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Air superiority fighters

Force multiplier---

A good example---the BVR truck---the SU 30 with 8 BVR missiles compare it to JF 17 2 BVR's---+ its massive radar---twin engines---twin tails---.

But then otoh---the F16 with 2 BVR's---aim120's---much better and more capable than the russians missiles used on su30's---so again a force multiplier----.

F7PG is no air superiority fighter---it never was---it is an interceptor with extremely limited capabilities---. In the last 30 + years F7pg has never been an air superiority fighter---actually it never was an air superiority fighter---it was always a fighter interceptor---.

An air superiority fighter is designed just to simply dominate the arena

Thank you for the information passed on. Which aircraft out of PAF u rate better for dog-fights and which for BVR? We have PGs, Mirage III and 5, F-16s Blk 15 and 52/60 and Thunder.
F-15A and C are Airsuperiority Fighters F-15E,SG,SK,SA are all Fighters with Strike roles capabilities and precision attack (MR)
F-18 C/D/E/F are all multirole fighters
SU-27 were AS fighters uptil UBK variants, the variants since UBM inclusing SU-30,35 are with multirole capabilities.
Mig-29 variants since SMT,OVT and carry multirole capabilities
Mig-35 also comes with multirole capabilities
Rafale is a multirole aircraft
Typhoon is an AS aircraft but with limited MR capabilities till Trench II. From Trench III it is expected to be completely multirole
Again, you're still revolving around the same point.

What same point? You all are suffering from Farooqi Kholia. I just answered posters question.
Any LONG RANGE twin engined fighter both dedicated Air supremacy OR multi role are POTENTIALLY excellent Air superiority fighters

F15 Eagle
F18 super hornet
su27/30/35 Flankers
Typhoon & rafale

Are all well capable of handling this role

F22 RAPTOR is the daddy of them all............

I think all of these fighters can carry mimimum 8 BVRS each if needed in a single mision and have massive radar ranges with AESA OR PESA radar as standard
the SU 30 with 8 BVR missiles compare
That is untrue. The hardpoint next to the wingtip hardpoint can carry R-77. Proof-


So that's a total of 10 R-77s. The number of R-27 semi-active BVR missile is however limited to 6.

The 12 hardpoints can be increased to 14 with the help of multi racks, no photo proof but has been confirmed by the Russians. So 12 BVR AAMs + 2 wingtip short range AAMs can be carried, total 14. There are rumors that 12 hardpoints can be increased to 18, but it is just a rumor and not confirmed, while others say 18 are only cluster-bomb racks and not AAM racks.
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