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MARCH 19, 2017 18:44

Israeli defense expert lauds anti-missile tech use, cautions against future use


An "Arrow 3" ballistic missile interceptor is seen during its test launch near Ashdod. (photo credit:REUTERS)

The former head of the Arrow anti-ballistic missile project, Uzi Rubin, said on Sunday that he was certain the Air Force made the right decision in using the system over the weekend to successfully intercept incoming Syrian surface-to-air missiles fired against Israeli jets early Friday morning.

“While I hoped that the state would never need to use the system, I am sure that the Air Force made the right choice in using the system,” Rubin told the The Jerusalem Post.

The Syrians claimed that one Israeli jet had been shot down and another damaged by SA-5 missiles, a claimed strongly denied by the army which confirmed the first use of Israel’s missile defense system to intercept a missile north of Jerusalem.

The Air Force is currently investigating whether or not the use of Arrow was necessary given that the system was designed to intercept much larger and significant missiles, but was still used to successfully shoot down the Syrian projectile.

Former prime minister and defense minister Ehud Barak also questioned the use of the system on Saturday at a lecture in Beersheba saying that “it could be that with more thorough thought, it wasn’t worth firing.”

But according to Rubin, the Arrow system “was designed exactly” for what it was used for on Friday.

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman also addressed the use of the Arrow missile defense system on Sunday, threatening to destroy Syria's air defense systems if Israeli jets are targeted again by the Assad regime.

“If the IDF chooses to act, there is a real reason for it,” Liberman said at during a visit to the IDF induction center.

Liberman warned that there will be “no compromise” on the transfer of weapons to Hezbollah and if air-defense systems are used again by the Syrian regime against IAF jets, Israel will “destroy them. We will not hesitate. Israel’s security is paramount and above everything else. There will be no compromise.”

While the army has refused to clarify which system was used during the incident, Rubin told the Post that he believed it was the Arrow-2 system and not the Arrow-3 which was used. “The system has changed since I left but the Arrow-3 system is too new,” to have been used already Rubin said. “It was clear to us and clear to the United States who gave us financial support for the project that there was a need for the system. It was essential for the security of the state of Israel.”

The system, which has been operational since the year 2000, was designed to intercept heavy, long-range ground-to-ground ballistic missiles and updates to the system has expanded it’s capabilities to also intercept medium-range missiles and rockets.

In January, the Israel Air Force officially took delivery of the first Arrow 3 interceptor, the most advanced Arrow system which is designed to provide ultimate air defense by intercepting ballistic missiles when they are still outside the Earth’s atmosphere 20 years after it entered service, Rubin told the Post that he wished there had been no need to use the system.

“There is always a first time for everything, but I hope we won’t need to use it in the future,” he said, adding that even despite Iran’s entry into Syria, the threats to Israel have not changed. “We were aware and prepared for those threats for a long time. And we are still prepared for all and any eventualities.”


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