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Afghan Province Awards Trump Bravery Medal After Talk on Pakistan


Feb 10, 2017
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United Kingdom
KABUL, Afghanistan — Hundreds of Afghans in Logar province pitched in to recognize President Donald Trump with a gold medal for bravery after his administration suspended aid to Pakistan.

Community members from tribal leaders down to cobblers chipped in 45,000 afghanis, or about $650, to pay for the handcrafted gold medallion, which was presented to the U.S. Embassy on Saturday.

It carries an inscription in Dari, which reads: "For bravery, from the Afghan people to Donald Trump, president of the United States of America."

The medal was awarded less than two weeks after Trump, in his first tweet of 2018, accused Islamabad of accepting $33 billion in aid since 2002, while giving "nothing but lies & deceit" in return. Days later, the White House said it would hold back $2 billion in military support until Islamabad did more to fight terrorism.

People here have long protested that Pakistan gives terrorists safe haven, said Farhad Akbari, a tribal leader of Logar province, which is situated south of the Afghan capital. Until Trump, he said, those protests seemed to fall on deaf ears.

"No one would listen to our cries," he said. "The main reason the U.S. is in Afghanistan is because of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida, but [bin Laden] was killed in Pakistan."

Akbari noted that top Taliban leaders — founder Mullah Mohammad Omar and Omar's successor, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour — had found sanctuary in Pakistan. Omar died in Pakistan in 2014, and Mansour was killed in a drone strike there in 2016.

Radio Free Afghanistan first reported about the medal on Sunday. An embassy official confirmed the medal had been presented but declined to provide any further details.

A vocal critic of Islamic extremism, Trump has tried to ban immigration from certain Muslim-majority countries, yet he's been praised by some citizens in Islamic countries where the U.S. is helping fight terrorism.

The president's remarks exposed Pakistan's "true face," said Akbari, who said he has fought the Taliban in Logar province.

Across the border in Pakistan, Trump's tweet raised the ire of officials, who said much of that aid was in return for supporting the U.S.-led war effort in Afghanistan. Some said they felt betrayed by the U.S. over Trump's actions.

For about 16 years, the U.S. has relied on Pakistan for overflight and land transit into landlocked Afghanistan. Washington has also paid Islamabad to station Pakistani troops in the border region with Afghanistan.

Pakistan says it has suffered 50,000 casualties in its own war on terrorism, according to a Jan. 2 tweet from its official Twitter account.

In the wake of the controversy, however, Islamabad reportedly released for the first time a list of 72 terrorist groups operating on its soil, along with a warning to citizens that they'd be punished for contact with those groups.

Getting tough with Pakistan plays into longstanding tensions between the South Asian neighbors, but critics say the U.S. is simply trying to blame someone else for its failure to crush the insurgency over the past 16 years.

Insurgents control or contest over a third of Afghanistan's 407 districts, more than at any time since the Taliban regime's 2001 ouster. In addition, an ISIS offshoot has proved resilient in the few provinces where it operates.

Also this weekend, President Ashraf Ghani asked United Nations Security Council members visiting Kabul to push for more cooperation from Pakistan in fighting the militants.

Source: https://www.military.com/daily-news...-trump-bravery-medal-after-talk-pakistan.html

These Afghandus test my belief in Islamic brotherhood more than anything or anyone else. Why do we run hospitals in their craphole of a country? Do we not have the means to cripple these scum? We can and should forcefully ship every Afghandu back from Pakistan and block their access to the sea permanently once we gain access to central asia through China in a few years. They can be Iran's burden for all we care and we could even try influence Iran to make it difficult for Afghandustan to access waters.

This is not just a governmental sentiment of hatred towards Pakistan and Pakistanis as many, many Afghans (I'm even tempted to say most) dislike us and are traitors who need to be punished like the misbehaving, bacha baaz pigs they are.
LOL Are these Afghans for real? This is getting beyond ridiculous. Handing out gold medals to Donald Trump LMAO These Afghans would betray their mothers. They talk about Islam and brotherhood blah blah blah. Yet, they are willing to reward the guy who is known as the most fervently anti-Islam person on the planet. All because of what? His tweet against Pakistan? Crazy opium fvckers.

Just wait 31st of January is your day of reckoning. We will see how many gold medals you will be handing out from that day on. You have been testing our patience for far too long.

I am just loving it how we are getting to a point of no return. Who would have pity for such opium snakes? All these NGOs and humanitarian groups can fvck themselves. They can take these Afghans to their host nations. Any person siding with Afghans needs to really drown out of shame. These Afghans don't deserve sympathy and mercy.

I hope these Afghans continue to reveal their true colors. This should serve as a final nail in the coffin. There should be zero ambiguity going forward. Time to open our eyes.
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KABUL, Afghanistan — Hundreds of Afghans in Logar province pitched in to recognize President Donald Trump with a gold medal for bravery after his administration suspended aid to Pakistan.

Community members from tribal leaders down to cobblers chipped in 45,000 afghanis, or about $650, to pay for the handcrafted gold medallion, which was presented to the U.S. Embassy on Saturday.

It carries an inscription in Dari, which reads: "For bravery, from the Afghan people to Donald Trump, president of the United States of America."

The medal was awarded less than two weeks after Trump, in his first tweet of 2018, accused Islamabad of accepting $33 billion in aid since 2002, while giving "nothing but lies & deceit" in return. Days later, the White House said it would hold back $2 billion in military support until Islamabad did more to fight terrorism.

People here have long protested that Pakistan gives terrorists safe haven, said Farhad Akbari, a tribal leader of Logar province, which is situated south of the Afghan capital. Until Trump, he said, those protests seemed to fall on deaf ears.

"No one would listen to our cries," he said. "The main reason the U.S. is in Afghanistan is because of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida, but [bin Laden] was killed in Pakistan."

Akbari noted that top Taliban leaders — founder Mullah Mohammad Omar and Omar's successor, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour — had found sanctuary in Pakistan. Omar died in Pakistan in 2014, and Mansour was killed in a drone strike there in 2016.

Radio Free Afghanistan first reported about the medal on Sunday. An embassy official confirmed the medal had been presented but declined to provide any further details.

A vocal critic of Islamic extremism, Trump has tried to ban immigration from certain Muslim-majority countries, yet he's been praised by some citizens in Islamic countries where the U.S. is helping fight terrorism.

The president's remarks exposed Pakistan's "true face," said Akbari, who said he has fought the Taliban in Logar province.

Across the border in Pakistan, Trump's tweet raised the ire of officials, who said much of that aid was in return for supporting the U.S.-led war effort in Afghanistan. Some said they felt betrayed by the U.S. over Trump's actions.

For about 16 years, the U.S. has relied on Pakistan for overflight and land transit into landlocked Afghanistan. Washington has also paid Islamabad to station Pakistani troops in the border region with Afghanistan.

Pakistan says it has suffered 50,000 casualties in its own war on terrorism, according to a Jan. 2 tweet from its official Twitter account.

In the wake of the controversy, however, Islamabad reportedly released for the first time a list of 72 terrorist groups operating on its soil, along with a warning to citizens that they'd be punished for contact with those groups.

Getting tough with Pakistan plays into longstanding tensions between the South Asian neighbors, but critics say the U.S. is simply trying to blame someone else for its failure to crush the insurgency over the past 16 years.

Insurgents control or contest over a third of Afghanistan's 407 districts, more than at any time since the Taliban regime's 2001 ouster. In addition, an ISIS offshoot has proved resilient in the few provinces where it operates.

Also this weekend, President Ashraf Ghani asked United Nations Security Council members visiting Kabul to push for more cooperation from Pakistan in fighting the militants.

Source: https://www.military.com/daily-news...-trump-bravery-medal-after-talk-pakistan.html

These Afghandus test my belief in Islamic brotherhood more than anything or anyone else. Why do we run hospitals in their craphole of a country? Do we not have the means to cripple these scum? We can and should forcefully ship every Afghandu back from Pakistan and block their access to the sea permanently once we gain access to central asia through China in a few years. They can be Iran's burden for all we care and we could even try influence Iran to make it difficult for Afghandustan to access waters.

This is not just a governmental sentiment of hatred towards Pakistan and Pakistanis as many, many Afghans (I'm even tempted to say most) dislike us and are traitors who need to be punished like the misbehaving, bacha baaz pigs they are.

To Trump and to Afghans who awarded him.
Soon they'd need to sell these gold medals to feed their refugees, as very soon they will be kicked out of Pakistan.
We should award them Most Beghairat Nation of 21st Century and actually finance their enlistment in Guniness Book!
even a Prostitute has more honor than these Afghans , if someone rapes a Prostitute , she wont Award him if he speak against her enemy .. Shame of Afghanistan and Afghan people

The mighty Aryan horseback rider has fallen so low that it awards rhetoric as worthy of awards.

Irony thou Silhouette is Justice

well at least in their view Pakistan is much more powerful than US and hence US president need a bravery award to talk tough to Pakistan.
medal or whatever! it doesn't change the ground reality.afghans are present in afghanistan just to die and it's their fate.nobody can change it.afghan taliban will once again rule this country.lol
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