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AAP sets 1-week delivery plan to fulfil radical promises

Most of the Aam Admi is the culprits and thieves have elected thieves.

Take Damini/Nirbhaya case for example
it was the refusal of the dozens of auto rickshaw that let to rape those all autowallas were Aam Admi, The 6 dalits who gang rape her were also Aam Admi, On a busy the traffic road the cars, autos, buses, bikes that were traveling while ignoring the n@ked bodies of that girl - boys and not stopping to help were also Aam Admi.

Aam Admi just looks for his personal and temporary benefit but noot of the nation.

Populism can't build a strong nation.

We need leaders who can kick this aam admi and make India progress, it is the same aad admi who protest agnst the land aquisition for IIT in Haryana or a nuclear plant in TN or a dam in Maharastra.

And its the sama eAad admi who weeps saying there is no power or water or education instritues.

From where u will get power when ur the people who protested against power plant.

From where u will get higher education when ur the people who protested against IIT.

From where u will get water when ur the people who protested against a dam.
Most of the Aam Admi is the culprits and thieves have elected thieves.
Take Damini/Nirbhaya case for example it was the refusal of the dozens of auto rickshaw that let to rape those all autowallas were Aam Admi, The 6 dalits who gang rape her were also Aam Admi, On a busy the traffic road the cars, autos, buses, bikes that were traveling while ignoring the n@ked bodies of that girl - boys and not stopping to help were also Aam Admi.

Aam Admi just looks for his personal and temporary benefit but noot of the nation.

Populism can't build a strong nation.

We need leaders who can kick this aam admi and make India progress, it is the same aad admi who protest agnst the land aquisition for IIT in Haryana or a nuclear plant in TN or a dam in Maharastra.

And its the sama eAad admi who weeps saying there is no power or water or education instritues.

From where u will get power when ur the people who protested against power plant.

From where u will get higher education when ur the people who protested against IIT.

From where u will get water when ur the people who protested against a dam.

many of ur points are 100% true,there is no doubt.

maybe in power,they will realize all these things were a mistake and just focus on governance and not populism

to know for sure we must see what they do in delhi after coming to power,if they do
u have made it amply clear with ur posts
no need to hide it,some ppl just can't see good in anything accept whom they like.

sorry to say but even though i will vote for modi in lok sabha even he has many flaws just like AAP is also flawed in its socialist principles which i hate.
other than that they are fine,,they fought elections without money power and alcohal.can u say the same for bjp or congress??

Apparently, most of the members on PDF knows that I support NaMo for PM & in delhi elections, I voted for BJP. However, you are assuming too much...:drag: I appreciate the person/Party whomsoever does good for Delhi or my country.

AAP should not form Govt. at this moment. It is not right time, as it will take at least 1 to 1.5 year to give results for AAP and the Congress after 6-7 months will not only claim that all the promises made by AAP are not workable but also try to expose AAP the promises made by AAP is only to influence delhi voters and to get hold on the State Assembly. Cong will not wait even for 6 months. They will simply submit a letter to LG of no support next day. LG will ask to prove the majority. The main aim of both BJP as well as Cong. is to keep engage AAP into DELHI only. We can wait for next 6 months and can bear the burden of another elections as we are since independence.
Apparently, most of the members on PDF knows that I support NaMo for PM & in delhi elections, I voted for BJP. However, you are assuming too much...:drag: I appreciate the person/Party whomsoever does good for Delhi or my country.

AAP should not form Govt. at this moment. It is not right time, as it will take at least 1 to 1.5 year to give results for AAP and the Congress after 6-7 months will not only claim that all the promises made by AAP are not workable but also try to expose AAP the promises made by AAP is only to influence delhi voters and to get hold on the State Assembly. Cong will not wait even for 6 months. They will simply submit a letter to LG of no support next day. LG will ask to prove the majority. The main aim of both BJP as well as Cong. is to keep engage AAP into DELHI only. We can wait for next 6 months and can bear the burden of another elections as we are since independence.

that makes sense
--Arvind is getting ambitious day by day...he is taking help of cheap populistic ..e.g legallizing all illlegal colonies...he will be a bigger disaster than Maya + Mulayam combine
well as a dilli wala myself and a 4th gen jansanghi/BJP person of a political family my assesment is that

1.AAP was a revolution which went to fight elections way too earli it should have weighted at least 5 years but congress and left had already planted there sympathysisers in AAP leadership and they went ahead and got very good results for a political greenhorne

2. what congress wanted/helped (with exsessive media covereage) to AAP to do they did more than that and biggest jolt they gave to INC & BSP was taking away there traditshional vote bank while BJP was able to retain most of its voters

3.Kejrival never wanted to form govt and wanted to do construktive opposition from the day one thats why they made such unrealistick claims and now INC wants to entrap AAP in its own game

4.AAP will loose all it gained if they form Govt in delhi and thats why INC is bullish for AAP govt in delhi while BJP is playing a watching game and will open its cards at appropriate moment and has already told its cadre to gear up for next assamblli elections

it will get realli interesting in next weak and media is very happy as it has plenty to talk and annylise :drag:
After a while you realize that putting your actions where your mouth is makes you less likely to have to put your money where your mouth is. Time for AAP to reciprocate success with action... hope they do a good job of it!
Coming from the New Delhi constituency during elections everyone in my neighborhood voted for Kejriwal. But the recent stand of AAP on formation of Govt has not gone down well with the people. If you have the support of Congress why not take it and set things in motion for whatever time you maybe in power. Start with conducting Audits of Discoms. All this delay surely is not going down well with the public.

The problem (at least as far as I understood it so far) is, that once the AAP would be dependent on the Congress party, which actually were seen as the bad once with all the scams and corruption. So they would have to team up with a partner that they actually oppose.
On the other side, I think it was easier to make promises during elections, when you don't actually think that you could get into power and need to take responsibility and not that they are, they can't do things as they want, but have to compromise with the congress. That is politics! To take responsibility and rule with allies or partners and find compromises if needed.

3.Kejrival never wanted to form govt and wanted to do construktive opposition from the day one thats why they made such unrealistick claims and now INC wants to entrap AAP in its own game

What do you mean with constructive opposition?
The problem (at least as far as I understood it so far) is, that once the AAP would be dependent on the Congress party, which actually were seen as the bad once with all the scams and corruption. So they would have to team up with a partner that they actually oppose.
On the other side, I think it was easier to make promises during elections, when you don't actually think that you could get into power and need to take responsibility and not that they are, they can't do things as they want, but have to compromise with the congress. That is politics! To take responsibility and rule with allies or partners and find compromises if needed.

You are right. And moreover its a game being played by the congress party to jump on AAP as and when they fail to deliver on the promises. As the promises they have made are just too good to be true hence you see each and every congress leader asking them to form the Govt.

From both Angles AAP is screwed. If they take support of congress BJP would jump on them and call them traitors. And congress would do the same if they fail to deliver on the promises. And yes i think AAP was not expecting to be in this kind of a situation and from the very beginning their stand was to not ally with any of the parties and sit in the opposition. Now that they have been forced to get into coalition they have no choice but to form the Govt. But still people are hopeful they would atleast fulfill some of the promises and everyone is of the opinion that they should form the Govt.
and from the very beginning their stand was to not ally with any of the parties and sit in the opposition.

But isn't the AAP to blame here? I mean, it all started as a movement with Anna Hazare and all, but when they went on to form a "political party", shouldn't they also had the responsibility to have an idea about what to do "IF" they get the chance to rule?
It is too simple to say, we only get into government when we have the majority of votes. When you form a party, you need to be able to give the people who voted for you, at least anykind of vison how you would rule and not only give promises for what you would do in the best possible scenario (majority).
I find it very interesting that India might have a strong 3rd option to vote and some of the principles and ideas of the AAP could really change India, but I'm not sure if they have the maturity of being a responsible political party and not only want to be a protest party. Lets see...
Free water supply. Legalise all the illegal colonies. Give flats to slum dwellers. WTF is this? Who is going to pay for this bs?
But isn't the AAP to blame here? I mean, it all started as a movement with Anna Hazare and all, but when they went on to form a "political party", shouldn't they also had the responsibility to have an idea about what to do "IF" they get the chance to rule?
It is too simple to say, we only get into government when we have the majority of votes. When you form a party, you need to be able to give the people who voted for you, at least anykind of vison how you would rule and not only give promises for what you would do in the best possible scenario (majority).
I find it very interesting that India might have a strong 3rd option to vote and some of the principles and ideas of the AAP could really change India, but I'm not sure if they have the maturity of being a responsible political party and not only want to be a protest party. Lets see...

Exactly and this is the very thing people now are debating in news channels and everywhere else. And i don't want to sound foolish but some rumors are going around in Delhi that AAP is indeed the B team of congress. My friends who are very close with the BJP thoroughly believe that AAP was formed to eat into BJP votes as Congress was never coming back in Delhi. I have to say they did cut BJP votes and AAP is the only reason why BJP does not have a clear mandate.

If you see the rift b/w Anna ji and Kejriwal i go a step closer to believe what my friends(BJP) have to say about AAP. But not a convincing feeling. And sure AAP went way to far with their manifesto by claiming 50% reduction in bills and provision of 700L of water every month. Time will only tell how it pans out.
I'm jus worried About aravind's tall claim of reducing electricity bills by 50% won't affect our almost uninterrupted 24 hours power supply in Delhi. :eek:

I'm also wondering from where he'll generate revenue to deliver his promises.
Exactly and this is the very thing people now are debating in news channels and everywhere else. And i don't want to sound foolish but some rumors are going around in Delhi that AAP is indeed the B team of congress. My friends who are very close with the BJP thoroughly believe that AAP was formed to eat into BJP votes as Congress was never coming back in Delhi. I have to say they did cut BJP votes and AAP is the only reason why BJP does not have a clear mandate.

If you see the rift b/w Anna ji and Kejriwal i go a step closer to believe what my friends(BJP) have to say about AAP. But not a convincing feeling. And sure AAP went way to far with their manifesto by claiming 50% reduction in bills and provision of 700L of water every month. Time will only tell how it pans out.

But pushing the AAP is not really a benefit for the Congress, since they lost even more votes to the AAP out of protest too. If there would have been only Congress and BJP, they might had lost, but not to such a big extend or? And with the big election coming, a small loss in Delhi would be still better wrt PR, that this huge loss they got now don't you think?
Not really sure about this theory.
I feel that the current verdict in Delhi polls have put AAP in a catch-22 situation. If they don't form a Govt, they're accused as a disruptive nuisance which harmed BJP's chances and on the other hand, if they form a Govt with the outside support of Congress, they're seen as reneging on their pre-poll principles.

I feel AAP MUST be given a chance to prove themselves at Governance. To those who're worrying about how AAP will generate funds, leave the matter to the former IRS officer! It's AAP's headache, and should they fail on most of their promises, Delhiites know what to do the next time around.
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