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Afghan warlord Hekmatyar condemns Pakistani Taliban

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Afghan warlord Hekmatyar condemns Pakistani Taliban
By AFP Published: January 2, 2013
LONDON: Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar re-emphasised the lack of linkage between his group and the Pakistani Taliban, whom he condemned for blocking girls’ schooling.

Hekmatyar, a former Afghan prime minister and current leader Afghanistan’s second largest militant group, the Hezb-i-Islami, told Britain’s Daily Telegraph newspaper in an interview that fresh attacks would send a warning to “others waiting to invade Afghanistan”.

The warlord also vowed to kill as many Western soldiers as possible before North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) combat forces withdraw from the country in 2014.

“Before the withdrawal of invading forces, the Mujahideen would like to witness with their own eyes a scene that will teach the invaders to never think of coming this way again,” he said in a video obtained by the Telegraph in response to questions asked through an intermediary.

Hekmatyar, designated a global terrorist by the United States, warned that Afghanistan could collapse into bloody civil unrest after Nato troops withdraw, 13 years after the US-led invasion.
“The fact is that the government has failed,” said the former premier, who is shown in the video with a white beard and wearing a black turban.

“We might have a dreadful situation after 2014 which no one could have anticipated.”
Nato is aiming to train 350,000 Afghan soldiers and police by the end of 2014 to take over responsibility for security.

But trust between the two sides has been seriously undermined by “insider” attacks by Afghan forces that killed more than 60 foreign troops in 2012, and the transition process has been beset by other problems including desertions.

Hekmatyar indicated that Hezb-i-Islami, notorious for its bloody siege of Kabul in the 1990s, has softened some of its hardline Islamist policies such as banning women from education.

He condemned the Pakistani Taliban’s blocking of girls’ schooling, which was thrown into the spotlight in October by its attempted murder of 15-year-old education campaigner Malala Yousafzai on her schoolbus.

He insisted that Hezb-i-Islami “consider education is as necessary for girls as it is for boys”, though they object to combined male and female classes.

The former premier also blasted Britain’s Prince Harry, who has been serving in Afghanistan since September as an Apache helicopter pilot, as a “jackal” who was “drunk” while on duty.

“The British prince comes to Afghanistan to kill innocent Afghans while he is drunk,” Hekmatyar told the Telegraph.

Britain’s ministry of defence said it was “simply absurd” to suggest that the third-in-line to the throne or any other member of the British armed forces was conducting operations under the influence of alcohol.

“The consumption of alcohol by UK military personnel is not permitted under any circumstances while deployed in Afghanistan,” a ministry spokesman said.
Afghan warlord Hekmatyar denies links with Pakistani Taliban

LONDON: Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar in an interview published Wednesday has denied having any links with the Pakistan Taliban, condemning the Pakistani militant outfit’s strategy of blowing up schools and blocking girls’ education.

Hekmatyar, a former prime minister who leads Afghanistan’s second largest militant group Hizb-i-Islami, told Britain’s Daily Telegraph newspaper that he was against the blowing up of schools and educational institutions “not only in Afghanistan and Pakistan but elsewhere in the world.”

“I don’t think that a devoted mujahid could be involved in such things,” said Hekmatyar, accusing ‘foreign intelligence agencies’ of being involved in such attacks.

The Pakistani Taliban’s blocking of girls’ schooling was thrown into the spotlight in October by its attempted murder of 15-year-old education campaigner Malala Yousafzai on her schoolbus.

Hekmatyar indicated that Hizb-i-Islami, notorious for its bloody siege of Kabul in the 1990s, has softened some of its hardline Islamist policies which included banning women from education.

He insisted that the group considers “education is as necessary for girls as it is for boys”, though they object to combined male and female classes.

‘Ready to contest 2014 presidential elections’

In the video obtained by the Telegraph in response to questions asked through an intermediary, the Hizb-i-Islami leader said that his group was ready to contest the 2014 presidential elections on the conditions of a “complete withdrawal of all foreign forces” and equal representation of all parties for a “peaceful transition of the government” through “free and fair elections.”

“The foreign forces have failed and the situation is worsening by the day,” said the former premier, who is shown in the video with a white beard and wearing a black turban.

Hekmatyar, designated a global terrorist by the United States, warned that Afghanistan could collapse into bloody civil unrest after Nato troops withdraw, 13 years after the US-led invasion.

“We might have a dreadful situation after 2014 which no one could have anticipated.”

However, the Afghan warlord also vowed to kill as many Western soldiers as possible before Nato combat forces withdraw from the country in 2014, adding that fresh attacks would send a warning to “others waiting to invade Afghanistan”.

“Before the withdrawal of invading forces, the Mujahideen would like to witness with their own eyes a scene that will teach the invaders to never think of coming this way again,” he said.

Nato is aiming to train 350,000 Afghan soldiers and police by the end of 2014 to take over responsibility for security.

But trust between the two sides has been seriously undermined by “insider” attacks by Afghan forces that killed more than 60 foreign troops in 2012, and the transition process has been beset by other problems including desertions.

Hekmatyar also blasted Britain’s Prince Harry, who has been serving in Afghanistan since September as an Apache helicopter pilot, as a “jackal” who was “drunk” while on duty.

“The British prince comes to Afghanistan to kill innocent Afghans while he is drunk,” Hekmatyar told the Telegraph.

A spokeswoman from Prince Harry’s office at Clarence House declined to comment on Hekmatyar’s remarks.
Afghan warlord Hekmatyar denies links with Pakistani Taliban | World | DAWN.COM
Time for multiple orgasms for Hekmatyar my Pakistani brothers. Hekmatyar who may have killed thousands of kabulwala's with his rockets is a hero... lol.

I don't understand why we keep sympathizing with these guys. Fine we have our interests and our priorities but after we get Hakimullah we should crumple this guy like a soda can... on another thread sher malang and his allies are shouting their heads off at Pakistan. Many of us sympathize with what is going on in Afghanistan just because there is a US presence and the militants pretend to fight them. In reality these are the cold hard facts:
According to the United Nations, the Taliban were responsible for 76% of civilian casualties in Afghanistan in 2009, 75% in 2010 and 80% in 2011.[34][167]

According to Human Rights Watch, the Taliban's bombings and other attacks which have led to civilian casualties "sharply escalated in 2006" when "at least 669 Afghan civilians were killed in at least 350 armed attacks, most of which appear to have been intentionally launched at non-combatants."[168][169] By 2008, the Taliban had increased its use of suicide bombers and targeted unarmed civilian aid workers, such as Gayle Williams.[170]

Simple statistic for my people. Lets not sympathize with murderers. There is a huge difference between attacking US soldiers and seeking to attack others. These guys don't want to attack them... they are kharijites that excel at killing civilians.

I have always stated that Hekmatyar, Nazir and Haqqani are secondary objectives only to be looked at once the TTP has been vanquished utterly along with the LEJ... but sympathizing with them which I have seen many people do is wrong. The murder of Afghan civilians is wrong. The only logic these apologists use is that the Afghan taliban are fighting US... how so if 80% of their victims are Afghans? These guys are war criminals. :angry:
^^ Civilians are killed by the occupation forces, no such thing exists as Taliban... you can't balme any one Taliban in today's time who get angry at occupied forces.

UN will only lie... they will never blame civilian deaths on occupied forces.

What is going in Afghanistan is much more than killings.

UN fail to record Pakistani deaths and failed to record the deaths due to drones.

LEJ is proven RAW entity... it is a terrorist outfit, operating since late 80's when Iran and Indians both joined hands against Zia.

IMO... TTP and other organizations can't do a **** if they are not assisted internally (appointees in interior ministry) and protected by judiciary and political parties.

Today's Afghanistan has new generation,,, which has not seen Taliban but have experienced occupied forces and their host northern alliance. Let's see what they bring in Afghanistan.. although i have no hopes.

when we talk about tackling TTP.. the easiest formulae is to cut their supply lines. block the transit of rats.
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