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Afghanistan’s Unending Addiction


Jan 20, 2013
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United States
United States
I wonder why we Pakistanis don't highlight the drugs coming from across the border that are killing our youth and destroying the fabric of our society.

Afghan drugs have been poisoning Pakistanis decades before the Taliban movement.

New York Times article here:

excerpts below:


Over the last dozen years, the United States has poured $7.6 billion into combating Afghanistan’s opium production, and the results are now clear: The program failed.

This effectively leaves the Afghan economy heavily dependent on criminal enterprises, rising corruption that undermines efforts to promote democracy, and increased drug addiction among the Afghan people. The uncontrolled opium trade also provides the Taliban with up to $155 million annually, or more than one-quarter of the total funding for its anti government insurgency.


The value of last year’s yield was $3 billion, up from $2 billion in 2012, a 50 percent increase in a single year. One province, Nangarhar, was declared “poppy-free” by the United Nations in 2008, but between 2012 and 2013, it had a fourfold increase in production.

theres a lot of economics behind this

completely stopping flow of drugs in the market is very bad. it makes the drugs very very expensive and attracts a lot of criminals and an open invitation for gang violence, thats why it never happens

even in the usa, they can EASILY stop 100% of drugs flowing but they dont because its too much risk
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