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Actual Medical Report fm 2007 of murder of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto

I was shocked to read your post.

.. /Yawn.. sorry i missed that.. why are you talking to me?
How the hell did the killer know that Bhutto will come out? As a killer, you wait for the best opportunity. Considering that, the killer was no saint to know that Bhutto would come out of the car AFTER the jalsa.

I thought I clarified that.. but all you see is red now and didnt read my post properly.. it was the Zionists who told her to come out of the sunroof and dance at their signal.. dont you know that our leaders dance to the signals of the Zionists??? so at the same time the killer who was actually a Klingon shot her.. I think I have answered your question.. please dont bother me any more ok? because I dont have the will nor the care to answer to you.

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I am sorry but I dont believe that... anyone who claims to follow Musshy doesnt curse someone like that and doesnt fut a burn in hell fatwa.. this is a characteristic of a fatwa spitting taliban fanboy not someone who is a Mushy fan.

Don't cross the line.

no matter how much you hate her.. never wish her hell after her death adn specially the way she was killed.

he cant care less about Pakistan and your questions.. for any nonPakistani, what is important is the face value.. she sold herself well in the west and showed herself as an acceptible approachable person as compared to someone from jamaat ****** or Ganja league.

regarding your questions he wont really know.. he made this thread in relation to the emails sent by some people who happened to see when she was brought in the hospital.
and finally please tone down your self.. American eagle is a respected member and I am one of the many who looks forward to his posts.. thanks

he made a comment in the end of his thread, he posted a ludracious article, he should explain his reasoning.
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Let all those who mock a person murdered trying to help her own people inside Pakistan, in person, leave the comfort and security of their Western world abodes and go to Pakistan...where some of you have never ever been...and try smart mouthing the huge array of problems there in person and see how long your personal safety and freedom does not last!

Pakistan needs empathy, help, not idiocy.
Let all those who mock a person murdered trying to help her own people inside Pakistan, in person, leave the comfort and security of their Western world abodes and go to Pakistan...where some of you have never ever been...and try smart mouthing the huge array of problems there in person and see how long your personal safety and freedom does not last!

Your not even Pakistani, you have never been here, you listen to media and select parts of "how bhutto was to help Pakistan." You don't know what she has done in the past. I suggest you do more research on this topic and not make a joke of yourself anymore with these silly riddles.

Pakistan needs empathy, help, not idiocy.

Yes Pakistan needs empathy, help, as for the last part, that is solely intended for for the likes of you.
Your not even Pakistani, you have never been here, you listen to media and select parts of "how bhutto was to help Pakistan." You don't know what she has done in the past. I suggest you do more research on this topic and not make a joke of yourself anymore with these silly riddles.

Pakistanis elected her,not Americans or Indians, As for your remark saying that American Eagle has never been to Pakistan, I suggest you go back & read about him before displaying your ignorance.
Pakistanis elected her,not Americans or Indians, As for your remark saying that American Eagle has never been to Pakistan, I suggest you go back & read about him before displaying your ignorance.

its not in my interest to read foolish posts. so please keep your ignorance out of this.
If you will do an Internet search for:

April 2008 Military Officer Magazine

then scan down and click on the April 2008 Military Officer Magazine cover with the photo of General Petraeus

then in the upper right hand box enter 28 for page 28 and scan over to page 28, you can read this national US veterans organization magazine interview/article about me, with photo, etc.

PDF Moderators/Administrators may want to consider removing you from it's participation when you blatanley lie and slander documented honest members such as myself who not only served in Pakistan but was wounded there being in the wrong place at the right time in 1965 when the first skirmish in the Rann of Kutch took place

Being rude and brash does not create knowledge nor contribute to problem solving for the suffering in country people of Pakistan.
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PDF Moderators/Administrators may want to consider removing you from it's participation when you blatanley lie and slander documented honest members such as myself who not only served in Pakistan but was wounded there being in the right place at the wrong time in 1965 when the first skirmish in the Rann of Kutch took place

Being rude and brash does not create knowledge nor contribute to problem solving for the suffering in country people of Pakistan.

I already challenged his claim of being a Musharraf's follower because his attitude stinks like a right winger.. maybe is trying to tell us all by his very user name..
rest assured with this kind of potty attitude he wont last long.. maybe a disgrunted member who went through the process of making a new account just for the sake of flame and trolling.

his posts are clearly malicious because either he is a dimwitted and cant comprehend the title and the purpose of the thread or he is just delibrately trolling by bringing in completely irrelevent & nonesense argument.. not sure if it just a Pakistani trait but is found in abundance.

e.g. if the talk is about the senseless murder of a governer.. people will post pictures of him & his family partying etc...:hitwall:

a news anchor Kashif Abbasi demanded answers from Govt. Minister Shermila about the curroption scandal in Hajj relating to a known curropt official and she answers by saying well you also used to go Disco didnt you?:hitwall:

some one mentions AQ Khans undercover Nuclear network and it will be answered by picutres of a social gathering with Musharraf and some female beauties :hitwall:

what can I say? I am sorry that he is completely inconsiderate..
I have no idea why everyone blames Mushrafaf, but did Musharaf asked her to come out of her vehicle ??

Fine, she may not have been given top notch security, but she was in a bullet proof car and even the explosion did not damaged it or hurt anyone inside, then the question is who the hell asked Benazir to come out of the window, knowing she had great security risk and she should be inside.

Similarly there are so many questions which need to be asked and answered.

But i can assure you, Musharaf had nothing to do with Benazir murder.

I would have liked to post something which i have come to know from someone sitting right in the power setup, but alas as usual people would say its conspiracy theory or whatever, but its shocking.

---------- Post added at 09:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:45 AM ----------

Sir! If you have something worth sharing, share it ... as it doesn't matter some 1 call it conspiracy theory or what ever but for thinkers it will be some thing to add in ...
Sir! If you have something worth sharing, share it ... as it doesn't matter some 1 call it conspiracy theory or what ever but for thinkers it will be some thing to add in ...

i think he is talking about the smoking lady's role inside the blast proof car.
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"I will scale the suspects from Taliban as most likey to Musharraf as least likely."

I disagree. If talibs were the killers, as a matter of fact, anyone, me or you, that person would have shot her when she was going to the stage, coming back to the car or during the jalsa. How the hell did the killer know that Bhutto will come out of the car--- ??
The odds of this coincidence are almost none to zero. If I were a killer, I would have killed her somewhere during her presence because how the hell I'd know that she'd come out?

There is some insider involved.

By insider here.. you could imply anybody..
It could be her husband.. guard.. confidants.. non-confidants.. sweeper.. tailor.. Musharraf..George Bush..
In her previous appearances throughout her political career.. Benazir Bhutto made it a point to connect to her admirers and be as close to them as she could..
It makes very little sense when all these theories about her receiving a call and then coming out and being murdered arise..its downright idiotic and ignorant to think that a woman of her stature would be ordered around to "get up and wave".. so the guy can shoot you.
She received a rousing welcome by her supporters here.. and emboldened and encouraged by it..she played to the crowds..
agreed.. knowing her stance..and that she was threatened.. it was a bad decision by her to expose herself..and the first to blame are her security staff. But she did come out.
She had already been hit in Karachi..even in her armored behemoth..(which would have never worked for the cramped confines of Murree road).. in a similar crowd appeasing moment.

Her killer.. whoever he was.. shot her..and is gone..
So who was he?.. a Terrorist?RAW,CIA,MOSSAD..or an ISI goon?
we could have found out earlier..but then the whole place is WaShEd??:eek:
What kind of idiotic numbskull.. or a calculated schemer thought of that..
By the reactions of the government at the time.. it seemed somebody in the loop was the former and somebody the latter.
And by all "reports" both publicly..and personally....I feel Mr Musharraf was the former.. he had no reason..or rather no imagination to see Ms Bhutto dead.. however..considering that in that time.. the buck did stop at his door..it was partially his fault..and the dilly dallying and the almost nonchalant way Al-Qaeda was blamed for it..but a few doubts within my head as well.
However... while the probability of Ms Bhutto being killed by Al-Qaeda is not a certainty..she was killed by somebody who bore extremist views...and such people dont usually need "state" help to carry heinous acts out..
They find many sympathizers at the last minute all over in the many corridors of the many agencies.. both state..and foreign..or political parties and extremist-related "NGO's" to carry out such acts..
It usually doesn't take much more than just a "suggestion" to a man like Qadri..or Bhutto's killer..to carry out an attack.
Who gave the suggestion.. is the bigger question.
Her postmortem would have revealed lot of truth, alas her family didn't allowed it and criminal got away with crime.

Apparently, she was administered with emotion enhancing drugs, which lead to her irrational behavior of pooping her head out of sunroof.

Please, do not ignore the murder of her security chief Khalid Shansha and his equivocal signals moments before her murder, remember he was responsible for opening the sunroof.

It is clear that her murderers were always with her even at previous occasions just waiting for the opportune moment, with inside information about her appearance and safety measures.

All blame goes to Rehman Malik for security lapse and other PPP senior members, specially when she was already attacked in Karachi.... but in reality foreign states are the master minds who decided her life shall end and method is not so important.

In the video above person is definitely talking to some one in public.
He was sitting in the car with BB at a position where he can open the roof hatch.
Later he was murdered in low profile. in a typical... shoot the shooter conspiracy.
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By insider here.. you could imply anybody..
It could be her husband.. guard.. confidants.. non-confidants.. sweeper.. tailor.. Musharraf..George Bush..
In her previous appearances throughout her political career.. Benazir Bhutto made it a point to connect to her admirers and be as close to them as she could..
It makes very little sense when all these theories about her receiving a call and then coming out and being murdered arise..its downright idiotic and ignorant to think that a woman of her stature would be ordered around to "get up and wave".. so the guy can shoot you.
She received a rousing welcome by her supporters here.. and emboldened and encouraged by it..she played to the crowds..
agreed.. knowing her stance..and that she was threatened.. it was a bad decision by her to expose herself..and the first to blame are her security staff. But she did come out.
She had already been hit in Karachi..even in her armored behemoth..(which would have never worked for the cramped confines of Murree road).. in a similar crowd appeasing moment.

Her killer.. whoever he was.. shot her..and is gone..
So who was he?.. a Terrorist?RAW,CIA,MOSSAD..or an ISI goon?
we could have found out earlier..but then the whole place is WaShEd??:eek:
What kind of idiotic numbskull.. or a calculated schemer thought of that..
By the reactions of the government at the time.. it seemed somebody in the loop was the former and somebody the latter.
And by all "reports" both publicly..and personally....I feel Mr Musharraf was the former.. he had no reason..or rather no imagination to see Ms Bhutto dead.. however..considering that in that time.. the buck did stop at his door..it was partially his fault..and the dilly dallying and the almost nonchalant way Al-Qaeda was blamed for it..but a few doubts within my head as well.
However... while the probability of Ms Bhutto being killed by Al-Qaeda is not a certainty..she was killed by somebody who bore extremist views...and such people dont usually need "state" help to carry heinous acts out..
They find many sympathizers at the last minute all over in the many corridors of the many agencies.. both state..and foreign..or political parties and extremist-related "NGO's" to carry out such acts..
It usually doesn't take much more than just a "suggestion" to a man like Qadri..or Bhutto's killer..to carry out an attack.
Who gave the suggestion.. is the bigger question.

Well, I don't accuse Musharaf of this or anyone else as I do not know.

".its downright idiotic and ignorant to think that a woman of her stature would be ordered around to "get up and wave""

I did not know that this was floating in the circles but it is funny.

I liked your post. Musharaf and his government should be blamed for security loops but again, I don't think he is a killer/antagonist in this case.
As you can read for yourself Ms. Bhutto was NOT shot...she died from a concussion which broke a hole in her scull. Read the original posting.

There is no point or purpose posting untrue statements when the facts are in front of you on the printed page. Scotland Yard verified it was NOT a shot but shock wave from the bomb that threw her against the roof hatch opening which broke open her skull, killing her.

The focus here needs to be nailing down who set off or threw the bomb which killed 24 others on the scene and knocked her head into the roof hatch.

Firing shots did happen but that was not what hit nor killed Ms. Bhutto.

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