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Air Force may be used in Baluchistan

Total Population of Baluchistan is roughly equal to lahore yaar. They are just rag tag rats. Nothing like Taliban war machine. Baluchistan is going to be easy.
Every thing done by the use of force and killing...... Will bring very good result or is it my imagination.
Every thing done by the use of force and killing...... Will bring very good result or is it my imagination.
Do you have a better idea? Oh I know, let's talk to them and wait till they attack a school and massacre our children before taking action!

There is no peace with terrorists. Those who want peace have the option to surrender their weapons and live in peace, like a Baloch militant leader recently did:
Militant leader surrenders in Quetta - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

We will have to fight with those that don't surrender. There is no other option.
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What influenced them to kill innocents and leave their "Happy" life and become terrorists ?
What is the root cause ?
Nothing justifies terrorism. No 'root cause' absolves them of their crimes.
don't you think we should wait till we start receiving the AH-1Z Vipers from US ? they will be much effective in Baluchistan ?

time frame for the completion of AH-1z sales programme to Pakistan is '66' months
i think we should also start operation in punjab too as for operation to be successful we need to uproot these talidogs and talibitches all at the same time from every corner of country (sorry for language but i hate them with passion).otherwise they will just keep coming back
punjab term will come at last. Lal Masjid is end point of terrorism in Pakistan......................
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Can we bear 3 operations simultaneously? Zar be Azb, Karachi operation and operation balochistan? Do we have enough sources?
First it will be in Baluchistan then it would come to Sindh. Khi is on going with Police and Rangers but not the Army.

wait, wont it harm the normal population of Baluchistan? wont the people(Baluchistan) get more angry at us and the army?
@Irfan Baloch
If the terrorists are embedded with the local population then it would harm otherwise not.
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