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Advanced avionics helping PAF to break militants

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Advanced avionics helping PAF to break militants

Updated 15 minutes ago

DUBAI: According to Pakistan Air Force (PAF), it has flown more than 5,500 strike sorties over the country’s troubled tribal regions since May 2008. In a rare glimpse into Pakistan’s attempt to counter domestic terrorism from the air, Chief of PAF described some lessons learned to the Air Chiefs Conference in Dubai.

The need for good airborne reconnaissance was paramount, said Air Chief Marshall Rao Qamar Suleiman. When Pakistan Army launched large-scale operations in the remote Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in August 2008, the PAF had to rely on Google Earth imagery when planning air support missions.

However, by the time that the Army was ready to move against insurgents in the Swat Valley in May 2009, the PAF had acquired Goodrich DB-110 electro-optical reconnaissance pods for its F-16 fighters, together with the same company’s ground station for imagery exploitation. Intelligence analysts could now identify terrorist training camps, ammunition dumps and command and control facilities. Some of these targets were well camouflaged, and protected by bunkers, Air Chief Marshall Suleiman noted.

Two days before the ground offensive was launched, the PAF launched a series of interdiction missions, and followed up with close air support throughout the six-month campaign. From the imagery collected by the PAF, the Army was also able to identify suitable landing zones for the airdrops of commandos.

In these mountainous regions, airpower was best delivered from medium altitude by fast jets, PAF Chief was quoted as saying by AIT. When the Army turned its attention to South Waziristan in October 2009, the PAF conducted a seven-day campaign in advance. By now, the service had added FLIR Systems Star Safire III EO/IR sensor ball to one of its C-130 transports. Army staff on board the C-130 was able to track the movement of terrorists at night, and radio maneuvering instructions to soldiers on the ground.

PAF has completely overhauled its tactics and techniques for conduct of irregular warfare, ACM Suleiman said. All of the squadrons were put through a training program over a four-month period. Laser-guided bombs have been used in 80 percent of PAF strikes, the PAF chief revealed. Avoiding collateral damage was a primary concern, he explained, “specially since we were engaging targets within our own country. We engage isolated structures only, away from populated areas.”

More than 10,600 bombs have been dropped, and 4,600 targets destroyed, he said. PAF has flown more than 500 F-16 sorties with the DB-110 pod, and 650 with the Star Safire EO/IR sensor on the C-130.

ACM Suleiman said that, “we’ve broken the back of militants in FATA.” He said offensive military engagement could only accomplish “10 to 15 percent” of the task of pacifying tribal areas. The rest must be done by dialogue, winning hearts and minds through economic development of these very poor regions, he said.

In his presentation, PAF Chief did not mention Selex Galileo Falco UAV. However, Pakistan was first customer for reconnaissance drone, which carries Anglo-Italian company’s own electro-optical/ infrared sensor ball. Suleiman told AIN there had been problems with UAV’s data link, caused partly by terrain masking. “Then we put in a relay station, and started flying it higher, so now we are using it more.” (PPI)
More than 10,600 bombs have been dropped, and 4,600 targets destroyed, he said. PAF has flown more than 500 F-16 sorties with the DB-110 pod, and 650 with the Star Safire EO/IR sensor on the C-130.

“10 to 15 percent” Results

More than 10,600 bombs have been dropped, and 4,600 targets destroyed, he said. PAF has flown more than 500 F-16 sorties with the DB-110 pod, and 650 with the Star Safire EO/IR sensor on the C-130.

“10 to 15 percent” Results



I am sorry to say this (really sorry if it offends you but its not my intention) but you need to rethink your math ...
4600 of 10600 is 43% ... (4600*100/10600=43.39)

Especially discounting the fact that sometimes more than one bomb is dropped on a single target to confirm the kill, or to ensure enough damage is incurred for a big enough target.

why do u guys kill your fellow muslims for americans i don't understand......those militants were isi agents of past who were devout muslims.... u guys only fight internally or with us indians.... u never stand up in front of americans like iraqis iranis, and libyans did........
look whos talking. mister tough guy behind a screen
With all this fancy equipment i will say Allah is helping us alot in eradicating this TTP fitna from Pakistan coz Americans are using the much more advanced weapon in Afghanistan but i dont see any victory for much ..............

May Allah protect my country and its people from every harm.Ameen
The rest must be done by dialogue, winning hearts and minds through economic development of these very poor regions

I think this the only way we can pacify this threat....economic development, education and diplomacy
usa is using Apache and cobra against militants
why still pa and paf did not receive any apache or twin engine cobra from usa
usa is using Apache and cobra against militants
why still pa and paf did not receive any apache or twin engine cobra from usa

Could it be that against insurgents, there is not much in the Apache compared to the current PAF Cobras?
How sad! PAF is using deadly machine to kill your own ppl (Those terrorists too are Pakistani). In my view the issue must be solved amicably.

They too are fighting in the name of Islam and to implement Sharia. Govt should engage them into talks.

usa is using Apache and cobra against militants
why still pa and paf did not receive any apache or twin engine cobra from usa

Funny, Pakistani asking to use deadliest weapon on their own civilians. What about using WMD against them?

USAF never used Cobra-Apache on their civilians..
How sad! PAF is using deadly machine to kill your own ppl (Those terrorists too are Pakistani). In my view the issue must be solved amicably.

They too are fighting in the name of Islam and to implement Sharia. Govt should engage them into talks.

Funny, Pakistani asking to use deadliest weapon on their own civilians. What about using WMD against them?

USAF never used Cobra-Apache on their civilians..

You sympathize and take sides of terrorists?? Just because you "needed to disagree" you've chosen a pathetic line.
You sympathize and take sides of terrorists?? Just because you "needed to disagree" you've chosen a pathetic line.

Terrorism is very funny definition, one's terrorists are other's liberator. I am not taking side of terrorists, rather I am saying that "It can be solved amicably".

Killing your own ppl will not be a solution. Citing your countrymen, IK on many occasion said "USA drone attacks are killing innocent as well, which will spread hate among them, which in turn increase terrorism". Likely many Pakistani literates voiced the same concern. If USA drone attack can create new terrorists, then what about Pakistan aerial attack???

Collateral damage is obvious and that will create more terrorists. I have seen many Pakistani of PDF, many of you advocate violence, Violence become basic instinct of your nature. Be it nuking India, killing terrorists, Destroying USA and Israel. :)

When issue can be resolved by pen, why to use sword???
One thing is clear from all this Chaos......that PAF and PA got their best training in Warfares......and now they are more experienced and well trained in every battle.:pakistan:
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