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Afghan Taliban fighters shoot two dead over wedding music


Sep 25, 2009
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Afghan Taliban fighters shoot two dead over wedding music
Young men were listening to music when fighters opened fire on them in Nangarhar province, says relative of victims

a taliban security member holding a rifle ensures order in front of azizi bank in kabul afghanistan september 4 2021 photo reuters file

A Taliban security member holding a rifle ensures order in front of Azizi Bank in Kabul, Afghanistan, September 4, 2021. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE
KABUL: Taliban fighters shot dead two wedding guests who were listening to music, local officials and a witness said on Saturday, forcing Afghanistan’s new government to insist such attacks are not authorised.

A relative of the victims said Taliban fighters had opened fire while music was being played at a wedding in Sorkhrud, in Nangarhar province in the east of the country, killing two and wounding two more.

Music was banned the last time the Taliban ruled Afghanistan and, while the new government has not yet issued such a decree, its leadership still frowns on its use in entertainment and sees it as a breach of Islamic law.

“The young men were playing music in a separate room and three Taliban fighters came and opened fire on them. The injuries of the two wounded are serious,” he told reporters.

Qazi Mullah Adel, spokesperson for the Taliban governor in Nangarhar, confirmed the incident but did not provide further details. A security source said the two men who attacked the wedding are now in custody.

Also read: Taliban pledge peace, women's rights

In Kabul, government spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said he could not confirm the incident, but promised that it was not Taliban policy to execute music lovers.

“Investigations are continuing. So far, it’s not clear how it happened,” he said. “Is it a personal matter or what?
“In the ranks of the Islamic Emirate no one has the right to turn anyone away from music or anything, only to try to persuade them. That is the main way,” he told a news conference.

“If anyone kills someone by himself, even if they are our personnel, that is a crime and we will introduce them to the courts and they will face the law.”

The previous Taliban government between 1996 and 2001 imposed harsh public punishments.

But, since returning to power in mid-August after overthrowing the US-backed government the Taliban, seeking international recognition and an end to sanctions, has tried to show a more moderate face.

Taliban have cracked down on ice distributors and their gatherings. These are the places for foreign agents aswell. Western media will keep doing propaganda.
Afghans : We want food, employment and recreation.

Taliban : Eat piousness, work to piousness and listen to piousness.
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This is ridiculous, Those who are responsible must be punished...
Qazi Mullah Adel, spokesperson for the Taliban governor in Nangarhar, confirmed the incident but did not provide further details. A security source said the two men who attacked the wedding are now in custody.

I think this is something which western media will ignore
Because the reason why they killed is of greater importance.

there are idiots everywhere, just like you guys have school shootings and KKK nut heads killing people for no reason, i think right now the more important thing is that Talibaan decided to take action against the one's who killed instead of letting it go, that tells me that they are trying their level best to show a more liberal face to the world.
Afghans : We want food, employment and recreation.

Taliban : Eat piousness, work to piousness and listen to piousness.

indian Muslims want to be a hyper inferior oppressed slave race to indian hindus/rss and THEY ARE! They have achieved that accolade with flying colours.
there are idiots everywhere, just like you guys have school shootings and KKK nut heads killing people for no reason, i think right now the more important thing is that Talibaan decided to take action against the one's who killed instead of letting it go, that tells me that they are trying their level best to show a more liberal face to the world.

Forget about the West - tell someone in West Africa that you shot someone for playing music. they are going to classify you as wacko
The problem might be that the rank and file taliban may have differing views on things like playing of music even tho their leadership has for now not imposed any ban on it. Lets hope the guilty face the justice they deserve for the killings.
there are idiots everywhere, just like you guys have school shootings and KKK nut heads killing people for no reason, i think right now the more important thing is that Talibaan decided to take action against the one's who killed instead of letting it go, that tells me that they are trying their level best to show a more liberal face to the world.
what action ? all it says is "the two men who attacked the wedding are now in custody."

Haven't kept up with much news lately, does that country even have a constitution or laws that the talibs abide by or are they just going about interpreting islamic law as they see fit with no real mechanisms of governance in place ?

ISIS shot their defence minister the other day ?

Kind of sad but I think they're doomed to remain a failed state for the foreseeable future, total basket case of a country, a hopeless landlocked wasteland with no end in sight to the misery.

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