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Aegis defense system helped stop missile attack on USS Mason

Absolutely love the way members like you and Penguin thoroughly destroy propaganda with facts, rationality and logic :tup:
Which we know does not fly here. When it comes to the US, facts goes out the window, rationality down the toilet, and logic is thrown in the trash can.

The man believed a report on what the Russians claimed. Check it out. The website only reported what the Russians claimed, not that it believed what the Russians claimed.

Credibility is given, never earned. You can go to the best journalism/law/engineering school, have decades of experience, and a curriculum vitae to match, and your credibility on the appropriate subject can still vary from person to person.

So when it comes to X vs US, all it takes to earn credibility is the 'vs US'. Not facts, rationality, and logic. If a country is against the US, that country must be in the right.
Romania port was a planned visit announced in publicly available sources online months before.
How would anyone (notably Russian RT press) know what crew on board these ships thought or did immediately after being buzzed by Su-24s: that simply is BS.

U.S. warship targeted in failed missile attack from Yemen: official

October 16, 2016

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Navy destroyer was targeted on Saturday in a failed missile attack from territory in Yemen controlled by Iran-aligned Houthi rebels, the third such incident in the past week, U.S. officials said.

Multiple surface-to-surface missiles were fired at the USS Mason sailing in international waters in the Red Sea but the warship used on-board countermeasures to defend itself and was not hit, one defense official said, citing initial information.

The latest attack could provoke further retaliation by the U.S. military, which launched cruise missiles on Thursday against three coastal radar sites in Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen in response to the two previous failed missile firings against the Mason.

"The Mason once again appears to have come under attack in the Red Sea, again from coastal defense cruise missiles fired from the coast of Yemen," Admiral John Richardson, U.S. chief of naval operations, said during a ship christening in Baltimore on Saturday.

Another U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters: “We are assessing the situation. All of our ships and crews are safe and unharmed.”

Thursday’s U.S. counter-strikes, authorized by President Barack Obama, marked Washington's first direct military action against suspected Houthi-controlled targets in Yemen's conflict and raised questions about the potential for further escalation.

The Houthi movement earlier this week denied responsibility for the missile attacks on the Mason and warned that it too would defend itself.

The Pentagon on Thursday stressed the limited nature of the strikes, aimed at radar that it suspected enabled the launch of at least three missiles against the Mason on Sunday and Wednesday.

Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said at the time that the U.S. counter-strikes were not connected to the broader civil war in Yemen, which has unleashed famine and killed more than 10,000 people since March 2015 in the Arab world's poorest country.

The United States, a longtime ally of Saudi Arabia, has provided aerial refueling of warplanes from a Saudi-led coalition striking Yemen and it supplies U.S. weapons to the kingdom.

Iran, which supports the Houthi group, said last week it had deployed two warships to the Gulf of Aden, to protect ship lanes from piracy.


Of interest, related: http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/...ishipping-attacks-in-the-bab-al-mandab-strait
There are a handful of rather notable reasons why this incident and the claims being made aren't true. let's take a look at them:

1. It was claimed all 27 crew members of the Donald Cook resigned - https://warisboring.com/russia-claims-its-bomber-jammed-u-s-destroyer-8b58c9b56515#.99tvjy30z


Russian Radio stated that after the alleged jamming, Donald Cook “rushed into a port in Romania.”

“There, all the 27 members of the crew filed a letter of resignation,” the Website claimed. “It seems that all 27 people have written that they are not going to risk their lives.”

That's all well and good, except an Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer has 280 crew members and this no evidence to support the notion that even one crew member resigned, let alone 27.

2. It was claimed that the Cook's computers went dark - https://warisboring.com/russia-claims-its-bomber-jammed-u-s-destroyer-8b58c9b56515#.99tvjy30z


Donald Cook’s Aegis system tracked the Su-24 approaching, when suddenly the ship’s sensor displays went blank, according to the Russian Website. The swing-wing Su-24 flew over the destroyer, turned and performed a simulated missile attack.

How exactly would the Russian's know that without being in the ship? With jamming, only the jammed party knows it's jammed. The jammer is just trusting their equipment. The Russian's do not have a way of verifying this.

3. The Khibiny jammer wasn't even installed in the SU-24 involved in the incident, so the claim about that isn't true either - https://warisboring.com/russia-claims-its-bomber-jammed-u-s-destroyer-8b58c9b56515#.99tvjy30z


The Russian Khibiny jammer that allegedly took down Aegis is named for a mountain range on Russia’s Kola Peninsula. “Khibiny is the newest complex for radio-electronic jamming of the enemy,” Russian Radio explained. “They will be installed on all the advanced Russian planes.”

4. This will be more difficult for you to verify, but SPY-1 is very, very powerful. Powerful enough that if it was one and an SU-24 was flying as close as the picture above, it's internal systems would be damaged. Because of its power output, SPY-1 is difficult to jam as it "burns through" jamming attempts by simply overpowering them.

There are exclusion zones on SPY-1 equipped ships to prevent crew members from being too close to the radar systems.

Even the smallest of the SPY-1 series, the "f" model is rather powerful:


Now Khibiny might be able to jam the SPG-62 illuminators, and that'd negatively effect guidance for SM-2, the primary fleet defense missile of the United States Navy, but again, the Russian's wouldn't know if it was jammed or not:


5. NATO nations regularly undergo what are called NEMO trials - NATO Electro Magnetic Operations Trials - that are designed to test the ship's system's ability to operate in an EM heavy environment.

During NEMO trials ships are subjected to electronic attack from air, sea, land and subsurface threats:



In this photo, Norwegian, Spanish and Danish ships are involved in a NEMO operation.


The NATO Navies train against electronic attack regularly and know how to respond against any real or perceived threats.

Put simply, the story surrounding the USS Donald Cook and its reported jamming isn't true. It's a fabrication on top of an exaggeration. It's also worth noting the original claims aren't coming for official channels, rather from an obscure Russian publication.
Very informative post here. Thank you for clearing my doubts.
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