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afghan army chief cancels visit to india...india not sending troops

I am amazed at your intellect.

If anything, US airstrikes will make sure that Taliban will not show mercy to their adversaries anymore any political settlement will be out of the window. In essence, US intervention will cause more Afghan bloodshed than ever.

You got me there....figures were a stretch.....tried my luck in boasting...anyways. No 265 is not true.

However, already a narrative is being build....so it is not going to be a cakewalk for Taliban.....They will not come to power for sure.

and the bot resurfaces..... continue to lick his master`s boots!
You should refrain from using this word Master...If you think NZ has masters than what does Pakistan has...Customers? who sleep with it for a while, throw money on the face and leave.....at least this has been the trend so far in 74 years.....you want evidence?
You got me there....figures were a stretch.....tried my luck in boasting...anyways. No 265 is not true.

However, already a narrative is being build....so it is not going to be a cakewalk for Taliban.....They will not come to power for sure.

You should refrain from using this word Master...If you think NZ has masters than what does Pakistan has...Customers? who sleep with it for a while, throw money on the face and leave.....at least this has been the trend so far in 74 years.....you want evidence?
I am not even talking about taliban takeover, i am talking about a never ending civil war where the blood of Afghans will be spilled by Afghans. US pulled out of Afghanistan without a power sharing formula with Taliban and Kabul regime and essentially threw Kabul regime under the bus. The air strikes will not change much in Afghanistan now.
You got me there....figures were a stretch.....tried my luck in boasting...anyways. No 265 is not true.

However, already a narrative is being build....so it is not going to be a cakewalk for Taliban.....They will not come to power for sure.

You should refrain from using this word Master...If you think NZ has masters than what does Pakistan has...Customers? who sleep with it for a while, throw money on the face and leave.....at least this has been the trend so far in 74 years.....you want evidence?
than what buisness a country like nz has in afghanistan?
265 Talibans killed yesterday in US air stikes....Your press will not cover it...US is in the game now....On ground AFA, in Air US/AAF.....

Talibans are not coming to power any time soon.....that's given. To keep the region de-stabalised is in interest of US and it's allies......
Keep sucking the lolly
Ahhhh. The Afghan monkey has too much on his plate.
US President is in trouble hence things are getting bad to worse for all those supporting Afghan Government. India can not afford to send their forces as they have China right on their neck. Domestic front is also not relenting due to Covid failures. Sending Troops would be a nightmare incase things go south. This would be similar to Egypt during the first Arab -Isreal War when most of the Egyptian army was in Yemen.

Beautiful. Equilibrium at its best.
I am not even talking about taliban takeover, i am talking about a never ending civil war where the blood of Afghans will be spilled by Afghans. US pulled out of Afghanistan without a power sharing formula with Taliban and Kabul regime and essentially threw Kabul regime under the bus. The air strikes will not change much in Afghanistan now.

He is an Indian. Don't be fooled by his flags.
It will be a Piece of Cake for the might Indian Army, Taliban will just Surrender. :partay:
exactly one bhadur IA Sourma will erect Indian flag in Afghanistan and Taliban will fall!

everyone is scared of Supa just not Pakistan or Chinese occupiers rest of the world is controlled by Siri Modi g Siri Amit g and Siri yogi g from deli!
265 Talibans killed yesterday in US air stikes....Your press will not cover it...US is in the game now....On ground AFA, in Air US/AAF.....

Talibans are not coming to power any time soon.....that's given. To keep the region de-stabalised is in interest of US and it's allies......
Counting dead bodies is the wrong way to fight an enemy like the Taliban. USA wants out for sure. These last ditch efforts are trying to slow the Taliban down so the idiot Kabul regime don't lose power before the formal withdrawal.

Reports on the ground indicate that the Taliban could easily take the remaining parts of Afghanistan but are holding back to pressure a political settlement. Its the idiots in Kabul that refuse to negotiate but can't defeat the Taliban on the ground.
265 Talibans killed yesterday in US air stikes....Your press will not cover it...US is in the game now....On ground AFA, in Air US/AAF.....

Talibans are not coming to power any time soon.....that's given. To keep the region de-stabalised is in interest of US and it's allies......
most of the Pakistani media is very pro american and hates the taliban so if there was any substance to these claims, the hamid mirs, hassan nisars and the saleem safis would've been celebrating these reports and cheerleading them. this is the first time since the beginning of the war that the u.s. claims of airstrikes have not been substantiated with video evidence cheer leaded and touted by either the afghan media nor the indian media. so a sincere word of advice, don't take these claims of airstrikes too seriously lest you be severely disappointed yet again. ;)
most of the Pakistani media is very pro american and hates the taliban so if there was any substance to these claims, the hamid mirs, hassan nisars and the saleem safis would've been celebrating these reports and cheerleading them. this is the first time since the beginning of the war that the u.s. claims of airstrikes have not been substantiated with video evidence cheer leaded and touted by either the afghan media nor the indian media. so a sincere word of advice, don't take these claims of airstrikes too seriously lest you be severely disappointed yet again. ;)
Why do you think NSA and DG ISI going to USA?
yes, they are still looking for their dhotties.
Don't forget to mention yellow ones.... :lol:
Sri Lanka was a unique case where Indian Army was fighting Indian Intelligence Agencies. Indians were killing Indians.

Of course, in Afghanistan Taliban will do it themselves.
Means dog biting dog? new to me....
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