What kind of nonsense argument is this ?
How is scraping the indus water treaty = to consume entire water ? ....are you retarded ?
China is no weakling looking for "excuse" to take care of its self interest. Unlike India, Chinese have a pair of balls and a strong SPINE that helps them take decision in their best interest.
Moral right to complain ?
.........what are you ? a 5 year old kid running to Mummy to 'Complain" about big bully china ? Pathetic.
"International community" is not a ethical or moral guardians
............they are vultures looking to prey on weak nations that come to them with 'complaints'. When will Indians grow beyond the caricature of spineless Nehru's.
How can pakistan screw us more than sending terrorists ? ....... what will you do ? send more dorssiors to 'international community' and cry like a baby ? .....complain to big daddy USA like MMS did ? Disgusting.
GROW UP, Find a pair of BALLS, try to find a Spine that is reasonably straight and stop crawling in fear off 'international community' and big bully 'China'.