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China says respects Afghan people's choice amid changing situation
Updated 20:10, 16-Aug-2021

The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Monday said the situation in Afghanistan has changed and China respects the Afghan people's will and choice.

Hua Chunying, a spokesperson for the ministry, commented on the latest situation in Afghanistan, saying that China hopes that statements made by the Taliban can be implemented to ensure a smooth transition.

The Taliban said on Sunday evening that there is no danger to embassies, diplomatic missions and foreign nationals in Kabul, pledging that they will maintain security across the country and will announce the establishment of the "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" soon, according to media reports.

The war in Afghanistan has lasted for over 40 years, Hua said, stressing that stopping the war and realizing peace is the shared aspiration of the over 30 million Afghan people and the common aspiration of the international community and countries in the region.

We hope all kinds of terrorism and crimes can be curbed so that the Afghan people can stay away from war and rebuild their homeland, Hua added.

When answering a reporter's question about whether China will recognize a Taliban government, the spokesperson said China expects that an inclusive political arrangement that is acceptable to all Afghan people will lay the foundation for lasting peace in the country.

"Based on fully respecting the national sovereignty of Afghanistan and the will of various factions in the country, China has maintained contact and communication with the Afghan Taliban and played a constructive role in promoting the political settlement of the Afghan issue," she said.

China welcomes the Taliban's promise that they will allow no force to use the Afghan territory to engage in acts detrimental to China and its expression of hope that China will be more involved in Afghanistan's peace and reconciliation process and play a bigger role in future reconstruction and economic development, Hua said.

China will continue developing good-neighborly, friendly and cooperative relations with Afghanistan, she added, stressing the importance of adhering to non-interference in Afghanistan's internal affairs and pursuing a friendly policy toward the entire Afghan people.

Meanwhile, the Chinese embassy in Afghanistan is operating normally and China will closely monitor the situation and provide Chinese nationals in Afghanistan with necessary services and help, according to Hua.

How is this in any way a 'choice' made by the Afghan people?! lol

The same way China respects the choice of the Uighur muslims?
No surprise here. Already some days ago China had said that it would accept Taliban government "as long as the Taliban would engage in political settlement with the current government". Basically, indirect words calling for the then Ghani government to accept the Taliban.

And there is the matter of Afghan mineral deposits which China also desires.

Also, did this "Afghan people's choice" that China speaks of include acceptance statements by the ghosts of the 180 Afghan intellectuals and journalists that the Taliban assassinated between 2020 and 2021 ? Or of those women and Afghan people in general whose lives are going to be now made miserable by the new Taliban government ? Who are these Afghans whose "people's choice" that China speaks of ?

China is not a true leftist ideological state which would oppose the oppressive, regressive, cruel Taliban.
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How is this in any way a 'choice' made by the Afghan people?! lol

The same way China respects the choice of the Uighur muslims?
So welcoming people doesn’t count ?
so cities are cities fall without firing a bullet doesn’t count ?
So people celebrating in Kabul doesn’t count ?

well they can get the same results in elections if conducted fair without manipulation of usa as seen last time

open your eyes
Talibans are not occupying forces they are local Afghans
China says ready for 'friendly relations' with Taliban after rout
Issued on: 16/08/2021 - 12:10

Beijing (AFP)

China is ready to deepen "friendly and cooperative" relations with Afghanistan, a government spokeswoman said Monday, after the Taliban seized control of the country.

Beijing has sought to maintain unofficial ties with the Taliban throughout the US' withdrawal from Afghanistan, which spurred an advance by the Islamist hardliners across the country that saw them capture the capital Kabul on Sunday.

China shares a rugged 76-kilometre (47-mile) border with Afghanistan.

Beijing has long feared Afghanistan could become a staging point for minority Uyghur separatists in the sensitive border region of Xinjiang.

But a top-level Taliban delegation met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Tianjin last month, promising that Afghanistan would not be used as a base for militants.

In exchange, China offered economic support and investment for Afghanistan's reconstruction.

On Monday, China said it "welcomed" the chance to deepen ties with Afghanistan, a country that has for generations been coveted for its geo-strategic importance by bigger powers.

"The Taliban have repeatedly expressed their hope to develop good relations with China, and that they look forward to China's participation in the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan," foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters.

"We welcome this. China respects the right of the Afghan people to independently determine their own destiny and is willing to continue to develop... friendly and cooperative relations with Afghanistan."

Hua called on the Taliban to "ensure a smooth transition" of power and keep its promises to negotiate the establishment of an "open and inclusive Islamic government" and ensure the safety of Afghans and foreign citizens.

China's embassy in Kabul remains operational, Hua said, although Beijing began evacuating Chinese citizens from the country months ago amid the deteriorating security situation.

In a statement Monday, the embassy told Chinese citizens remaining in Afghanistan to "pay close attention to the security situation" and stay indoors.

US President Joe Biden promised a complete withdrawal of US troops by September 11, marking an end to two decades of war.

But Washington was left shocked by the rapid collapse of the Afghan government and the Taliban's sweeping advance.

China has repeatedly criticised what it sees as the US' hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan as a failure of leadership.

How is this in any way a 'choice' made by the Afghan people?! lol
This means no foreign influence , are you dumb or something?
So welcoming people doesn’t count ?
so cities are cities fall without firing a bullet doesn’t count ?
So people celebrating in Kabul doesn’t count ?

well they can get the same results in elections if conducted fair without manipulation of usa as seen last time

open your eyes
Talibans are not occupying forces they are local Afghans

Whoever said the Taliban was an occupying force? :) If the Taliban are so popular and the people love them with open arms, why didn't they just take part in elections and be voted into power? :)
Whoever said the Taliban was an occupying force? :) If the Taliban are so popular and the people love them with open arms, why didn't they just take part in elections and be voted into power? :)
You can keep your Western bullshit ideals to yourself. The ME region does not need your sort of ''democracy''
Whoever said the Taliban was an occupying force? :) If the Taliban are so popular and the people love them with open arms, why didn't they just take part in elections and be voted into power? :)
Why they have to? western system is not the only way of ruling. They can follow their own way of governing, outsiders have no rights to point fingers.
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