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Aircraft carrier Liaoning vs Vikramaditya

Okay, no need to be impressed about Brahmos. Please only provide a list of supersonic Sea-skimming anti-ship missiles, that are faster than 2.8 mach....produced anywhere in the world since 1960s.
McEachron, J. F. (1997), Subsonic and Supersonic Antiship Missiles: An Effectiveness and Utility Comparison. Naval Engineers Journal, 109: 57–73. doi: 10.1111/j.1559-3584.1997.tb01931.x

James F. McEachronis currently the McDonnell Douglas Aerospace (MDA) test and evaluation process team leader for the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile Program. During his 16 years of experience an missile systems product definition, he has served as the operations analysis manager for the Harpoon Program, conducted force structure analysis/strategic planning for MDAs Washington Studies and Analysis Group, and performed survivability and effectiveness analyses for the SRAM II Program. Mr. McEachron holds a B.S. degree in aerospace engineering from Georgia Institute of Ethnology.

ABSTRACT  The paper reviews the advantages and disadvantages of supersonic speed for the antiship missile application. Specifically, the supersonic speed benefits of reduced defensive reaction time and relaxed navigation accuracy are contrasted against limitations of range, payload, cost, electronic counter counter-measures performance, and signature. The paper concludes that, for the immediate future, subsonic advantages are likely to continue to outweigh the two major supersonic benefits. This view is reflected in the current lack of development being applied to supersonic antiship missiles.

Subsonic and Supersonic Antiship Missiles: An Effectiveness and Utility Comparison - McEachron - 2009 - Naval Engineers Journal - Wiley Online Library

RO China (a.k.a. Taiwan): Hsiung Feng III - Brave Wind III is a new supersonic (Mach 2 - 2.5) ramjet ship-to-ship missile currently in development by CIST. The missile's maximum speed at low altitudes is reported to be in the range of Mach 2.0-2.3, with higher cruising speed at greater altitudes.

France could fairly easily mate the warhead and guidance pack of the latest Exocet with the mach 2-3 Air-Sol Moyenne Portée (ASMP) missile.

The maximum speed of China's YJ-12 is around Mach 4. YJ-12 AShM is the only family of YJ-12 with optional sea-skimming capability, though this is achieved at the cost of reduced range. Related: CM-400AKG Wrecker

Remainder mostly Russia (Yakhont, Club, Moskit, and a few more)

Do remember Brahmos is a Russian-Indian venture, with Russia providing the missile.
My father in law said that if there is a war between China vs US, US would scatter Chinese within 1 week.

That imply, Chinese guys always tell jokes about their ability.
My father in law said that if there is a war between China vs US, US would scatter Chinese within 1 week.

That imply, Chinese guys always tell jokes about their ability.

My mother say if there is a war between US and China. The whole world will cease to exist.
If CHina has war with Vietnam. Vietnam will unconditional surrender in 1 day.

I heard VCP kissed the S of US president to beg for its protection. :lol:
My mother say if there is a war between US and China. The whole world will cease to exist.
If CHina has war with Vietnam. Vietnam will unconditional surrender in 1 day.

I heard VCP kissed the S of US president to beg for its protection. :lol:


You won't be able to win a land war against vietnam even though you would prevail in Air and Sea war.

Similarly US would disintegrate your Airforce and Navy in less than a week but would not be able to do anything against land forces of China.

You won't be able to win a land war against vietnam even though you would prevail in Air and Sea war.

Similarly US would disintegrate your Airforce and Navy in less than a week but would not be able to do anything against land forces of China.

Why do we need to play land war when our missile saturated attack is enough to make Vietnam submit? :lol:

Talk so much. India lousy crap armed forces will destroyed first before us. India can only beg others to supply arm. Shameless arm forces for such a big country.. :lol:
Then its appalling you still do not understand so much of Chinese military since you visited CDF. Read and visit those website does not equal you fully understand Chinese military depth enough.

For example you claim J-20 is still lacking behind Russian PAFKA in design. That's a laughable statement. Didn't you realise China rejected PAFKA participation when they saw what Russian is going to design? J-20 flush airframe is far more suit for the requirement of reduced radar cross section more than PAFKA.


Then J-20 deploy large number of 3D printing for its part and some of it is the most advance in the world. I think I do not need to point out the advantage of 3D printing... As for PAFKA, I hardly know it deploy such technique in making its airframe.

3D printing technology used in Chinese fighter jets

Dont you know China still import jet engines for Su27, engine for tank from Ukraine and Russia?
even they are very keen to buy Su35 from Russia at this moment .
So what's the so-called advanced technology of Chinese ?
My mother say if there is a war between US and China. The whole world will cease to exist.
If CHina has war with Vietnam. Vietnam will unconditional surrender in 1 day.

I heard VCP kissed the S of US president to beg for its protection. :lol:

I'll give you 1000 years to make Vietnamese people to surrender.
Mr. Obama invited our President to visit, you know?
You could worry from now.
Why do we need to play land war when our missile saturated attack is enough to make Vietnam submit? :lol:

Talk so much. India lousy crap armed forces will destroyed first before us. India can only beg others to supply arm. Shameless arm forces for such a big country.. :lol:

Only notoriously stupid fanboi's think that they could win war by using missile force which has serious shortcoming both in quantity and accuracy.

You cannot manufacture a decent engine for your planes while we do.(even though under licence.)
Dont you know China still import jet engines for Su27, engine for tank from Ukraine and Russia?
even they are very keen to buy Su35 from Russia at this moment .
So what's the so-called advanced technology of Chinese ?

Import Su-35 is not comfirmed and rumours only.. You dont believe. Check out Rosobexport and see whether you can find any article that China has signed any contract for it.

As for engine, the Russian are selling Al-31 engines even cheaper than our WS-10A. Why shall we rejected it? China and Russia are at the best of our relationship.. We has conducted the massive navanl drill in Japan sea and now peace mission 2013.

Fancy you can only talk about engine. So its clear, aircraft airframe, design and tanks , warship , rocket, armour vehicle, artileery , surveilance drone, radar and AWACS, AWEW are all produced by China itself?

Loss of words? :lol:
Only notoriously stupid fanboi's think that they could win war by using missile force which has serious shortcoming both in quantity and accuracy.

You cannot manufacture a decent engine for your planes while we do.(even though under licence.)

Manufacture what engine? Or just import. You think Russian will so stupid to allow you fully under license make their engine? :lol:

critical crystal blade for engine will still direcly ship from Russian and assemble by India in the plant in India.

Turkey has been licensed produce even F135 engine but has they managed to design a engine of their own? Answer is no... The core parts is still import from US.



Until now not even a single LCA is powered by Kaveri engine, not even a prototype. :lol:
Yeah Su35 not confirm, how about Su27, Su30 ?

Where is your J15, J11 derive from? All cloning ... after you buy the real aircraft from Russia.
The design of Russian is what you never could deny

Why you dont clone their engine too?

We all cannot determine your performance of control system, electronic ... and remain,
let wait for your damage ratio in the real air combat, we know we would win like we won against US airforce, ... and we all know China never approach Russian, US level in aircraft

China showed us their characteristics of aggressive and coward during frontier wars:
1962 with India
1969 with Russia / Russian died under 100, and yours over 1000
and 1979 with Vietnam / Your professional army lost with damage rate 4:1 against our local troops

How to say teach a lesson by your own troops blood ? And your people still think that's a win ?
Knock knock !! This is about air craft carriers of India / China.. not about Vietnam / USA against China.
Back to topic please.
Serial manufacturing of the WS-10 and integration with the J-11, proved to be more difficult than expected. As a result, even though several related prototypes had been tested and at least one regiment converted to the Taihang powered J-11B version in 2007, these aircraft were later grounded for an extended period due to a poor operational reliability. A report in the Washington Times suggested that the Chinese engines lasted 30 hours before they needed servicing, compared to 400 hours for the Russian versions.Defects were traced back to the engine manufacturer, Shenyang Liming Aircraft Engine Company employing sub-standard manufacturing and quality control procedures. S

Manufacture what engine? Or just import. You think Russian will so stupid to allow you fully under license make their engine? :lol:

critical crystal blade for engine will still direcly ship from Russian and assemble by India in the plant in India.

Turkey has been licensed produce even F135 engine but has they managed to design a engine of their own? Answer is no... The core parts is still import from US.



Until now not even a single LCA is powered by Kaveri engine, not even a prototype. :lol:
Our adversary is PLAN and PN and we can get tactically close with both,
Sure, I will take your words for it. :woot:
if someone has to worry about getting close to USN its china.I gave that link asan example of the difficulty of intercepting modern supersonic ascms that manuevre not to troll USN.
Difficulty is not the same as not having a countermeasure.
As for never blinking,then what was the alarm over the ss-n-22 sunburn?Or over this current klub.
The only alarm is clueless journalists with no knowledge what so ever. Just read your own media. There are enough clueless one there as well, why should it be different for the US? Reading your sentences, one will wonder that you have never heard about agencies who play up the threat as to justify more foundings, I mean, really?
China's latest anti ship missile by the way is supersonic in most part of its flight,not subsonic.Harpoon and exocet are no longer as competitive ,that is why usa and EU developing LRASM and perseus .

China has both supersonic and subsonic missiles. It dosnt means they prefer one over the another.
No idea what you mean by they are not as competitive. You may look up the numbers sold as well as the new versions.
Just because they are developing new missiles, dosnt means Harpoon are obsolete.

You won't be able to win a land war against vietnam even though you would prevail in Air and Sea war.

Similarly US would disintegrate your Airforce and Navy in less than a week but would not be able to do anything against land forces of China.
I assume you were born after Operation Dessert Storm then. This is not about China vs Vietnam or US. Let us get back to topic.
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