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Adolf Hitler died in Argentina, not Berlin

History is written by the victor. If Hitler won then we would all categorize the allies as the evil ones. But the allies won so it is the other way around. History is subjective, only the Vitoria determines what really happened.

If he won, then i doubt there would be any non-whites remaining there.
I didn't say it was only Jews. I'm also talking about Romas, homosexuals, people with disabilities, and anyone who was against the Third Reich. Jews were the primary target though. When you say that the real number is much lower that that, kindly quote the number also. If you think that its all propaganda then I can't argue with someone who is in the state of denial.

I can show you countless books about the holocaust. But it seems that you wanna believe what you wanna believe so that one is not really my fault.

Sure there is countless books about the holocaust , same as there is about WWII in general , but history was written by the winners and the "organizers" in this case , who used a huge amount of propaganda(same as the US Fox news uses today in Iran) to put the Nazis on the bad guy´s side , and the Jews on the "poor victims" side which is simply a joke.

Regarding the numbers we´ll leave that up to the future to decide , ´won´t be up to me , but i´ll give you an example , officially there was 25000 up to 30000 that died in the Dresden Bombing , and what I can say to you that that was propaganda by the "winners" to lower the numbers down , and the real numbers still remain between 250.000 up to 300.000 german and other citizens that died there. You can check that if you want , same form of propaganda was applied to the "victim´s side" to higher the numbers.
Sad , but true
I didn't say it was only Jews. I'm also talking about Romas, homosexuals, people with disabilities, and anyone who was against the Third Reich. Jews were the primary target though.

what makes you say that out of interest? weren't all non nordics the primary target?
that doesn´t change the reality that the Holocoust story is a fairy tale that included war propaganda to raise the numbers in favor of Zionism , which used the war against Germany to create the State of Israel we know today, your link it´s part of that fairy tale many people believes so I don´t blame you.

Hitler was funded by the American Freemasons like Rockefeller and Morgan in order to weaken the European branch of Zionist Rothschild.

The WWII was basically caused by the internal feud between the Zionists, and Hitler was merely a pawn played in between them.
Many german war veterans (Including the Graff Spee's crewmen) stayed here and most of them moved to a town called Bariloche, becuse of its resemblance to The Alpes. For them Hitler's escape from Germany isn't just a possibility (There are many old veterans that would talk about it if you ask them)
Again ??? I wonder how long Hitler will be haunting the world !!!!
If anyone wants to know the running legend is he escaped with a Focke Wulf Condor to west Africa, refueled, then off to Latin America.

We would NEVER be able to read about the true personality of Hitler ! Why Hitler did what he did...Was he really so bad? Was he a hero? Why he killed Jews? Western media/govt. would NEVER give us the true picture of Hitler..He is seen as the biggest monster/villain of the modern Europe... Oh well , Hitler pretty much shaped the world we live in today !!!!! For me ...Hitler,Stalin,Churchil etc are all SAME people.. No one is saint here...
mein kampf
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