The occupation of Afghanistan was planned by Bush Zionist administration long before the Big Bang on September 11, 2001. Therefore, it has nothing to do with so-called Al-Qaeda or Osama Bin Laden or the War on Terror or liberstion of Afghan women from Taliban Islamic fundamentalist regime - because those excuses have long been proven to be as much lies as Saddam Hussein has WMDs and the Jews have Biblical right to occupy Palestine.
Before I deal with the real reason behind Americas invasion of a Muslim-majority (99%) country in October, 2001 - let us see what Washington has achieved in its Official Reasons to invade Afghanistan - in the last seven years.
Historian R.T. Naylor in his June 2003 interview with CounterPunch stated: Al-Qaeda itself doesnt exist, except in the fevered in the imagination of neo-cons (mostly pro-Israeli Jews) and Likudniks (Israels main political party now headed by Jewish terrorist BB), some of whom, I suspect, also know it is a myth, but find it extremely useful as a bogeyman to spook the public and politicians to acquiesce in otherwise unacceptable policy initiatives at home and abroad .
In September 2006 - president Bush told Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes that capturing bin Laden is not a top priority use of American resources.
In October 2007, the National Democratic organization of Afghan Refugees in Europe stated: The situation for women has deteriorated and hundreds of thousands of young girls and women are kept from school and work and confined within the walls of their home. one in every three Afghan women.....
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Before I deal with the real reason behind Americas invasion of a Muslim-majority (99%) country in October, 2001 - let us see what Washington has achieved in its Official Reasons to invade Afghanistan - in the last seven years.
Historian R.T. Naylor in his June 2003 interview with CounterPunch stated: Al-Qaeda itself doesnt exist, except in the fevered in the imagination of neo-cons (mostly pro-Israeli Jews) and Likudniks (Israels main political party now headed by Jewish terrorist BB), some of whom, I suspect, also know it is a myth, but find it extremely useful as a bogeyman to spook the public and politicians to acquiesce in otherwise unacceptable policy initiatives at home and abroad .
In September 2006 - president Bush told Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes that capturing bin Laden is not a top priority use of American resources.
In October 2007, the National Democratic organization of Afghan Refugees in Europe stated: The situation for women has deteriorated and hundreds of thousands of young girls and women are kept from school and work and confined within the walls of their home. one in every three Afghan women.....
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