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Aafia Siddique maybe Released Soon . Thanks to IK

although I find this hard to believe

but if it is done, IK will become a hero

I hope it is true
Which doctor is Pakistan sacrificing in return?
Interesting point. I am a little on the fence about this whole matter. Even after her release she should be kept in constant observation. Considering her intellectual and technical capabilities and previously shown intent. By no means I am suggesting anything malicious, but keep a close eye on her after release so that she does not dis appear and then later something really bad comes out of this situation.
There is a rumor that Afia Siddique will be exchanged with an Israeli pilot (the said second pilot caught during Pak-India skirmishes last month), and she will be freed in the second half of March.
Which doctor is Pakistan sacrificing in return?
Now here someone is trying to open the Pandora Box. Dr. Shakeel Afridi, the CIA Operative who helped U.S in killing Osama Bin Laden, apparently?

Alas! as a Nation we never learned from our Past Mistakes or will we ever?
I don't care. Terrorist is a terrorist. What was she doing in afganistan. She has relation with terrorist organization, In past ISIS and others also demanded release of her in exchange of prisoner. They also shed tears day & night for her release. How much she is important for them.
If it’s true then Pakistan would be trading shakeel afraid for her. Is it a good trade?
The simpletons need to understand that the entire story of her abduction and shooting a marine during investigation was all made up.

She should be returned to where she belongs.
I don't care. Terrorist is a terrorist. What was she doing in afganistan. She has relation with terrorist organization, In past ISIS and others also demanded release of her in exchange of prisoner. They also shed tears day & night for her release. How much she is important for them.
She was captured by Pakistani forces from Pakistan, not from Afghanistan ...

Her actual involvement in any crime was never proven and it was just intellignece report that she was a courier i.e. used to transfer information and material ...

Her actual crime on which she was sentenced that she shot a US military person with M4 during interrogation ... Now my simple questions ...

  1. How a woman can snatch M4 from a military person? Is she a woman capable of wrestling ?
  2. Even if she somehow able to snatched, how the hell she was able to load it , it takes time
  3. How the hell it could be a murder attempt when she was abducted illegally from pakistan and she was retaliating against her abduction
If it’s true then Pakistan would be trading shakeel afraid for her. Is it a good trade?

No its not true, chakeel afridi has nothing to do with it
For what ? Even if she is convicted then she had done a crime in Pakistan, why she is sentenced in US? Dont you find something fishy here ?

She kill American Soldiers, and turn out America is Super Power .. she has a lot to answer for .
She kill American Soldiers, and turn out America is Super Power .. she has a lot to answer for .
She did not killed any American soldier ... She was convicted of attempted murder and not murder ...

She is charged with attempted murder using an M4 of investigation officer ... First of all which investigation officer bring in M4 for investigation? then a lady of below average strength was able to snatch M4 from a soldier .. woww ... and then in investigation room in presence of 2 military person she snatched, loaded and fired an M4 ... Must be quicker than bruce lee ...

ALl these acquisitions don't add up
She did not killed any American soldier ... She was convicted of attempted murder and not murder ...

She is charged with attempted murder using an M4 of investigation officer ... First of all which investigation officer bring in M4 for investigation? then a lady of below average strength was able to snatch M4 from a soldier .. woww ... and then in investigation room in presence of 2 military person she snatched, loaded and fired an M4 ... Must be quicker than bruce lee ...

ALl these acquisitions don't add up

in her case a lot of things don't add up .. so we should stay away from her its not good for Pakistan ,i am sure Americans have plenty of evidence against her even if Pakistan start any effort to release her, we will be presented with evidence .
in her case a lot of things don't add up .. so we should stay away from her its not good for Pakistan ,i am sure Americans have plenty of evidence against her even if Pakistan start any effort to release her, we will be presented with evidence .
I don't agree
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