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air Refueler for paf f-16 kc-10 or kc-135r


Jan 11, 2010
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i open this tread
still our f-16 can't refuel in air 2nd soon usa will replace their old tankers with next generation fuel tanker kc-46

whats this? we can not get even now P3-C and you dreaming for these ?are dump or stupids?
More Sanctions prone stuff?? have the US not proved themselves to Pakistanis? Perhaps we are just masochists.
Well I think perhaps the point should be since US is dire need of finances perhaps its a good time to purchase few needed assets considering we ourselves are out of debt
we can modify our current refuelers for f16 with help of china
F-16 has restrictions and air to air refueling is one of its restrictions.
Well I think perhaps the point should be since US is dire need of finances perhaps its a good time to purchase few needed assets considering we ourselves are out of debt

As if we are not in a dire need of finances.
and Pakistani's are shitting gold bricks these days

Well I think perhaps the point should be since US is dire need of finances perhaps its a good time to purchase few needed assets considering we ourselves are out of debt
we can modify our current restfuller for f16 with help of china

Can't at the moment because they don't have the capability, plus China has no need for boom re-fuller as they use hose and drogue. Boom capability is only employed by USAF. Russian, Chinese, French, British all use Hose and Drogue, even USN mostly uses Hose and Drogue.
i open this tread
still our f-16 can't refuel in air 2nd soon usa will replace their old tankers with next generation fuel tanker kc-46

Do not need these junks... Buy from Airbus A330 MRT
PAF has previously tried to acquire them and been refused. An attempt to put a hose and drogue system on a EU platform has also been looked into. The price quoted was exhorbitant (Source @Bilalkhan777).
Secondly do we really need these for 45_50 of our 30 something year old fighters which will never be used for aggressive encroachment into Indian territory. 27/2 has taught us that 16s can only be used for inland defence. So how much do we want to spend on these fighters and what is the cost to benefit ratio? I agree that the idea is good but what utility will it have.?
yeah we are getting KC-are you out of your mind.its a very nice platform designed specifically for us.

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