was a desperate attempt to gain the lost ground.....

You have highly biased views sometimes-
AQ being desperate has nothing to do with the success of Operation Zarb e Azab by our armed forces against them-
We broke their back and you are bysy giving credit to uncle sam- it would have made sense if that failed desperate attempt to save face by AQ was made in afghanistan against amrika-
Well this was one of the most stupid plot by any outfit (AQ or insider)....... I dono how one can believe that a missile frigate can be hijacked ......

But i guess AQ is slowly loosing the importance, uncle sam and company are now busy tracking ISIS.... They want to stay relevant and keep uncle sam's apparatus busy, so this was a desperate attempt to gain the lost ground.....
my dear

my cynical self says.. this is all hog wash.. I wish I am wrong
but it appears ISIS and FSA have done exactly what was expected of them.. to sever the land bridge between the Ayatullahs of Iran and the Syrian Asad and Lebanise Hizbullah.

if the world is really waking up to the threat of mutated version of AQ in the shape of ISIS then it should hit the hands that are feeding this chronic barbarianism in Islam. yes KSA and Qatar. they top the suspects list of openly funding and fueling the carnage which we have seen in the shape of mass rapes, mass executions, slavery, cannibalism, mutilation and destruction of everything in its path
Why despite all the intelligence of the west about the KSA and Qatar, both regimes are not touched and confronted by the west?

I dont know what to believe
It appears to me that everything that has happened in middle east and south Asia is exactly as planned (again I wish I am wrong)

Iran has had the chance to come out of its behind and rejoin the world but its Ayatulah have this unfortunate country by its balls. ISIS crises gave it an opportunity but it will be lost to it and Sheikhs will laugh at its stupidity and will again rally the Americans on the "bomb bomb Iran" song. once this ISIS is curtailed to some extent.

but seriously I dont care much about middle east. that place is beyond cure .. its just law of natural selection. it will be leveled to the ground once again.

I care about my county and its neighborhood. A stong leadership in Pakistan to appear that together with India and Bangladesh crush this international jihadism for good and make it suffer so much that it looses its appetite to try out its carnage here.
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