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Afghans set up Belgian protest camp in Mons


Aug 7, 2009
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Hundreds of Afghan asylum seekers have set up a protest camp in the Belgian town of Mons, demanding to meet Prime Minister Elio di Rupo.

Mr di Rupo is also the mayor of Mons, and the asylum seekers say they will camp out in the town square until they see him.

They are pressing to be granted residency and for a guarantee that none of them will be expelled.

A town official said their cases would be reviewed "urgently".

Some 350 asylum seekers had set off on a march to Mons from Brussels on Friday.

They had previously been occupying a church in Brussels to draw attention to their situation, with the head of the Catholic Church in the country, Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard, expressing support for their cause.

The protesters' spokesman Samir Hamrad told RTBF radio: "We want to show the government that it would not be easy for us to go back to Afghanistan. They are scared of returning there."

The town's authorities were putting in place an "emergency plan" on Sunday evening, local media reported.

"The police and also medical aid are on standby. The main focus is provide them with blankets and food," town spokeswoman Juliette Picry told La Libre Belgique newspaper.

Mr di Rupo is currently abroad and is returning to Belgium on Monday.

BBC News - Afghans set up Belgian protest camp in Mons


why dont these afghans go to india ?
why dont these afghans go to india ?
It is more a question off what you seek, if you want a job etc. then India wouldn't be the best place to start.

The same question could be asked about pakistanis, why don't you guys go to China?

Pakistanis are still seeking a new life in the west...

When Pakistanis do not follow the law of their host country: they like everyone else get deported from that host country. Thousands of Pakistanis do get deported every year from around the world, but can you find bitter sentiment or hatred amongst them for their host countries such as: KSA, UAE, etc.

Further, many more simply leave when they cannot stay because host nations refuse to extend their existing legal status. For example, from the US, many Pakistanis (and Indians, Chinese) have to leave after building a life when their H1b or other visa runs out - it is a very traumatic experience but I have not heard of Asif Blauch, Ram Chandran or Lu Xiang curse America.

I think we would be hard pressed to find another nationality that has a sense of entitlement to stay in another country -- for example you, yourself, have stated that if Pakistanis tries to expel Afghan refugees from Pakistan you will try to *gang up* on Pakistan and cause Pakistan harm -- I mean seriously a poor people that have kept you in their bosom for 30 years and you will mercilessly take them to task? Afereen Afereen!!! what is it that your elders teach you?

It might be surprising to you but Pakistanis probably expect Afghans to be grateful, for what little in your eyes Pakistanis may have been able to do for Afghans.

In Pakistan there is a saying (don't know the origins): in times of little a handful of wheat is worth more than mountains of gold in times of plenty -- perhaps the characters of our nations has diverged so much that now we are alien to each other.

<<The following points I'm going to make again is really not a cheap jabs but a serious ones>>

I think the question Afghans may want to ask themselves: have they due to their recent traumatic experience as a people become: ungrateful? And, if so is there a dialog they, the Afghans, as a people need to have to address this.

Some tests that Afghans and others may want to apply when theorizing about this topic:
1. What if the shoe was on the other foot: How would Afghans have treated 7 million Pakistanis, had 7 million Pakistanis sought refuge in Afghanistan for 30 plus years and brought all the paraphernalia that they did in Pakistan: guns, violence, drugs? [The Afghan population is 6x smaller than Pakistan so we can rephrase the question with say 1 million Pakistanis entered Afghanistan]
2. How would have Indians treated 7 million Afghan refugees had they settled in an area the size of Pakistan and brought all the paraphernalia that they did in Pakistan: guns, violence, drugs? [Indian's population is 6x Pakistan so we could try the question what if 42 million Afghans entered India as refugees?]
3. How would Western countries have treated 7 million Afghan refugees had they settled in an area the size of Pakistan and brought all the paraphernalia that they did in Pakistan: guns, violence, drugs? -- we can see how Australia is handling the Afghan refugees situation.

Now it is likely we will all come up with different answers to the above questions, however, I suspect structurally: one cannot escape the conclusion that Pakistanis have treated Afghans far better given their resources then they would have been treated by Afghans -- the difference is probably orders of magnitude.

To quote Iqbal:
.."Tu Agar Mera Nahin Banta Na Bann, Apna To Bann"
.."If you don't want to be mine then be not mine; be your own at least!"

Afghans should ask themselves what kind of a people have they become?
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It is more a question off what you seek, if you want a job etc. then India wouldn't be the best place to start.

The same question could be asked about pakistanis, why don't you guys go to China?

to get a job , you need some skills

selling chars , eating naswar is not a skill , I asked why they dont go to india since afghans have gotten into indias tail lately so it a fair question to ask
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