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Afghanistan to get access to India via Iran


Jan 27, 2014
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United States
Iran, Afghanistan and India are set to sign a memorandum of understanding which will give Kabul access to India via Iran's southern Chabahar Port, a senior Afghan official said.

Afghan foreign ministry spokesman Shakib Mostaghni said Afghanistan will connect to India via Iran in the near future, Iranian IRNA news agency reported on March 31.

He went on to say that the memorandum's text has been submitted to Indian officials to be studied.

Transit routes including Chabahar port have special importance for Afghanistan, the spokesman added. Earlier in mid-March Afghanistan's Foreign Minister Zarar Ahmad Osmani underlined that his country also wants to get access to the Black Sea via Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

India offered to establish a direct shipping route to Chabahar Port in a bid to cut the costs of the transit of commodities between the two countries.

The offer was made during a meeting between Iran's Minister of Road and Urban Development Abbas Akhoundi and an Indian delegation of experts in Tehran in February.

India's ambassador to Iran, Shri D.P. Srivstava, who was present in the meeting, said that an Indian private company is ready to establish a direct shipping link between Chabahar and the Indian ports in order to bypass Dubai, where Indian container ships have to cross to reach Iran.

The Indian diplomat said the capital investment initially envisaged for the construction of a container terminal in Chabahar stands at $147 million.

In December 2013, Indian foreign minister, Salman Khurshid said that Chabahar port is the most economical route not only for access to Afghanistan but also for linkages with Central Asia.

He added that New Delhi is also interested in the port in order to ease the importation of minerals from Afghanistan.

Afghanistan to get access to India via Iran - Trend.Az

Iran, Afghanistan and India to sign pact, official says - World Israel News | Haaretz
Unfortunately the Central Asian countries are all ruled by thugs and ex-Soviet maffia types, especially Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. I dont think that it will be good for Iran to let these kind of people do too much business through Chabahar until they loosen up a bit and mature politically. Otherwise we'll basically be allowing gangsters to do business through Iran which is not in the Iranian peoples interests.

However, there is still a lot of good and potential that could come of this.
your avatar is super cool brah :D

whats that in your avatar bruv ?

its very similar to the Religious symbol of Sikhs

@Jaanbaz , bro , in farsi jaanbaz means someone who has devoted/sacrified a part of his life (jaan) for his country .

are you a war vet ?
Been hearing about this for years.

Talk is cheap.

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