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Afghanistan GDP growth indicates a 6.4% spike


Apr 19, 2012
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According to a report by the Central Statistics Organization(CSO), Afghanistan’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) showed a promising growth for the past fiscal year at 6.4%.

Standing at USD 21.2bn, the figure brings some hope and optimism to the rather bleak Afghan economy’s future.

CSO President Shir Mohammad Jamizada said inflation rate was down to 5.6% from 2012′s 6.4%.

He added Afghanistan witnessed an increase of USD 100mn in exports and decrease of over USD 300mn in imports of goods in 2013.

As per the report, about 5.2mn tons of wheat crops were produced last year, indicating a 2.4% increase from 2012.

The report estimates the country’s population at 28.1mn including 1.5mn nomads.

The report also revealed education and health data which showed that the attainment of government employee indicates that totally 277 PhD, 3,793 MA/M.Sc., 45,972 BA/B.Sc., and 245,523 persons below BA/B.Sc. of the civil service employees were working in the government offices.

The Ministry of Education (MoE) revealed that 9 million students were enrolled in the primary, secondary, high school, vocational high schools, technical vocational institutes, teacher training institutions and religious education. Out of above mentioned figure, 8.8 million were enrolled in government general education and 226338 in private education institutions, which compared to previous year, showed 11.3 percent increase. Total numbers of teacher were 224,469 last year. (Afghanistan Times)

Based on yearbook, total number of students of state-run and private higher education institutions was 204,875 last year, an increase of 27.4 percent compared to the year before.

According to the report, 2,106 health centers were operational countrywide, a 5 per cent increase in number. But still there are 5 beds and 3 medical doctors for each 10,000 persons. As many as 1,529 people contracted AIDs last year, which shows 11 per cent rise as compared to the year before that.

- See more at: http://www.ansarpress.com/english/2221#sthash.GaDjRg0Q.dpuf
Interesting thing is $21bn GDP. Is reserves of 3 billion barrels of oil true? Because it can play very important role. It will mean Afghanistan will not need to import oil for many years to come if true. The only test left is to defeat ISIS like taliban when USA leaves.
Interesting thing is $21bn GDP. Is reserves of 3 billion barrels of oil true? Because it can play very important role. It will mean Afghanistan will not need to import oil for many years to come if true. The only test left is to defeat ISIS like taliban when USA leaves.

3.8bn barrels actually is the known reserve, They expect another 3bn barrels to be found in Southern Afghanistan.
Our Oil and Gas reserves can meet our domestic for many decades. :-)

It's not bad at all.

Though due to Afghanistan's low base economy, and enormous reserves of minerals/resources, it could be a lot better.

Yeah it could be a lot better.

The world bank says that if we are able to exploit the potential of our current situation with mineral, oil, gas and agriculture we will have an average of 8.2% growth from 2015 to 2025.:)

What are you exporting?? Homemade bombs, suicide bombers or what??

Yeah it could be a lot better.

The world bank says that if we are able to exploit the potential of our current situation with mineral, oil, gas and agriculture we will have an average of 8.2% growth from 2015 to 2025.:)

With well-designed economic policy, I bet it could go even higher.

Afghanistan has huge amounts of resources compared to the population size. Mongolia has a similar situation, and they are growing at 12%+ every year.

No doubt with good economic reforms and administration, Afghanistan could do that too.
With well-designed economic policy, I bet it could go even higher.

Afghanistan has huge amounts of resources compared to the population size. Mongolia has a similar situation, and they are growing at 12%+ every year.

No doubt with good economic reforms and administration, Afghanistan could do that too.

Indeed, let us hope Ashraf Ghani wins the election, he got the skills to get our economy going.
It doesnt mean anything unless Afghanistan gets rid of taliban for good. International community should Afghanistan till its made sure. A stable Afghanistan would mean more opportunities of economic growth for Pakistan India and China specially
It doesnt mean anything unless Afghanistan gets rid of taliban for good. International community should Afghanistan till its made sure. A stable Afghanistan would mean more opportunities of economic growth for Pakistan India and China specially

I think that Taliban is coming to an end very soon, Let me list why.

1. Pakistan Army offensive in North Waziristan, which also targets Haqqani folks.
2. A huge increase of Taliban fighters joining the peace process
3. Hamid Karzai says that he is in direct contact with the Afghan Taliban leadership, (Never happened before)
4. Taliban fighters helped securing poll sites during election day in Wardak, Khost, Logar, Paktia and Ghazni.
5. Taliban fighters even voted during the election in favor of Ashraf Ghani, he now seems to win the Election.
6. Taliban has made a Nasheed for Ashraf Ghani, telling him to be a just full and independent leader.
Interesting thing is $21bn GDP. Is reserves of 3 billion barrels of oil true? Because it can play very important role. It will mean Afghanistan will not need to import oil for many years to come if true. The only test left is to defeat ISIS like taliban when USA leaves.

Afghanistan's progressing big time, although in need of better governance to curb unacceptable corruption as our single biggest challenge today. If Pakistan succeeds in clearing out the terrorists and their sanctuaries, Afghan political groups will have a lesser need or excuse to rely on unscrupulous warlords for protection. A more emasculated Civil society will confront them with more vigour.

We'll all be better off in the long run and can together reap the economic benefits of our region. Any feelings of enmity between our peoples will gradually subside with the passage of time. We don't have to be defined by outsiders for violence and madness forever.
I think that Taliban is coming to an end very soon, Let me list why.

1. Pakistan Army offensive in North Waziristan, which also targets Haqqani folks.
2. A huge increase of Taliban fighters joining the peace process
3. Hamid Karzai says that he is in direct contact with the Afghan Taliban leadership, (Never happened before)
4. Taliban fighters helped securing poll sites during election day in Wardak, Khost, Logar, Paktia and Ghazni.
5. Taliban fighters even voted during the election in favor of Ashraf Ghani, he now seems to win the Election.
6. Taliban has made a Nasheed for Ashraf Ghani, telling him to be a just full and independent leader.
I heard rumors that Karzai gets kickbacks from drug trade. How true are they?
I'm sorry, but 6.4 % growth simply won't cut it for Afghanistan. It needs to post double-digit growth rates, and for a decade at least at that, in order to approach any semblance of parity with the rest of South/Central Asia.
I heard rumors that Karzai gets kickbacks from drug trade. How true are they?

rumors are often lies.

Now what is known is the western propaganda against him.

I'm sorry, but 6.4 % growth simply won't cut it for Afghanistan. It needs to post double-digit growth rates, and for a decade at least at that, in order to approach any semblance of parity with the rest of South/Central Asia.

Taking the situation into account 6,4% is very good, and none of our neighbours have achieved this.

We shall remember that Americans are leaving = less development project, and that we were preparing for an election and transfer of power which halted business in Afghanistan.
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