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Al Qaeda seizes the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority?

M. Sarmad

Oct 27, 2013
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"Mr Prime Minister, development is not just launching mega-projects. Development also means expansion of freedoms and enjoyment of fundamental human rights"

The national media was already consumed by agency-fuelled warfare when the breaking news of Altaf Hussain’s arrest by Scotland Yard over money laundering charges further shrank any space for other important social issues. While the finance minister Ishaq Dar was upbeat with economic growth and current account figures, a very retrogressive activity was in operation right under the nose of the government. In a swift and clandestine move the operatives of al Qaeda masquerading as officials of the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) banned all social media websites that had been campaigning against extremism and militancy in the country. While we were clamouring for lifting illegal restrictions imposed on a private television channel and condemned attacks on journalists, another draconian move has silenced social media pages belonging to progressive and secular voices. These include ‘Laal’, ‘Roshni’, and many more. Interestingly the websites run by banned outfits still flourish and disseminate hate and militancy under the blissful guardianship of the PTA.
Blasphemy has many shades and comes in various varieties. Its essence, however, remains the same. One is not allowed to express one’s opinion, otherwise one can be silenced by the threat or actual use of force and violence. In Pakistan we see four main varieties of blasphemy. First, the most commonly known is religious blasphemy where anyone can be accused of disrespecting a personality who is considered holy under the belief system of Muslims. Second, if family honour, often closely linked with females, is thought to be attacked. Third, if the military establishment feels offended by any statement or accusation. Fourth, if anything unfavourable is said about the political leaders of certain parties, most notably the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI), though others also exhibit this behaviour to a varying extent.

While society in general is accustomed to violence on account of faith and family honour-related forms of blasphemy, in the recent past military and political parties’ related blasphemies have also become very potent. Interestingly, we find an ironic criss-cross relating to the fate of two eminent Pakistanis who once sounded like immortals but are now being tried under the laws of Pakistan and the UK. Musharraf wants to flee from Pakistan while Altaf is desperate to flee to Pakistan. In Pakistan, expressing one’s free opinion on the high treason case against Musharraf is tantamount to blasphemy and consequently journalists accused of blasphemy are being thrashed in broad daylight. The chemical of religious blasphemy was also added with the help of a few managed TV hosts and ever obliging clerics to make the mixture more potent. Altaf unfortunately is in the UK where the police is never deterred by any blackmailing of blasphemy mongers. When the members of parliament of the ruling party in Britain can go to jail over minor irregularities in expenses claims, how can money laundering and tax evasion cases be dropped for a street level nuisance created in a distant land?

In all this hullaballoo the news of al Qaeda seizing the PTA has received little coverage in the national mainstream media. According to Taimur Rahman of the music group Laal, when their popular page was banned he approached Facebook (FB) and they replied officially: “We restricted access in Pakistan to a number of pieces of content primarily reported by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority and the Ministry of Information Technology (IT) under local laws prohibiting blasphemy and criticism of the state.” It therefore transpires that the pages were made inaccessible to internet users after officials in PTA sent a request to FB for shutting down access to these popular anti-extremism pages. The enlightened volunteers who were generating a progressive discourse with the help of write-ups, memes, quotes and images did not feel discouraged and promptly launched new pages to continue their struggle in the battle of ideas in Pakistan. But it is a worrying trend that needs to be condemned and challenged. No official can be given the power to become prosecutor and judge at the same time.

Mr Prime Minister, development is not just launching mega-projects. Development also means expansion of freedoms and enjoyment of fundamental human rights. We were expecting that in addition to you improving our neglected physical infrastructure, your government would also give attention to the dilapidated intellectual infrastructure in the country. What use is 3G and 4G mobile technology if PTA officials do not update the software installed in their brains? What constitutes blasphemy is a very subjective issue and even members of the honourable superior judiciary may not agree on one single definition. If left to the discretion of the PTA and IT ministry officials, the writings of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and Ibne Sina will also be banned on blasphemy charges. Just as you, Mr Prime Minister, restored Sunday as the weekly holiday in your earlier government, we believed that you will undo another cheap popularity seeking decision of the PPP government by lifting the ban on YouTube. Unfortunately, by banning progressive websites your government is weakening those institutions that create an enabling narrative for strengthening democracy in Pakistan. In the long run, you will also be the victim if you do not patronise those that want to create a new Pakistan based on tolerance, social equality and regional peace.
"Mr Prime Minister, development is not just launching mega-projects. Development also means expansion of freedoms and enjoyment of fundamental human rights"

The national media was already consumed by agency-fuelled warfare when the breaking news of Altaf Hussain’s arrest by Scotland Yard over money laundering charges further shrank any space for other important social issues. While the finance minister Ishaq Dar was upbeat with economic growth and current account figures, a very retrogressive activity was in operation right under the nose of the government. In a swift and clandestine move the operatives of al Qaeda masquerading as officials of the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) banned all social media websites that had been campaigning against extremism and militancy in the country. While we were clamouring for lifting illegal restrictions imposed on a private television channel and condemned attacks on journalists, another draconian move has silenced social media pages belonging to progressive and secular voices. These include ‘Laal’, ‘Roshni’, and many more. Interestingly the websites run by banned outfits still flourish and disseminate hate and militancy under the blissful guardianship of the PTA.
Blasphemy has many shades and comes in various varieties. Its essence, however, remains the same. One is not allowed to express one’s opinion, otherwise one can be silenced by the threat or actual use of force and violence. In Pakistan we see four main varieties of blasphemy. First, the most commonly known is religious blasphemy where anyone can be accused of disrespecting a personality who is considered holy under the belief system of Muslims. Second, if family honour, often closely linked with females, is thought to be attacked. Third, if the military establishment feels offended by any statement or accusation. Fourth, if anything unfavourable is said about the political leaders of certain parties, most notably the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI), though others also exhibit this behaviour to a varying extent.

While society in general is accustomed to violence on account of faith and family honour-related forms of blasphemy, in the recent past military and political parties’ related blasphemies have also become very potent. Interestingly, we find an ironic criss-cross relating to the fate of two eminent Pakistanis who once sounded like immortals but are now being tried under the laws of Pakistan and the UK. Musharraf wants to flee from Pakistan while Altaf is desperate to flee to Pakistan. In Pakistan, expressing one’s free opinion on the high treason case against Musharraf is tantamount to blasphemy and consequently journalists accused of blasphemy are being thrashed in broad daylight. The chemical of religious blasphemy was also added with the help of a few managed TV hosts and ever obliging clerics to make the mixture more potent. Altaf unfortunately is in the UK where the police is never deterred by any blackmailing of blasphemy mongers. When the members of parliament of the ruling party in Britain can go to jail over minor irregularities in expenses claims, how can money laundering and tax evasion cases be dropped for a street level nuisance created in a distant land?

In all this hullaballoo the news of al Qaeda seizing the PTA has received little coverage in the national mainstream media. According to Taimur Rahman of the music group Laal, when their popular page was banned he approached Facebook (FB) and they replied officially: “We restricted access in Pakistan to a number of pieces of content primarily reported by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority and the Ministry of Information Technology (IT) under local laws prohibiting blasphemy and criticism of the state.” It therefore transpires that the pages were made inaccessible to internet users after officials in PTA sent a request to FB for shutting down access to these popular anti-extremism pages. The enlightened volunteers who were generating a progressive discourse with the help of write-ups, memes, quotes and images did not feel discouraged and promptly launched new pages to continue their struggle in the battle of ideas in Pakistan. But it is a worrying trend that needs to be condemned and challenged. No official can be given the power to become prosecutor and judge at the same time.

Mr Prime Minister, development is not just launching mega-projects. Development also means expansion of freedoms and enjoyment of fundamental human rights. We were expecting that in addition to you improving our neglected physical infrastructure, your government would also give attention to the dilapidated intellectual infrastructure in the country. What use is 3G and 4G mobile technology if PTA officials do not update the software installed in their brains? What constitutes blasphemy is a very subjective issue and even members of the honourable superior judiciary may not agree on one single definition. If left to the discretion of the PTA and IT ministry officials, the writings of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and Ibne Sina will also be banned on blasphemy charges. Just as you, Mr Prime Minister, restored Sunday as the weekly holiday in your earlier government, we believed that you will undo another cheap popularity seeking decision of the PPP government by lifting the ban on YouTube. Unfortunately, by banning progressive websites your government is weakening those institutions that create an enabling narrative for strengthening democracy in Pakistan. In the long run, you will also be the victim if you do not patronise those that want to create a new Pakistan based on tolerance, social equality and regional peace.

is that haider shah guy you?
Coverage in Indian Express about Facebook ban on Laal and other progressive pages.



Arab News :


photo news | “WE WON WE WON WE WON”: Laal’s Tovarishch Taimur Rehman

لال بینڈ کے فیس بک پیج پر 'پابندی' ختم - URDU.DAWN.COM

is that haider shah guy you?

No bhai ....

Dr Haider Shah teaches public policy in the UK and is the founding member of the Rationalist Society of Pakistan. He can be reached at hashah9@yahoo.com
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Once visited the Roshni Page and believe me each and every post is directed in calculated hatred towards Islam and Pakistan and i am actually very amused by the very News that they are banned...Freedom of Expression should not be taken as an excuse to hurt the other's feelings as it may lead to violent behaviour and will only help the radical elements in the society to justify their violent behaviour...
Thankfully none of the charity sites have been banned.

Jamat'ud'Dawah | Pakistan, Official Website

Charity begins at home...

Why would it gives you butt cramps,It's a patriotic welfare foundation with no objectionable history so your blabbering is out of context...

You on the other hand belongs to country where a known terrorist is elected as PM and terrorist organisations like shiv sena sitting in assemply hall's should concern you more i believe...
Why would it gives you butt cramps,It's a patriotic welfare foundation with no objectionable history so your blabbering is out of context...

You on the other hand belongs to country where a known terrorist is elected as PM and terrorist organisations like shiv sena sitting in assemply hall's should concern you more i believe...

Totally agree.

As long as charity begins at home, or we make sure it does...
Coverage in Indian Express about Facebook ban on Laal and other progressive

No bhai ....

Dr Haider Shah teaches public policy in the UK and is the founding member of the Rationalist Society of Pakistan. He can be reached at hashah9@yahoo.com

Rationalist society FB page is nothing but pure shit .. Bunch of pathetic retards have like taken over tht forum ..
Rationalist society FB page is nothing but pure shit .. Bunch of pathetic retards have like taken over tht forum ..

May be , I don`t know about their fb page ... But LAAL is undoubtedly one of the best progressive pages in Pakistan ( almost half a million likes for this page already .... ) .....

The problem is that the NS government is directly supporting the Taliban/Najdi ideology and sect and they are trying to silence every voice raised against extremism / Terrorism ...

The Majlis-e-Wehdatul Muslimeen (MWM) Pakistan Central Secretary Information Syed Mehdi Abidi has condemned the Government of Pakistan decision of imposing ban on Shia and progressives pages of Social media and demanded of the government to restore these pages forthwith.

In his statement, he said that the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has banned these pages in Pakistan on the directives of Pakistani Government to stop the liberal and anti-Taliban voices of patriotic groups.

He pointed that the Saudi puppet regime has banned the Shia watchdog website Shiite News, Shia Updates | Pakistan News | Iran News | Lebanon News | Bahrain News | Saudi Arab News | Shia Killings | Jafferya News | Jaffarya News ,its facebook page Shiitenews | Facebook and some progressive pages like Laal | Facebook , ‫Roshni روشنی | Facebook‬ , Taliban Are Zaliman - Community | Facebook and other pages to deprive the people from the freedom of expression.

He alleged that on the one side government patronages the anti-state elements like Taliban and on the other hand they removed the pages which raised voice against shia genocide, crimes of Taliban and religious extremism.

He demanded of the Government and PTA to immediately restore these pages and also ban those pages of social media which were involved in anti-Pakistan acts and provoking religious terrorism and extremism.

MWM condemns PTA ban on Shia & Progressive Social Media pages
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Then you should start preaching at home first before giving advice to us...Like you said Charity begins at home..

We don't have multinational charities like JUD. So we will make sure the kind of charity work they carry out is tasted by the kind people of pakistan as well.
Coverage in Indian Express about Facebook ban on Laal and other progressive pages.



Arab News :


photo news | “WE WON WE WON WE WON”: Laal’s Tovarishch Taimur Rehman

لال بینڈ کے فیس بک پیج پر 'پابندی' ختم - URDU.DAWN.COM

No bhai ....

Dr Haider Shah teaches public policy in the UK and is the founding member of the Rationalist Society of Pakistan. He can be reached at hashah9@yahoo.com
Why do u need to post the indian media sources to justify yr saying?? First tell me this......Whose prawn are u?
May be , I don`t know about their fb page ... But LAAL is undoubtedly one of the best progressive pages in Pakistan ( almost half a million likes for this page already .... ) .....

The problem is that the NS government is directly supporting the Taliban/Najdi ideology and sect and they are trying to silence every voice raised against extremism / Terrorism ...

The Majlis-e-Wehdatul Muslimeen (MWM) Pakistan Central Secretary Information Syed Mehdi Abidi has condemned the Government of Pakistan decision of imposing ban on Shia and progressives pages of Social media and demanded of the government to restore these pages forthwith.

In his statement, he said that the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has banned these pages in Pakistan on the directives of Pakistani Government to stop the liberal and anti-Taliban voices of patriotic groups.

He pointed that the Saudi puppet regime has banned the Shia watchdog website Shiite News, Shia Updates | Pakistan News | Iran News | Lebanon News | Bahrain News | Saudi Arab News | Shia Killings | Jafferya News | Jaffarya News ,its facebook page Shiitenews | Facebook and some progressive pages like Laal | Facebook , ‫Roshni روشنی | Facebook‬ , Taliban Are Zaliman - Community | Facebook and other pages to deprive the people from the freedom of expression.

He alleged that on the one side government patronages the anti-state elements like Taliban and on the other hand they removed the pages which raised voice against shia genocide, crimes of Taliban and religious extremism.

He demanded of the Government and PTA to immediately restore these pages and also ban those pages of social media which were involved in anti-Pakistan acts and provoking religious terrorism and extremism.

MWM condemns PTA ban on Shia & Progressive Social Media pages

they have not at all silenced the biggest voice against Taliban/najdi ideology: Sufis of Pakistan, who make up vast majority in the country. And NS is a sufi himself.

May be , I don`t know about their fb page ... But LAAL is undoubtedly one of the best progressive pages in Pakistan ( almost half a million likes for this page already .... ) .....

The problem is that the NS government is directly supporting the Taliban/Najdi ideology and sect and they are trying to silence every voice raised against extremism / Terrorism ...

The Majlis-e-Wehdatul Muslimeen (MWM) Pakistan Central Secretary Information Syed Mehdi Abidi has condemned the Government of Pakistan decision of imposing ban on Shia and progressives pages of Social media and demanded of the government to restore these pages forthwith.

In his statement, he said that the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has banned these pages in Pakistan on the directives of Pakistani Government to stop the liberal and anti-Taliban voices of patriotic groups.

He pointed that the Saudi puppet regime has banned the Shia watchdog website Shiite News, Shia Updates | Pakistan News | Iran News | Lebanon News | Bahrain News | Saudi Arab News | Shia Killings | Jafferya News | Jaffarya News ,its facebook page Shiitenews | Facebook and some progressive pages like Laal | Facebook , ‫Roshni روشنی | Facebook‬ , Taliban Are Zaliman - Community | Facebook and other pages to deprive the people from the freedom of expression.

He alleged that on the one side government patronages the anti-state elements like Taliban and on the other hand they removed the pages which raised voice against shia genocide, crimes of Taliban and religious extremism.

He demanded of the Government and PTA to immediately restore these pages and also ban those pages of social media which were involved in anti-Pakistan acts and provoking religious terrorism and extremism.

MWM condemns PTA ban on Shia & Progressive Social Media pages

Saudi Arabia banned those websites because four provinces in Saudi Arabia have big Shiite populations: eastern province, najran, abha, and jizan, where three different big shia sects live. @al-Hasani

It is against the national security of the country to be instigating a rebellion in the country in three provinces, whereas the government wants to maintain harmony.

Why not follow the other way of making your voice heard by example as in the case of Saudi Shiite political activists? the najrani ismaili shia community has made great strides in Najran and won. All I see on jafferya news is demonizing of the rest of Saudi Arabia, propagation of Iranian propaganda in the name of attacking wahabism and najdism. Iran has banned most Sunni sites in the country, and the country's Sunni population faces reprimand ten times more than Shiite sects in Saudi.
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what is the point of discussing an article by some writer with an agenda, and then calling govt kutta hye hye
..Dr Haider Shah teaches public policy in the UK and is the founding member of the Rationalist Society of Pakistan. He can be reached at hashah9@yahoo.com

Why cover photo of so-called Rationalists has Star-of-David behind Pakistani logo????
This symbol is typical of Israel & jews, were they too gullible to know that!!

Picture taken on 8th of June 2014. It might disappear who knows :-)



Is this incompetent Pervez HoodHood a part of irrationalist society of Israel too??? He is very irrational apparently & runs away from debate when ran out of rational arguments...
Throughout debate HoodHood makes personal attacks & hateful comments while himself bolted away after just one personal & true comment. What a looser.


Audience at the end gave a unanimous decision against HoodHood & in favour of Hamza Tzortis.
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