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Accountability of the Media? who will control anchors?

so the black sheep are present everywhere, only difference is that Indian journalist sell themselves in billions here in Pakistan journalist sell themselves against getting Plots in B***ia Town ;)
so the black sheep are present everywhere, only difference is that Indian journalist sell themselves in billions here in Pakistan journalist sell themselves against getting Plots in B***ia Town ;)

the word is Bahria town !
only a powerful, impartial and blind supreme court can control the media
one more thing I want to add about west, journalist have cross ethical limits, if you guys remember former editor of The Sun, Rebekah Brooks order to hack the cell phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler......

Media earned 19 Billion (1900 crore) via adertisements and Geo News earned 2.1 billion(2100 crore) ad revenue .: Gallup Pakistan
Yes their should be accountability of media and specially of those who are hosts of current affair programs but one news paper known as Express Tribune should be completely banned because that is completely junk and crap

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