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Do you work for compnay? have you ever made a keyword rank for 1st position? any guide would ne helpful or if you have website of your company kindly share

Helping an agency so yup can be considered a company. PM me with what you want to achieve with what site and I'd help you.
Immigrate to any non oil producing country where petrol is cheaper than in Pakistan(in USD).

There won't be many.
@SEOminati. Wherever you go don’t because of stats because wherever you go issues are same. The whole world is fd up and btw moving is not as easy as you think. P.s I’ve been in this position many times. I believe if you are good in something just pursue it. Rest will take care of it self

Wasn’t even received by Erdogan in Turkey and essentially told to **** off when begging for money because even Erdo knows SS is a thief. :lol:

Turkey cannot even survive on its own right now let alone lending others money. They are just as bad economically as Pakistan if not worst. Their survival depends on EU money to keep migrants out and Russian tourists
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I appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts in a transparent manner. I actually agree with everything you said.

Support Imran or don't support Imran Khan. It's actually not even about Imran Khan. It's the shocking revelation that now every Pakistani known that there country is seriously broken. The country is completely hostage to the corrupt and all institutions are corrupt to the point this country is heading towards total destruction. There is no space left for honest and good people. The veil has come off .

The quickest exit would be a gulf country. From there you should apply for immigration to either Canada, Australia, UK or some other nation.

U.K is not the same due to brexit. Australia I don’t know much… but Canada? Nope I live here and I’m discontent here. It’s so bad right now. Good luck finding a place to buy before even considering other living costs and exploring job or business market. If someone wants to immigrate sure it’s probably the easiest but a trap set for you before you know it
I don't think so! I don't think that @AmiEktaKharapChele is a member of BCL !

Even if he is truly BCL member , I would say the spirit of BCL was never bad before and still there are many BCL people who are good , just can't show their good attitude because bad people are dominating the organization!

Once you wipe out CPB infested chetona thuggery ,BCL can be the best student organization like past days!

And @jamahir , although CPB is a nominally communist , they aren't really communist!

They ( CPB) are actually pseudo hindutva in Bangladesh hiding under the coat of communism.

True communists are far from CPB. AND even there are other communist parties in Bangladesh they are completely opposite to CPB, I mean they are good!

But the sad thing is , all of them lack the true spirit !

Tbh , in Bangladesh communist has no future. It's not Pakistan where KGB's creation PPP will rule !


If you remove Goondas and chetona, Awami League including Chatra League would be fine.
But unfortunately that is not the case..yet.

ATM Chatra League is de-facto «Streetside» arm of AL. Theres a good reason for that. Bangladeshi politics are still a strongmans game. All parties including BNP and Jamat have their Student and Youth wings that are governed by literally jungles rule. Murder, extortion, vandalization, landgrabbing…you name it.
Where is the boundary between Mafia and a political party? I am not so sure. This is a problem for the entire subcontinent and probably the entire developing world.

Then again, this environment has to do with the state development itself. As Bangladesh become wealthier and have better institutions like Police and Judiciary(inshallah),combined with a more educated population, the tendency for violence will slowly decline and hopefully one day be a distant memory.
Come to India.

This is funny lol Actually more Indians are migrating from India than Pakistanis from Pakistan and I’m a witness to any country of 3 continents you want to name.
If you remove Goondas and chetona, Awami League including Chatra League would be fine.
But unfortunately that is not the case..yet.
Formerly BCL was not like that. From 2009 and onward they became like this under back up of CPB'S ELDER raw!
A dirty 1-bed apartment costs between 1500-2000 dollars in toronto, depending on location, conditions etc…
Minimum wage is 15 an hour and its not emough to pay rent, food, medicine etc…..u either find good paying job or u struggle(or wife works too and u try to juggle kids, life etc) inflation has skyrocketed in west too for most poor and middleclass
Its tough these days but at least in pk u own your own home rather than survive on mortgages in west,
Its the same shit everywhere bro….ajkal sab baraber higya
Pakistan mei obviously jobs ki kami zyada ha so it seems worse….good to visit but can’t live here forever
Bro, move wherever your heart desires and where fortune allows you but I have one piece of advice:

Wherever you go, try to contribute to the stability and benefit of that society. You went there because it's good - so try to keep it good.

Too many people move out of terrible conditions to stable, friendly societies only to maintain loyalty to the mother country that mistreated them. They end up bringing all the same bad habits, and slowly ruining the new society they joined.

Not only that. It is no good for the motherland either - most of the problems in Pakistan and Bangladesh are financed by expats, with zero risk in the game.
This is funny lol Actually more Indians are migrating from India than Pakistanis from Pakistan and I’m a witness to any country of 3 continents you want to name.

Ignore @Akshay89. He is a Hindutvadi, formerly holder of the banned account HalfMoon, who is always trying to incite Muslims into making incendiary statements and fight against each other and spreads disinfo about Islam. You can just read the threads he creates in the 'Central & South Asia' section.
A dirty 1-bed apartment costs between 1500-2000 dollars in toronto, depending on location, conditions etc…
Minimum wage is 15 an hour and its not emough to pay rent, food, medicine etc…..u either find good paying job or u struggle(or wife works too and u try to juggle kids, life etc) inflation has skyrocketed in west too for most poor and middleclass
Its tough these days but at least in pk u own your own home rather than survive on mortgages in west,
Its the same shit everywhere bro….ajkal sab baraber higya
Pakistan mei obviously jobs ki kami zyada ha so it seems worse….good to visit but can’t live here forever

Fully Agree. Bottom line, this is a debt trap society and its about to get worst.

Even if you pay off your home free of mortgages, the bills, taxes, maintenance costs etc are still issues and people often find themselves re-financing or taking out home equity against that. Basically you are a hamster running on the wheel that leads you to nowhere.

I don't know if you follow local news but we are also starting to see crime go up. You no longer feel safe at home or feel safe about leaving your car alone.

This country is only for someone:

1. Who wants to claim they are either gay or lesbian because you get rights that you don't get in other countries..

2 Wants to abuse government benefits (You will take it that is if you don't have any morals). I would say the people who do this have short term silly thinking because you don't build your future out of this and would never beat rising living costs.

3. Who had nothing back home. For ex. the Indians. They made up their minds they will not go back no matter what. Usually they came from villages of Punjab and the whole village was on hard drugs or using outdoor toilets. For them this place is like heaven! lol.
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what country for Mechanical Engineers though?
asking for a friend
It is better to participate in Protest with Imran Khan and win back Governance
Travelling to another nation takes 5-10 years to settle down , you get locked down by Mortgage/Loans for life

If Pakistan's Governance is corrected , you can likely reach same goal in less time with long term benefits

Bhagana hai to Cherry blossom , Bilawal , Zardari aur Maryem ko Bhagao

Ghabrana Nahi hai
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Fully Agree. Bottom line, this is a debt trap society and its about to get worst.

Even if you pay off your home free of mortgages, the bills, taxes, maintenance costs etc are still issues and people often find themselves re-financing or taking out home equity against that. Basically you are a hamster running on the wheel that leads you to nowhere.

I don't know if you follow local news but we are also starting to see crime go up. You no longer feel safe at home or feel safe about leaving your car alone.

This country is only for someone:

1. Who wants to claim they are either gay or lesbian because you get rights that you don't get in other countries..

2 Wants to abuse government benefits (You will take it that is if you don't have any morals). I would say the people who do this have short term silly thinking because you don't build your future out of this and would never beat rising living costs.

3. Who had nothing back home. For ex. the Indians. They made up their minds they will not go back no matter what. Usually they came from villages of Punjab and the whole village was on hard drugs or using outdoor toilets. For them this place is like heaven! lol.
True and not to mention the “softness” being preached, everyone shit has rights but us normal people. Its become a land of shit…..half the year its about some black hustory shit….like wtf
Its a weird country now. They have become a dead decaying society of depressed people.
what country for Mechanical Engineers though?
asking for a friend
usa, europe, australia…..
If u go canada prepare to do another 2-4 yrs of degree again just to get certified as mch engr again…..u wikk have to do MS again or do it anyway to progress
Why such a doom and gloom outlook toward your country ? It is, maybe a bit sadly, but the truth anyway that the Fauj there has always been the real power behind the Siyasi pardah, a thin veneer, a small coat of paint, of "democracy" and that this has happened before all too many times.

I would suggest moving into a nice area in a cushy DHA development and stay in the country if you're planning to leave out of just a sense of disappointment with the current political environment at the moment, rent for now until you can buy one. I'm sure there are channels where even non servicemen and women can invest in and own property in the DHA.

Jugaad lagao, subcontinent mein sab kuch possible hai, in mamlo mein to same hi corruption wala hisab chalta hai dono mulkon mein :partay:
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