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Afghan Senate Thanks India For Construction Of Friendship Dam


Jan 20, 2013
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United States
United States
Article here, excerpts below:

NEW DELHI: The Afghan Senate today thanked India for construction of the landmark dam in Afghanistan's Herat province at a cost of Rs. 1,700 crore which was jointly inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Ashraf Ghani on June 4.

In its 'appreciation letter', the Upper House of the National Assembly of Afghanistan hailed India and its people for "effective support and assistance" to the war ravaged nation
When are they thanking Pakistan for hosting millions of ungrateful afghans for 40 years?
how many dads afghan govt had? russians in the eighties, USA after 9/11 and now india.

This is the new low to take Indians as a new daddy!

never.. lol
how could they when pakistani military is busy firing bullets on afgani soilders...

The bullets may one day turn against the refugees themselves..if they are not leaving..then we rather kill them all!
Afghans are too happy gobbling Indian balls these days

We helped them with critical infra that can only have humanitarian use. Ball gobbling would be selling your sovereignty and uneducated madrassa students as mercenaries to daddies like the US, Saudi and now China (yum yum).

You are truly shameless. Talking crap on a thread where Indians helped with a dam, while your own government granted 300 million rupees to Afghan Taliban terrorist madrassa (darool ulum haqqania) only yesterday. Don't you guys have a sense of proportion, reason, ethics, morality, right - wrong or even shame?????
Didn't you just answer your own question? :P
It is just a appreciation for some good deed and ppl cant take in right manner.
Afghanistan thanked India and I dont see any reason why any body should drag pakistan into it.

Reminds me of a person who is very jealous about beggars not paying income tax. could not make out whether the person was competing with them or one among them.

When are they thanking Pakistan for hosting millions of ungrateful afghans for 40 years?
Dude chill out, when pakistan considers afghans as ethnic brothers why the formality of thanking? Its all in the family.
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