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Afghan crisis exposes rifts across Iran's political spectrum


May 21, 2006
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Afghan crisis exposes rifts across Iran's political spectrum
At the two ends of Iran's political spectrum angry voices are being heard in a fierce battle over the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan, and especially the question of support for resistance forces in Panjshir Valley.
People push carts loaded with coffins of Afghan nationals who died in Iran after receiving them at an Afghan-Iran border crossing in Zaranj on Sept. 8, 2021.

People push carts loaded with coffins of Afghan nationals who died in Iran after receiving them at an Afghan-Iran border crossing in Zaranj, Sept. 8, 2021. - Javed Tanveer/AFP via Getty Images
Al-Monitor Staff

September 10, 2021
Iran's Reformists woke up to a stinging editorial Sept. 9 by the hard-line daily Kayhan that grilled them over their sympathy for the resistance front in Afghanistan's Panjshir Valley.
Kayhan, which is affiliated with the office of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, challenged the Reformists to come forth and enrol to be deployed to Panjshir if they are serious about such support. Kayhan described the pro-Panjshir camp as "a tiny but raucous" group.
In the wake of the Taliban advance on Panjshir, Iran's Reformist figures and papers have been sharply criticizing the Islamic Republic for looking the other way and failing the resistance front in the rugged valley.
Kayhan labeled the Reformists as a pro-West group, trying to send the "wrong signal" on Afghanistan and "serving America" in their "desperate push to complete Washington's jigsaw" in the war-ravaged nation. The ultraconservative paper, as well as other outlets, including Fars News Agency, have in recent months drawn the ire of the Reformists by justifying the rise of the Taliban, arguing that the Sunni group "will not harm" Afghanistan's Shiite minority.
On the other end of the spectrum, some pro-Reform papers, such as Jomhouri Eslami and Arman-e-Meli, have described the Taliban as a "terrorist" entity, openly challenging the official line of the establishment. "The end of the US occupation of Afghanistan," according to Jomhouri Eslami, "has ushered in a new era of proxy occupation through the Taliban terrorists."
In diplomatic and cautious remarks, Iran's supreme leader and President Ebrahim Raisi have refused to denounce the Taliban. Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian expressed hope Sept. 9, that the Taliban will live up to their promises on inclusion and freedoms. Those promises, however, the Reformists have long warned will be ignored. "The curtains will be dropped," wrote Masih Mohajeri, the centrist cleric, who is also Jomhouri Eslami's editor. "They will violate all those pledges," he predicted.
On the streets in Tehran, many Iranians have joined Afghan immigrants in their rallies against the Taliban and what they believe is Pakistan's military intervention in Panjshir. Holding portraits of the iconic slain Panjshir leader Ahmad Shah Masoud, they have been staging angry demonstrations outside the Pakistani Embassy.
One such rally turned violent Sept. 8, as the participants called on "women in Kabul and Tehran to unite." Security forces arrested several protesters, including Narges Mohammadi, Pouran Nazemi and Vida Rabbani — all female activists who have expressed concern that the advent of the Taliban will zero out Afghan women's multiple hard-earned gains.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/original...across-irans-political-spectrum#ixzz76MCH1A1l
This is what some Iranians were saying that the reformists were the ones who were pro-panjshir and not these are a minority democrats whereas the ruling are pro-taliban or policies aligned with them due to relations and common understanding
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Iran should form an inclusive government in Iran to be more united about issues facing the Republic.
Article isn't accurate, conservatives don't approve the Taliban, but firstly Afghan government or this so called resistance never asked Iran's help, instead they were busy in US and the rest of western countries begging for support. Even the son of Ahmad Shah Masoud has bold relations with Zionists in west. so not an ally of Iran in any form.

Secondly, when people of Afghanistan don't fight against Taliban, why should Iran fight against them?

The truth is that US wanted to create a Shiah/Sunni war after they flee the Afghanistan, Traitor reformists (all reformists) played their role as well to fulfill their master's demand to drag Iran into this war. A bastard remains a bastard forever!

Kayhan newspaper correctly exposed their hypocrisy, you want to fight against Taliban? fine, we let you go there and fight. one of top reformists' answer was "I have no passport"!!!
Kayhan newspaper correctly exposed their hypocrisy, you want to fight against Taliban? fine, we let you go there and fight. one of top reformists' answer was "I have no passport"!!!
Well it's true some of them don't have any passport and some of them are on the house arrest.:undecided:
But really both these reformist and keyhan argument are moot. Reformist argument is moot because nobody in Afghanistan asked for our help. And keyhan argument is moot because for example when Iran helped Yemeni people in their struggle did we needed to send Iranian there to fight.?
Also here people are mistaking two completely different people Ahmad shah Masood was a fighter ,Ahmad Masood was an spoiled child who was clueless about what resistance mean. I bet he never was hungry in his life even for a day . If you want to make a resistance you need people who at least knew what it means.
Secondly, when people of Afghanistan don't fight against Taliban, why should Iran fight against them?

Such absurd logic.

With such logic ISIS would have taken control of Iraq. Because if Iraqi army didn’t want to fight ISIS why should Iran backed groups and IRGC advisors fight against them?

The reason is simple: national security of Iran

Taliban is nothing more than a filthy group of savages who if given strength will one day be a headache for Iran. After all if you expect Taliban to make any CONCESSIONS to an inclusive government or to have LEVERAGE over the Taliban you NEED a STICK to go alongside the CARROT.

Iran has sticks in nearly every major conflict theater (Iraq-Iraqi militias, Syria-NDF/Iran backed militias, Lebanon-HZ, Palestine-Islamic Jihad, Yemen-Houthis) yet Afghanistan which is right on its borders it has no resistance group ready to answer the call if the Taliban gets out of line.

That to me is short sightedness. If there is something I learned in Middle East politics...NEVER EVER trust a Sunni militant group to keep its word. Hamas in 2010 showed Iran what happens when a Sunni group gets to full of itself and thinks it no longer needs its main supporter and they were an “ally”. Taliban in this case is not even a distant friend.
Such absurd logic.

With such logic ISIS would have taken control of Iraq. Because if Iraqi army didn’t want to fight ISIS why should Iran backed groups and IRGC advisors fight against them?

The reason is simple: national security of Iran

Taliban is nothing more than a filthy group of savages who if given strength will one day be a headache for Iran. After all if you expect Taliban to make any CONCESSIONS to an inclusive government or to have LEVERAGE over the Taliban you NEED a STICK to go alongside the CARROT.

Iran has sticks in nearly every major conflict theater (Iraq-Iraqi militias, Syria-NDF/Iran backed militias, Lebanon-HZ, Palestine-Islamic Jihad, Yemen-Houthis) yet Afghanistan which is right on its borders it has no resistance group ready to answer the call if the Taliban gets out of line.

That to me is short sightedness. If there is something I learned in Middle East politics...NEVER EVER trust a Sunni militant group to keep its word. Hamas in 2010 showed Iran what happens when a Sunni group gets to full of itself and thinks it no longer needs its main supporter and they were an “ally”. Taliban in this case is not even a distant friend.
The absurd logic is to think Iran will send it's advisors to help trees! yes, even in Iraq if government didn't ask, and if people didn't want to fight, then the presence of Iranian advisors or weapons would have been pointless. defense depth is good, but without local support, it's costs would supersede the benefits.

Afghan forces were fully armed, but they didn't fight even for one night, it wasn't because of the lack of resistance, but the lack of the will for resistance.

If Taliban were as filthy and savages as you suggest, then why Afghans didn't resist against them!? and let me remind you the anti-Taliban figures were spared and are negotiating with Taliban right now. as Khamenei said we stay along Afghan people and so far they are fine with Taliban (or more fine compared to pro-US politicians)

Your Sunni strategy is irrelevant, cause majority of afghans are Sunni whether Taliban or anti-Taliban, yet any (so called out of national interest) meddling would trigger a Sunni/Shiah conflict which certainly wont be in our interest.

Hamas made a mistake out of their morality and care for Syrians, but they remained our ally and tip of our spearhead, yet a secular (like Abdullah Saleh in Yemen) may sell us intentionally out of self interest. with your Shiah/Sunni point of view, now we would have been doomed!
Thanks @HAIDER for the article, because even if it may contain some technical inaccuracies, it is right to highlight the fact that different opinions on the matter exist in Iran, something various Pakistani users have failed to take into account when confronted with news articles from individual Iranian media outlets or politicians which do not reflect the position of the current administration nor that of the establishment.

But really both these reformist and keyhan argument are moot. Reformist argument is moot because nobody in Afghanistan asked for our help. And keyhan argument is moot because for example when Iran helped Yemeni people in their struggle did we needed to send Iranian there to fight.?

In my opinion Shariatmadari's editorial has merit insofar as reformists have been arguing against foreign intervention as a matter of principle. They have not just shown themselves to be critical of Iran sending forces abroad but have also questioned Iran's material support for the Resistance in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, arguing that the money should be spent at home. And now they are championing an interventionist line. Iran didn't need to send anyone to fight in Yemen indeed, but if there was a call for volunteers I'm sure many would mobilize - when it comes to reformists though, they (and/or most of their supporters) are more reluctant to engage in real war and will mostly limit themselves to slogans in this regard. They might be ready to confront Iranian anti-riot police, but we haven't seen them fight a well armed and capable military force.
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If Taliban were as filthy and savages as you suggest, then why Afghans didn't resist against them!?

Taliban are some of the best guirella fighters in the world next to Chechens and Bosnian veterans and Houthi’s. So again your logic of regular population standing up to massive movement of militants (with no weapons) is such a fallacy. War isn’t some Hollywood movie where you “magically” win a war.

Also another thing you cannot get thru your head

not Resisting = / = acceptance anymore than Syrians and Iraqi’s “accepted” ISIS when they were steamrolling thru the Middle East. With such logic ISIS wasn’t as “filthy” and “savage” because no one truly stopped them from building a massive state.

Hamas made a mistake out of their morality and care for Syrians,


Mohsen a “mistake” is making a wrong turn on a street...or speeding.

Supporting Al-Qaeda and Sunni terrorists just because they are Sunni is not a mistake...get real. They cared so much about Syrians they were about to condemn them to headchoppers for next century?

Their True colors came out when they found out Assad was going to fall and wanted to support fellow Sunni’s even if those fellow Sunnis were rotten to their core. That’s why over 50 years, Sunni’s cannot defeat a tiny state like Israel. They back stabbed each other so many times thru out history, what do you think they will do to Shiites?

Also Houthi’s are a much more reliable partner than Hamas has ever been (not to mention one of the best non state fighter groups in the world currently) hence why they are receiving so much Iranian know how and technology transfer.

Just give it time, in 2010 when I was telling Iranians in Iran that the so called Syrian “civil” war isn’t what they think they refused to believe it and said Assad was a butcher. Fast forward 3-4 years and it didn’t take long for them to realize what the hell was wrong with that whole conflict.

In Iranian we have a saying, Sun doesn’t stay behind the clouds forever.

In due time Taliban’s colors will show. It already has with hunting down and execution of counter terrorism soldiers (including one who had all his finger nails pulled out), execution of a poor shop keeper in Panjshir Valley, rape and murder of homosexual man, etc. list goes on and on and that’s what we have been able to find out in a media blackout event.
Taliban are some of the best guirella fighters in the world next to Chechens and Bosnian veterans and Houthi’s. So again your logic of regular population standing up to massive movement of militants (with no weapons) is such a fallacy. War isn’t some Hollywood movie where you “magically” win a war.

Also another thing you cannot get thru your head

not Resisting = / = acceptance anymore than Syrians and Iraqi’s “accepted” ISIS when they were steamrolling thru the Middle East. With such logic ISIS wasn’t as “filthy” and “savage” because no one truly stopped them from building a massive state.
ISIS was a multinational terrorist group founded and armed to teeth by filthy west and arab dictators, you can not compare them with decades-old sanctioned afghans (Taliban) who took over the whole Afghanistan with AK47 in 11 days, basically there was no war to call it magical or not.

Syria was engaged in the war for a few years, ISIS quick advancement was in Iraq which had no army, and their people had no weapons, yet after receiving our help, it was them who annihilated ISIS not Iran.

And here is an image of Kabul when Taliban captured it with no resistance from fully armed Afghan forces, unlike you who are fed with certain media, people are calm, and don't think of Taliban as some buthcers and rapists:

Mohsen a “mistake” is making a wrong turn on a street...or speeding.

Supporting Al-Qaeda and Sunni terrorists just because they are Sunni is not a mistake...get real. They cared so much about Syrians they were about to condemn them to headchoppers for next century?

Their True colors came out when they found out Assad was going to fall and wanted to support fellow Sunni’s even if those fellow Sunnis were rotten to their core. That’s why over 50 years, Sunni’s cannot defeat a tiny state like Israel. They back stabbed each other so many times thru out history, what do you think they will do to Shiites?

Also Houthi’s are a much more reliable partner than Hamas has ever been (not to mention one of the best non state fighter groups in the world currently) hence why they are receiving so much Iranian know how and technology transfer.

Just give it time, in 2010 when I was telling Iranians in Iran that the so called Syrian “civil” war isn’t what they think they refused to believe it and said Assad was a butcher. Fast forward 3-4 years and it didn’t take long for them to realize what the hell was wrong with that whole conflict.

In Iranian we have a saying, Sun doesn’t stay behind the clouds forever.

In due time Taliban’s colors will show. It already has with hunting down and execution of counter terrorism soldiers (including one who had all his finger nails pulled out), execution of a poor shop keeper in Panjshir Valley, rape and murder of homosexual man, etc. list goes on and on and that’s what we have been able to find out in a media blackout event.
Syria at first was a civil war, and as you mentioned even lots of Iranians from Hashemi to Admadi nejad thought it's all Assad's fault, so what do you expect from Sunni Palestinians?!

So far Taliban's behavior toward Iran and Shiah in Afghanistan has been super friendly, 10 times better than the previous pro-west government, it has the capacity both to become better, or a Shiah/Sunni war!
Such absurd logic.

With such logic ISIS would have taken control of Iraq. Because if Iraqi army didn’t want to fight ISIS why should Iran backed groups and IRGC advisors fight against them?

The reason is simple: national security of Iran
At first Kurds asked for help and then Iraqi government asked for help the only thing we received from Afghanistan was bad neighbor tweets, nothing else.
Iran has sticks in nearly every major conflict theater (Iraq-Iraqi militias, Syria-NDF/Iran backed militias, Lebanon-HZ, Palestine-Islamic Jihad, Yemen-Houthis) yet Afghanistan which is right on its borders it has no resistance group ready to answer the call if the Taliban gets out of line.
In all those cases somebody asked for help . In Afghanistan who asked for help.

Reformist traitors does it again. This timing planning to confront the Taliban using ISIS !!! as if you are listening to an American/Zionist strategist!

We need a quick purge of these infiltrators!
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