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Afghan soldier shoots dead three US troops


Mar 5, 2013
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Afghan soldier shoots dead three US troops
Sunday September 22, 2013

KHOST - An Afghan Army soldier has shot dead three US soldiers in the eastern part of the war-torn country, the NATO coalition said on Saturday.

So-called ‘insider attacks’, in which Afghan forces turn their guns on their international partners, have killed scores of foreign troops in Afghanistan, breeding fierce mistrust and threatening to derail the training of local forces to take over security duties ahead of NATO’s withdrawal next year.

“Three International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) service members died when an individual wearing an Afghan National Security Forces uniform shot them in eastern Afghanistan today,” an ISAF statement said, adding that both ISAF and Afghan officials were investigating the incident. A US defence official confirmed to AFP that the three victims were from the United Sates.

An Afghan official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP that the incident happened during a training session in the insurgency-hit eastern province of Paktia.

An Afghan National Army (ANA) soldier opened fire on US soldiers in a military training camp, killing two on the spot, he said. A third later died of his wounds, he added. The attacker was killed when Americans and Afghan soldiers returned fire, he said.

The threat of “insider attacks” has become so serious that foreign soldiers working with Afghan forces are regularly watched over by so-called “guardian angel” troops to provide protection from their supposed allies.

ISAF officials say that most insider attacks stem from personal grudges and cultural misunderstandings rather than Taliban insurgent plots. Afghan soldiers and police are taking on responsibility for battling the militants from 87,000 Nato combat troops who will leave by the end of 2014 - 13 years after a US-led invasion brought down the Taliban regime.

But the 350,000-strong security forces are suffering a steep rise in casualties as the NATO combat mission winds down and Afghan authorities try to bring stability ahead of the presidential poll set for April next year.

On Friday Afghanistan’s interior ministry confirmed that 18 policemen had been killed in a Taliban ambush in the northeastern province of Badakhshan.

The policemen, who were returning from an anti-insurgent operation in the town of Warduj, were ambushed by scores of armed militants resulting in a fierce firefight in which eighteen officers were killed and thirteen others injured, the interior ministry said in a statement.

The attack and casualties will heighten concerns that Afghan forces cannot provide effective security across the country, where a US-led invasion ousted the hardline Taliban regime in 2001, in time for the presidential election due in April. ...

Afghan soldier shoots dead three US troops
Good Job Soldier hunt down more of these terrorists who have occupied a Muslim land and are bombing and killing innocents
After 12 years of so called WOT in which these so called MOST ADVANCE TECH military not even control Kabul properly and not even try any single operation from past 6 - 7 years sitting DUCK and now Afghanistan so MUCH SECURE thn before haina ? LOL @ ***** theory about WOT!
thats why americans are now running from afghanistan.......with a speedy troop withdrawal and begging taliban to come on table and talk and giving them property to open office in qatar,,,,,,,,,,,

its surprising that israel and zionists who run the federal reserve bank and pay salaries to bama and governors and senators and mayors and cops and post mans and soldiers and marines and pilots and paratroopers,,,,,are silent on the issue of afghanistan,,,,never has israel ever issued any statement on afghanistan,,,,,,,they officially act as if they have nothing to do with america wagging a war on afghanistan when in reality they are behind it.

this is how jews work,,,,now US has a debt of $70 trillion cause of wagging wars....

why did american airforce sat quietly for 12 minutes and allowed the second plane to hit the tower??
why no inquiry on this?
how many jews are working in US airforce,army and navy?
Good Job Soldier hunt down more of these terrorists who have occupied a Muslim land and are bombing and killing innocents

When are you joining them brother zarvan. Heaven awaits mard e momins like you.
thats why americans are now running from afghanistan.......with a speedy troop withdrawal and begging taliban to come on table and talk and giving them property to open office in qatar,,,,,,,,,,,

its surprising that israel and zionists who run the federal reserve bank and pay salaries to bama and governors and senators and mayors and cops and post mans and soldiers and marines and pilots and paratroopers,,,,,are silent on the issue of afghanistan,,,,never has israel ever issued any statement on afghanistan,,,,,,,they officially act as if they have nothing to do with america wagging a war on afghanistan when in reality they are behind it.

this is how jews work,,,,now US has a debt of $70 trillion cause of wagging wars....

why did american airforce sat quietly for 12 minutes and allowed the second plane to hit the tower??
why no inquiry on this?
how many jews are working in US airforce,army and navy?

There we have it ladies and gentlemen. The educated Pakistani.

On topic: RIP soldiers, I'm sure they held themselves to the highest of their values till the very end.
After 12 years of so called WOT in which these so called MOST ADVANCE TECH military not even control Kabul properly and not even try any single operation from past 6 - 7 years sitting DUCK and now Afghanistan so MUCH SECURE thn before haina ? LOL @ ***** theory about WOT!
Very true u need to go and see yourself how much area they control. They are restricted to their compounds having bars to brothels for their entertainment.
rip to the soldiers, they need to skin that afghani bastard alive. ******* bastards biting the hands that feed them.
Almost all the insider attacks are done by pashtun soldiers.
Pashtuns are hot-headed and revengeful by nature, they would kill you for merely insulting him and calling him names. Only those pashtun tribes or individual are considered suitable for army which are quite atypical.

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